Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Mission 2

Different size, same patients

Various Locations
April 2401
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Operational standards were almost normal, and people resumed their daily duties. However, the bitter taste of what had happened recently was still sinking its teeth into the emotions of every single member of Starbase Bravo. The medical department had its hands full to get every junior officer cleared from the infected Borg DNA alternation as Security kept everything in check. But one department was deeper into the rabbit hole than any other. The counselors were working to get people, from civilians to officers, back on their feet to process the traumatic experience. 

“All passengers from the USS Alaska, please make a line and keep your ID prepared. We will do our best to get you processed and grand your entrance as soon as possible. Thank you for being so cooperative” A security officer announced while walking before the counters addressing the large amount of new visitors. One of the visitors wore a traditional pink and yellow cloth over her head, and her long brown hair reached to her shoulders. The woman wore a teal jacket with the Starfleet symbol on her chest. The security officer stopped her. “Ma’am, please use the officer line” He waved to a shorter line as the woman nodded and walked to it carrying a duffle bag.

Waiting for the next was not taking as long as the civilian line. The woman moved forward and placed her ID on the counter. “Lieutenant Arwa el-Imam reporting for duty” She smiled at the security officer at the counter and waited as the man checked her ID.

“Lieutenant el-Imam, what brings you to Starbase Bravo?” 

“Reassignment” She answered with a soft nod placing her hands over each other while looking at the officer.

“What was your previous assignment?” 

“Counselor of Eos Outpost and interim Executive Officer” She shrugged a bit seeing the facial expression change “No need to pity me, Lieutenant. I chose that assignment myself” 

The man nodded at her and looked back at her credentials. “You are assigned to Starbase Bravo as the new Deputy Director of Counseling. No criminal records, no legal issues, and your luggage has been approved. Welcome to Starbase Bravo. You can find your office and working space at Sector Hotel-Turquoise. That is the main operational area for Medical personnel. Your clearance is updated on the computer mainframe. If you have a question, please get in touch with Command Aid or your direct supervisor” He slides the ID back to Arwa and smiled at her. 

Taking back the ID, Arwa gave a soft smile back at him. “Thank you, Lieutenant. I look forward to getting to know the base and help where possible. That also counts for you, of course. Feel free to enter the office of the counseling and we will gladly help you” 

The security officer nodded. “I will keep that in mind, please do enter” He waved to the entrance of the Starbase as Arwa took the directive and walked into the Starbase. The man glared over his shoulder seeing Arwa enter the base and then looked in front of him. “Next”

Sector Hotel-Turquoise

It took some guidance and pointing in the right direction, but Arwa wanted to get to her office immediately to see her working space. She had found it and gave a soft nod to people who had passed her. Doctors alike, people that were helping where and when possible. Her new adventure would be here on this starbase, taking her methods to new levels and gaining knowledge. Her experience from the USS Kennedy and Eos Outpost was difficult but an experience she would treasure today. 

Walking into the counseling area, she stopped and saw many people walking around. A main desk was right before her with some enlisted personnel sitting there. Walking to the desk, she smiled at the young woman “I am looking for the mmm office area for the counseling?” 

The petty officer looked up from her paper and smiled at her. “The office area for our department is on your left side” Pointing at her left side. “Is there anything I will be able to assist you with? Do you have an appointment with someone in the office or are you seeking a guiding session from one of our counselors? I can check our agenda?” 

Arwa shook her head. “No need. I am here to report for duty. My name is Lieutenant el-Imam, the new Deputy Director of Counseling. But I appreciate your assistance in guiding me” She looked toward the office. “Is the director present?”

“Oh my sincere apologies, I was not informed of your arrival, Lieutenant. Welcome to Starbase Bravo and the Counseling Department. I can say in my co-workers’ name that we look forward to working with you” The petty officer smiled calmly. “The director is not in now, but feel free to visit your office. It is straight to the last door on the right. Your name tag should be already on it ma’am” 

Nodding to her “Thank you for your welcome and information. I will go now and not keep you away from your duties” Arwa gave her a soft nod of appreciation and moved toward where the petty officer sent her. So this would be her new home, her new place to help people. Her first impression was already good, and she liked it quite a bit. Stopping for a second and looking at everyone working, this place was quite different from what she was used to at Eos Outpost. But change is good, and this new adventure was much needed.