Part of USS Columbia: Too Many Pieces and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Let it Go

June 2401
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Nitala and Jacoby were at the top watching the others below as they began to search for technology they could retrieve so they don’t fall into the wrong hands. It seemed like things were going very slowly as she pulled her mask over her face as it was getting more cold out than before. “How’s it going down there?” Nitala said through comms so they would be able to hear her.

“Well if you like being down a hole and staring into the remains of a Borg ship then everything is just fine” Talibah snidely replies. “Well since we are down here, let’s see what we can find.” as she enters the remains of what once was a Borg ship. “ Any ideas on what we should be looking for? Besides the occasional Drone piece or two?”

Tav kept glancing back and forth between his tricorder and the remains of the Borg’s vessel. “Honestly, I can’t tell what anything is. Seems like one of those times when a senior officer’s experience might be necessary, but the mission is too boring to warrant their attention, you know? I’m just going to start removing the first thing I see that looks even remotely intact.” With that, Tav plunged through the hole in the Borg hull. He didn’t have to go far before he ran into some recognizable equipment. Anyone who had seen the vids of Locutus at Wolf 359 would recognize it. Walls upon walls of drone recharging stations made up the background of that recording. Of course, this was only a single station, and it didn’t have a drone inside. But it looked relatively unscathed from the crash, so Tav started disconnecting some of the hardware.

“An alcove is an alcove, seen one seen them all, there has got to be more.” Talibah walked further into the dark hallway going past Tav. 

Talibah walked several meters farther into the cave bypassing several more alcoves. Till she came up with a small room that her tricorder had led her to. As her lights played across the icy surfaces, they finally landed on what looked like some console. “Now this is what I’m talking about,” she said as she reached for her tool bag. 

“That console could be promising,” Jeden said as she stepped up beside Talibah as she finished brushing the snow off of a black box of some sort. “I don’t see any external damage, well to the point it doesn’t appear to have exploded…”

“Well, do we try for it in one piece or should we just focus on the main processing unit?” Talibah asked as she started to work on disconnecting it from the wall.

They continued to scavenge the wreckage finding any Borg tech they felt would be bad falling into the wrong hands. They would each take breaks within the shuttle to warm up as the weather seemed to get colder as time passed on. After they got all that they needed and loaded them on the shuttle they set off for the Columbia, Nitala was glad that this away mission was over as she wasn’t sure how much more of the cold she could take. The nervousness while working on getting the Borg tech made her even more nervous as anything could have gone wrong at any moment. She watched out of the window as the shuttle began to break orbit, looking at the planet below before she looked to where the Columbia had been sitting.