Part of USS Columbia: Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Make Hay While The Sun Shines – The End

Villam Four
Stardate: 78344.8
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“Captain’s log stardate seven-eight-three-four-four point eight. The Columbia’s work at Villam Four over the last few days has ended successfully. The science station is up and running, the food crisis has been resolved, and the weather system has been dealt with. The last of the colonists who were suffering from malnourishment are being treated in the local hospitals. We have been invited by the colony’s governor to join the people of Villam Four for their celebrations with the Month of Forage.”

Ensign Bollwyn was moving through the large area the colonists had set up for their festivities. Though the weather was colder, the sun was shining down on them. The festivities for the Month of Forage had not been postponed thanks to the crew of the Columbia. He felt a sense of pride that his work, his small contribution, made a difference. 

The festivities reminded him of a similar event back home on Ventax when the farmers collected the crops ready to be harvested and sold in the nearby markets. He had often worked on his parents’ ranch, working early mornings and late evenings. Then, once everything was done, there was always an enormous feast that his parents cooked to celebrate the work. 

Numerous stands had been put up where a range of food was being prepared for anyone to help themselves. The Grazerites were generous people, and anyone from the Columbia was warmly welcomed to join any table to enjoy the food and drink they had on offer.  For now, he was pretty content in wandering around. Stuffing his hands into his jacket, he had opted not to wear his uniform. Wearing comfortable civilian clothes felt more appropriate in his eyes. He didn’t join Starfleet to be treated like a king by his fellow citizens. 

As he moved among the crowns, his eyes fell on a few familiar bodies that weren’t Grazerities. Instead, he saw his fellow lower-deck crewmates. 

Talibah sat with a group of children of various ages as the girls showed her how to weave flower crowns, and the boys all wanted to be seen with an officer of the starship as each one tried to one-up the others and be the one to gain her attention with questions and stories. 

Walking over, Bollwyn approached Mahmoud, “Looks like you’ve got the festive spirit here, Talibah,” He said, smirking at her. 

Mahmoud looked up at Bollwyn with a flower crown on her head and a large smile. “How could you not? The people here are just wonderful and have welcomed us with open arms. Enjoy the day that you have today, as you never know what tomorrow brings.”

Bollwyn agreed with that sentiment and sat down to join her in the creative task she was doing with the children.

Nitala was standing off to the side, watching everyone move about, chatting amongst each other and grabbing some of the lovely food. Feeling awkward in social settings like this, she wasn’t sure what her next step would be; her fellow crewmembers seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Jeden couldn’t help but smile as she enjoyed the celebrations taking place all around her. Listening to a group of musicians play, she slowly swayed to the rhythm of the music as she thought back on her time on Villum Four. 

She had to admit this was not what she had expected from her first mission on the Columbia, well, the end of it anyway. However, she had to admit the establishment of the new research base had been more exciting than she had hoped when those shark-like creatures showed up. Thinking about it, she couldn’t help but laugh as she recalled Francis complaining afterwards that the creatures had scared away the smaller fish he had wanted to eat. As she laughed, she drew the attention of one of the locals who was pushing around a cart with one of the local brews, “Would you like one, miss?”

Jeden looked around and shrugged, “I would love one.” As she took it, she noticed another ensign, one she hadn’t met yet, standing to the side, “Make it two.” She picked up the two glasses and skipped, her autumn-coloured dress flowing around her, over to the solitary ensigned, “Hey, I don’t think we have been introduced; I am Sonia Jeden.” As she did, she handed one of the glasses to the young Romulan. “Would you like a glass?”

She looked at the young woman who greeted her and gave a small, nervous smile. “Nitala,” she replied as she looked at her. She looked at the second glass that Jeden was carrying and offered her, “I would thank you.” Nitala said as she took the glass and took a sip. “This is a lovely gathering,” she commented, trying her best to attempt to make conversation that wasn’t work-related.

“It really is,” Jeden said as she looked around. She took a sip of the drink and then eyed it, “Sweeter than I was expecting, but not bad.” Taking another sip, she looked back at Nitala, “Have you been on the Columbia long? I arrived just on this mission and then spent most of it underwater at the research station. How about you?”

“I just arrived at the beginning of this mission as well,” Nitala replied as she had to agree that the drink was sweet and good. “I assisted with updates to the weather systems, which seem to be working really well,” she added as she looked at her for a moment before back at the crowd, who were talking amongst themselves and enjoying the festivities.

Jeden smiled at that, “Have to say the weather does seem lovely.  Job well done!” Jeden looked around at the crowd then back to Nitala, “What do you say we go find some others to celebrate with? It is a party, after all!”

“Sure,” she replied with a soft smile as they both headed off to find some of the others.