Part of USS Tomcat: Just a Quick Spin Around the Block and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Life Happens

A not so random starbase
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Life Happens and then you adjust. It had been just over a year since life had necessitated Jonas’s move to the Starfleet Reserves. Finally, the issue had been resolved and it was time to get back to active duty. Jonas expected that he would be assigned to a staff position somewhere, but Starfleet had need of a captain for a recently refurbished Akira, the Tomcat so that’s what he got. Their mission profile would be general patrol duties and pirate hunting. There was enough trade, legitimate and illicit, in the area to warrant such a mission.


Jonas looked over the prospective roster for his crew on his ride to the starbase where the Tomcat was finishing up her refit. He realized that it wasn’t a prospective roster, it was the roster. He wouldn’t have time to change out the assigned crew, he would work with what he had. That wasn’t all bad, one of the worst parts about being the Captain was the mounds of administrative detail he had to complete. Starting with an assigned crew took one more item off his list. Anyway, it was a mix of the experienced and the newer. The Tomcat would be a good place for the experienced hands to train the newer members of his crew.

He was a pilot by training and used to taking situations head-on. Thankfully, Starfleet had given him a first officer, Erka Noari, who was more diplomatic. He would lean on her to provide less confrontational solutions to the problems they encountered. His security chief, a Caitian female named Cra’si, would provide ample tactical support. If her reputation was accurate, she could blast them out of any situation that Erka couldn’t talk them out of. Between Barq, the Tellerite engineer, and Rion Sarret, the Chief Operations Officer, they should be able to fix anything that breaks. Xonak, the Chief Medical officer should be able to patch up any injuries or mishaps. IF there’s anything they can’t figure out, Vage Taz, the Chief Science Officer should be able to enlighten the rest of us.


Jonas traveled light. In point of fact, he didn’t have a lot of possessions, his material goods would fit (and usually did) in a standard-issue footlocker. Anything else that he needed or wanted, he could replicate on demand. When he stepped off the transport, he knew that his belongings would make their way to the Tomcat. He wouldn’t bother getting a room on the starbase when he could stay on ‘his’ ship. He stopped off at the starbase’s admin department to sign for the ship. There wasn’t a current commanding officer for the Tomcat since she was just coming out of refurbishment.

Petty Officer 2nd Havey looked up from his desk when Jonas approached, “Can I help you, sir?”

Jonas focused on him and said, “I’m here to sign for my command.”

Havey tapped his console. “Commander Jonas Flanigan? for the USS Tomcat?”

“That’s correct.”

“Everything seems to be in order. Most of your crew is already aboard, the rest should be here within the week.”

Jonas nodded, “Excellent, Is there anything else I need to know?”

“Your first officer, Lieutenant Commander Erka Noari is already aboard and has things in hand.” Havey tapped his console a few more times, then handed Jonas a PADD. “If you’ll sign here,” He pointed at the signature area, “Then we’ll have the command codes transferred to you.”

Jonas scrawled his signature on the line and pressed accept.

Havey’s consoled beeped. “Congratulations, Sir, you now have command of the USS Tomcat. Best of luck with her.”

Jonas nodded, “Thank you.”


  • A wonderful introduction to Jonas and the crew of the USS Tomcat. It is great to read how Jonas is relaying on his crew on various duties that are beyond his own abilities, which is natural for every Starfleet Captain. I look forward to more adventures from the Tomcat, well done!

    October 6, 2023