Part of USS Jaxartes: Ripples on the water and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Part C: Status update

Borg Cube 4738
June Mission Day 2: 07:20
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Status Update

Emergency Command Status:    Active

Designation Command Node One:    Active

Communication Link:    Severed

Resonance Signal:    None functional

Structural Integrity:    17.87%

Repair Time:    1764.2 Hours at current capacity.

Transwarp:    Inoperative

Warp:    30% Efficiency


Additional Information:

Cascade failure: Sections 107, 108, 109, 231 and 418.

None compliant units terminated.

New vessel detected. Type Raven Class. Threat level minimal.

Continue acquisition.   


He had once been human; many years ago.  Some may have even called him handsome, though the features that once made him stand out had long since been covered by Borg implants. The blonde hair was all gone. The dazing blue eyes had turned cold and dark, or at least the one he still possessed had.  The sun-tanned skin had become grey and leathery. Now he looked almost indeterminable from any of the other drones within this cube.

When the cube had been heavily damaged due to a fluctuation in the Transwarp conduit it had been travelling along; the link with the collective had been lost.  Of the 92 thousand drones aboard Cube 4738; 85% had either been destroyed or shutdown due to loss of power in their section of the vessel.

Several units had displayed independent thinking upon reactivation and those drones had been dealt with swiftly to avoid the spread of none compliance.

This unit had been part of Matrix 27 up until that point, but with connection to the collective lost; a unit would be required to take temporary control and connect directly to the Vinculum.  He had been selected for the simple reason that this sector of space had once been his home and as such he still retained retrievable data with which to guide the cube as it searched for replacement units, resources and technology with which to make the needed repairs.

The first Federation ship they had encountered had been easy to deal with.  It had been a Maranda Class.  Old and far from a challenge in combat for any Cube; even one in a heavily damaged state, such as this one.  That coupled with the fact, as a human he had served aboard a vessel of this class and therefore had knowledge regarding the quickest and most efficient way to deal with it.

Just over 14 years ago he had been known as Lieutenant Mark Jefferson, Assistant Chief Engineer of the USS Trinity, now his designation was ‘Node One’ and he was in command of Borg Cube 4738.


  • This is such a great post. I love getting into the heads of one of the Borg and the way you've written how he thinks. It's very cold and factual and that last little nugget is a great teaser. Can't wait to find out more!

    October 31, 2023
  • Oh nice introduction of a Borg side of the story. It is also a great build up towards the drone and explaining the characteristics that made the drone who it is, but also what he was and how he potentially looked like. Great work on this post! It adds great value to the overall story <3

    October 31, 2023