Part of USS Seattle: Even Better Than The Real Thing

Free to fly the crimson sky

USS Seattle
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[USS Seattle – Holodeck 1]


In holodeck 1 they had also realized that they could no longer raised the computer but given that they were in nineteenth century earth they did not feel any rush other than the pair of them made up the strategic operations department (the full department) they were given to worry. It was hard for them not to imagine some disaster was not befalling the ship, but there was nothing they could do about it. Other than play golf, which they did.

”Why did we pick golf if none of us had played it before?” Lieutenant Eleanor Dorian asked, wacking the ball down the eighteenth fairway.

Lieutenant Claudia Jara replied, “You saw a picture of it and thought it looked fun.”

“Too bad Kan switched Holodecks and went to play the spy game,” Eleanor said. The security chief had started out with them but after one hole, and before they had gotten locked in had switched rooms. 

“Too bad there’s no single girls on this ship who wanted to join us for golf,” Jara said.

”Or anyone,” Dorian agreed. 

“It’s a dumb sport.”

They fell silent and finished off the hole, and then as if by magic the archway appeared, indicating that they were no longer lost. As they stepped out into the USS Seattle’s hallway Lieutenant James Young and a team of engineers ran up out of breath.

”I think something is wrong with the computer,” Jara said, “It wasn’t working when we were golfing.”

Out of breath Young nodded, “It’s… an… alien god thing….”

”Ah,” Dorian said, “We’d better go catch up on what’s happening.”



[Captain’s Ready Room]


As the two women, still clad in nineteenth century clothing sat in the Ready Room the Captain brought them up to speed on what had been going on. It was a lot, and some of it was still unknown thanks to the fact that the USS Casanova was still in negotiations with the powerful alien entity down on the planet who had clearly been behind all of this. Again it seemed that what they had done was impossible, and if it was some kind of technology that was beyond the Federation at this point then it had been used to accomplish something that was fundamentally useless. Or at least by their understanding.

As they were talking Lieutenant Young communicated, letting them know that the second holodeck had returned and now all of the crew was accounted for. The ship was whole again, and more importantly nobody seemed to be hurt or worse. Captain Nathanial Hawthorne breathed a sigh of relief as he sank into his chair.

Addressing his two Strategic Operations crew members he nodded, “There’s not much for you to do, I understand that the Casanova’s captain is back to being an Andorian and not a balloon. So that leaves them to finish up their survey though given what’s happened I think Starfleet is just going to put a big ‘Don’t Go Here” sign up and leave the system alone.”

Looking from his desk through the window at the planet below the Captain was quiet for a moment, then he spoke again. 

”Not much else for you, but we’ll be going to Deep Space 17 to pick up new science teams and transfer some personnel off, so not a lot to do until we receive out next assignment,” he said, “Until then we’ll continue offering the protection we can to the Casanova.”

The two women nodded. Had they known what was going on on the ship while they were golfing they would have been more worried, not that there would have been anything they could do. Like the Captain and First Officer they’d have been helpless and at the mercy of the mysterious and powerful aliens on the planet’s surface that the Casanova’s away team was dealing with. The Seattle was just for protection, making the Nova Class ship less appealing to potential attackers. 

Lieutenant Dorian looked at Lieutenant Jara as they arrived at their small office, “I’ll start on the mapping our way to Deep Space 17, you do a risk assessment of the way there.”

Jara nodded, “Well this was a weird mission. Hopefully we get to be more useful next time.”