Part of USS Anaheim (Archive): It’s A Beautiful Day


Starbase 72
2401 - June 1st
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[Starbase 72 – Private Suite Captain Hawthorne]


”Going already? I have a bunch of real Earth coffee if you want something to drink,” Captain Nathan Hawthorne said to the Commander as she adjusted her uniform’s collar. 

She tugged the wrinkles out and gave herself a once over in the mirror. Shaking her head Adriana Cruz replied, “No I have my meeting with Commodore Jalian about my reassignment. I’m hoping the São Paulo is looking for an XO.“

”That would be good. They were a useful partner In our last mission,” Hawthorne said, feeling generous. He thought that to be honest they were a bit too concerned with not getting their hands dirty and had left the hard and unsexy work work to the USS Anaheim. Still it was a solid posting for any new XO, the kind that could launch a career. He sat up in bed, “I meet with her later today. Good luck on the new assignment.”

Commander Cruz smiled, “Thanks. This was fun.”

With that his door hissed open and she was out into the hallway. Hawthorne lay back down and then after a spell got up and began making coffee and called his senior staff arranging a meeting for later that day.


[Starbase 72 – Conference Room 13]


Captain Hawthorne was wearing a shirt that said ‘Anaheim’ on the front. Most of the senior staff was in similar shirts or other bits of casual wear. He’d empathized when calling each of them that this was just a relaxed meeting and not to come in uniform. With the ship undergoing repairs most of the crew were now on leave and had been moved to the station as the work was progressing.

”A few things. First off Ensign Hume and Lieutenant Junior Grade Kolem are approved to attend a wedding this week on Venus. So they’ll be leaving us for a bit but should be back before the Anaheim’s next assignment. Lieutenant Young, your team will be supervising the repairs on the ship. Means that you’ve got to check in at least twice a day with the station team. Lieutenant Commander Tashai you’ll oversee our restock once we have our next assignment. The rest of you are basically on your own and on leave for now,” Captain Hawthorne said.

He reached behind him, “Now a happy announcement. I met with Commodore Jalian and based on our last mission have a few ranks to change. I know we’ve only had two missions together but we’ve done fantastic and two of our own are moving us. Hume, you’re being promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Here’s your pip, I’d pin it on you but we’re out of uniform. Kolem, you’re being promoted to a full Lieutenant, congratulations both of you, you did good last mission. Hume operating that defensive battery while under fire was brave and saved a lot of lives. Similarly Kolem’s reading of our enemy’s defensive weakness saved the Anaheim.“

The rest of the staff clapped as the two officers took their pips.

Just then the door slid open and Commodore Jalian entered followed by a brown haired Commander.

”Ah Anaheim people, just who I wanted to see. I have your new first officer, allow me to introduce Commander Adriana Cruz,” Commodore Jalian said.

Captain Hawthorne looked momentarily shaken, then smiled, “Hello Commander.”

The Commander similarly looked unnerved but also smiled, “Hello, I look forward to serving with you all.”

The Commodore smiled, “Commander, I trust you can make yourself at home. I will let you all bond.”

Exiting she left the Commander there with the rest of the Anaheim’s senior staff. Nobody seemed to notice the awkward tension between the Captain and his new XO save for Kolem who was looking back and forth between the two with a curious expression on her face.

Hurridely Captain Hawthorne said, “We should speak just us. I was just finishing up. Alright, anyone have any questions?”

”Where are you from?” Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer Thomas Winfield asked.

”Mexico City on Earth,” Commander Cruz said.

“Have you served on a medical ship before?” Doctor Mueller asked.

”No, I was in Strategic Operations, mostly on capital ships. This is a change,” the Commander confessed, “An unexpected one.”

Winfield grinned, “We’re Starfleet we roll with change. You’ll find you love it. The pilots are great.”

Chief Flight Control Officer Pr’Nor said, “He is using bravado, but I do concur, it is a well piloted ship.”

Doctor Mueller pointed out, “Our last XO was a doctor, and that was helpful getting our needs taken seriously.”

”Well, I’m not a doctor,” the Commander said.

”Your needs are taken seriously you’re the Chief Medial Officer on a medical ship. Now that’s enough, we’ll be having a party for Doctor McCleod tomorrow as a thank you for this work, and a good bye. The Commander is invited of course, you can all get to know her more there,” Captain Hawthorne said before thanking everyone again and then ushering out everyone but the Commander.

”I thought you were going to a Galaxy Class ship,” he said.

”So did I. But Commander Rushden turned down the promotion at the last minute and they slotted me here,” Cruz said, “Trust me I wouldn’t have done that if I knew you were going to be my Captain.”

”We have to tell the Commodore,” Captain Hawthorne said.

”No, look I just got promoted. I don’t need this on my record. We just… We didn’t do anything wrong, we weren’t working together last night, but now it’s platonic, we never mention it again or anything okay,” Cruz said.

Hawthorne nodded, there was more paperwork with his plan, “Okay.”

”You’re not even my type,” Cruz said.

”What’s your type? Galaxy Class captains?” Hawthorne shot back.

”Someone less scruffy and old,” Cruz said.

“Old and scruffy?” Hawthorne said.

”Yeah since we’re being frank,” Cruz said.

”You make it sound like I’m Admiral Picard.”

”You’re not Admiral Picard.”

“And you’re no Riker,” Hawthorne shot back.

Adriana glared at him, “Trying to be Riker is what got me into this mess.”

”I wanted to be Riker when I was a Commander too,” confessed Hawthorne.

Cruz nodded. 

“Look we should talk about the ship,” Hawthorne said.

Cruz nodded, “Do you have any more of that brandy?“

”Yeah,” the Captain said.

”Maybe we have it, just to unwind. Get over the shocks of today,” Cruz suggested stepping closer to him. Yelling at him had felt better than she expected, so did having him yell back. Life, she concluded was getting complicated fast.

”I thought I was old and scruffy,” he teased.

”I lied,“ she said, “I like old and scruffy.”

Then she kissed him, it was, she knew as she was doing it going to be a very bad idea.