Part of USS Triumph: No Designation and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

3 – No Designation

USS Saratoga
June 2401
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Ritru was in her shared quarters with her partner sitting on the sofa while T’Prel prepared their dinner. It had been a long day and she just wanted to relax, she just finished sharing the news. Ritru noticed that she had paused what she was working on and looked over at her. For a Vulcan that didn’t show emotion, one could notice a glimmer of concern written all over her face.

“Do you think that is wise?” T’Prel asked.

Ritru worked her jaw for a brief moment before shrugging. “Do I think it is wise? Not particularly but it is what the Commodore has ordered.” Ritru let out a sigh as she stared towards the window that was facing her. “Though it was probably my big mouth that got me the assignment,” she added.

“What do you mean?”

Ritru adjusted in the seat looking at T’Prel, “I had to open my mouth and suggest that I would contact Commander Torath of the IRW Aldore. To see if he is willing to assist with this operation.” Ritru replied as she blew air out of her cheeks. “She felt that having a familiar face there would go a long way.”

“That seems logical,” T’Prel replied as she continued preparing their meal.

“It might seem logical but I am still not sure I like it,” Ritru retorted as she rose from the couch she was sitting on and walked over to the window. Looking out thinking she watched the many ships come and go from the station. “This mission will not be easy, and very risky especially if our cover is blown before we can stop the operation and confiscate the Borg technology.”

“There are always risks in any mission we undertake,” T’Prel said as she placed the dishes on the dining room table. “We are pretty good at overcoming those obstacles, I am sure you all will do the same with this new task,” T’Prel said, trying to give her sound advice.

Ritru walked over to the table after noticing that dinner was finished. Taking a seat she glanced at her. “I know,” is all that she could say even though Ritru knew that her wife was correct in her assessment of the situation. “You cooked my favorite,” Ritru commented after just noticing it.

“You are welcome,” replied T’Pel as they both began to eat. “When do you leave?”

“Tomorrow,” said Ritru as she took a bite of her food, savoring the flavor as if it would probably be a while before she’d have another home-cooked meal. Though she still had thoughts about what lay ahead she tried her best to put those aside and enjoy the evening. “How was your day?”

“It was adequate,” T’Prel said. “Just had a couple of meetings with the engineers going over some much-needed upgrades to the ship’s systems.”

“Sounds like an eventful day,” said Ritru after having finished her meal. Getting up from the chair and grabbing her plate she set it in the replicator for recycling. T’Prel had done the same. “Thank you for the lovely dinner.”

T’Prel nodded before seeing Ritru turn around and face her, leaning and giving her a long kiss. “I love you,” Ritru stated before going in for another kiss which was reciprocated. Walking into the living area she worked her jaw for a moment while looking at the time. “I better go make that call,” Ritru said with a sigh.

“Indeed,” T’Prel replied.

She rolled her eyes with a smile before she walked into the office where she sat down at the desk. Tapping the controls on the console she requested a secure channel to the IRW Aldore. Now she waited for Commander Torath to answer her call which didn’t seem to take all that long.

“Jolan Tru Ritru,” Torath said with a smile.

Jolan Tru Torath,” Ritru replied with a smile. “I hope I am not disturbing you at this late hour.”

“Of course not,” Torath said with a grin.

“How are things going over on Rhijun?” Ritru asked as she wanted to see how things were going before getting into the real reason for the call.

“Things are still rocky at best but better than they were,” Torath said. “Though I doubt you called me just to see how things were going,” Torath added as she could see that he had seen right through her which caused her to let out a chuckle.

“You got me,” Ritru replied. “There is something I would like to discuss with you,” said Ritru.

“Oh, what would that be?”

Ritru began to explain the situation to him, at least what he needed to know at that moment the rest would come from Captain Tilana. This caused Torath to raise his eyebrow a few times throughout the conversation. “Would you be willing to help us out in this operation?” 

Torath sat there for a moment in silence. Ritru could see through the expression on his face that he was probably thinking about what was being requested of him. The crew of the Saratoga did help them out during the fall of the Star Empire and gave them sound advice when it came to joining the Republic or remaining independent. However, they ultimately chose to join the Republic in the end. Then a few months later the crew of the Gagarin helped them with the Terrellian Plague crisis they were dealt. “If the Triumph were to drop into orbit, that would tip them off. That someone tipped Starfleet off about this auction and take it elsewhere.” Ritru broke the silence as well as pleading their need for his assistance.

“You have made a compelling argument that I can’t even argue with,” Torath began with a smile. “You will have our assistance,” came his answer.

“Wonderful,” Ritru replied with a grin as she sent him the coordinates for where they would rendezvous. “I just sent you the coordinates to where we would rendezvous with you. The Triumph is scheduled to depart at 0800 hours tomorrow morning,” Ritru stated. The coordinates were within the old Romulan Neutral Zone between Starbase 93 and Gateway Station.

“I got the coordinates we will be waiting for your arrival,” Torath said with a smile.

“Thank you,” Ritru said with a soft smile.

“You are welcome. Jolan Tru Ritru,” Torath said before ending the channel.

“Jolan Tru Torath,” she said even though it was a blank screen. She sat back in her chair letting out a huge sigh of relief. Ritru sat there for a few more minutes just looking at the empty screen before deciding to head out of the office and back into the living room.

T’Prel sat on the couch reading a book when she noticed the doors to the office open to reveal Ritru walking out. “How did it go?” T’Prel asked, setting the book down on her lap.

“Went better than I expected,” Ritru said as she walked over to where she was and sat down next to her. “They are willing to assist in this operation,” Ritru added with a smile.

“That is good news,” T’Prel replied.

Ritru nodded as she laid her head on her shoulder looking in the direction of the window. She knew that she would need to turn in for the night as she had to get up early tomorrow to head over to the Triumph. T’Prel seemed to be in line with her needs as they both stood up from the couch and headed off to bed. Though they didn’t immediately fall asleep but instead spent some time reading together before turning in for the night.


  • Ahh the pieces are placed on the board, but I can understand Ritru holding back her happiness about the joint operation with the Republic. It is a gamble they are taking, yet I do look forward to its development in the mission as it can decide the future mission if this trust is broken after all. Thought it is also nice to see Ritru personal life with T'Prel and their relationship. Wonderful post!

    October 29, 2023
  • The dialogue between T’Prel and Ritru was solid. I was particularly impressed with how you wrote T’Prel, staying true to Vulcan emotional control, yet conveying feeling nonetheless. As for Torath, he seemed to agree rather quickly. It makes me wonder if there is more at play, or if he really does just feel indebted to the Saratoga and the Gagarin. In time, we shall see!

    October 30, 2023
  • When you can’t go in your own ship, you go in style! And also use as a chance to call back to previous stories as well! I’m looking forward to seeing the Aldore once more. Ritru and T’Prel are as always an interesting pairing that works despite how they sound like they shouldn’t at first glance. And your writing of T’Prel really did capture the Vulcan essence for me. Spot on there! Shame we won’t get to see more of her it seems.

    November 3, 2023
  • This is such a great piece, with such a good bit of character dev between T'Prel and Ritru. The fact that Ritru missed that her favorite dish was cooking was a great subtle nod to how distracted she was with concern about the mission. It's such a good back and forth. I also loved that the Romulan commander went right to the chase haha. There was a good familiarity there that really made that scene work. Loving this all so far :D

    November 4, 2023