Part of USS Anaheim: Between Two Disasters

Working to Relax

USS Anaheim - Ready Room / Starbase 72
2401 May -19th
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Nathan Hawkthorne’s Captain‘s Log: With our successful completion of the humanitarian efforts on Artagus IV Starfleet has again tasked us with cleanup, this time in an active zone of contention. Orion pirates have attacked a Federation colony and with the protection of the Galaxy class ship San Paulo we are to continue clean up efforts along with transporting a team of Starfleet Civil Engineers and doctors to ensure the colony’s reconstruction. While Starfleet doesn’t foresee us engaging in any combat this is a step up in responsibility for the ship, a sign that maybe this time this crew is doing something noticeable.

Since this is our second outing I will not be moving staff around at this time. I am however giving the crew two days on Starbase 72 to stretch their legs and enjoy themselves. In all likelihood this mission will be emotionally taxing as we deal with the aftermath of a deadly attack that’s already killed hundreds.


[USS Anaheim – Captain’s Ready Room]

On screen the from his pool the dolphin Chief Navigation Officer was finishing a series of clicks. The rest of the senior staff had to wait for the translation and then the Captain nodded, “If you can determine where the pirates are coming from do so. However that’s not our mission. Thank you.”

Disappointed Scchhttt’aaakkk accepted the news, and dove back under the water which Hawkthorne took as an excuse to move forward in his talk. The ready room was not suited to a full senior staff but he had wanted this to be quick so they had squished in, save for Lieutenant Scchhttt’aaakkk who he no longer made come up on bridge after the first time.

”Doctor Mueller and Lieutenant Commander Tashai will be in charge of this mission and their respective departments. They’ll also be liaisoning with Starfleet Medical and Civil Engineering with the teams we’ll be dropping off. Speaking of which Mister James, you’ll need an Assistant Chief by the time we get there. Send me a list of candidates,” Hawthorne said.

”Yes sir,” the bearded Chief Engineer said.

“The good news being that we’ll have forty-eight hours docked at Starbase 72 for loading things on. Other than the active duty officers I do encourage you and your teams to make use of the Starbase while we’re there,” Hawthorne said, adding, “Based on what the initial reports from the San Paulo have been it’s not pretty on the ground and this will be a taxing mission for us. Enjoy your downtime while you can. Any questions?”

There where none, and so the crew was dispersed back to their duties, as the California class ship headed towards Starbase. 


[Starbase 72 – Classics Theater]

“Okay I get why they’re fast but they didn’t seem particularly furious,” Lieutenant Junior Grade Yuhiro Kolem said. As Chief Councilor she had not much actual constructive work to do thus far, but she knew that given the scale of the destruction they would be facing on their next assignment there were some hard and sad conversations ahead. That was why the offer of two days of Starbase recreation had jumped out at her, the better headspace she was in the better she could do her job.

Hume laughed throwing the last tiny bits of popcorn in the nearest trash replicator which would disintegrate it to reuse in something else, like pants. He looked at the dark eyed half Bajoran, “I guess you have a point.”

Still in his duty uniform Hume blended in with the crew of the station, despite being from the Anaheim. Kolem wore a casual outfit, that included a branded t-shirt from the Anaheim with the ship’s name on the front and the Starfleet insignia on the sleeves. She had the feeling that together they vaguely looked like a cop arresting a civilian for rowdy behavior. 

”They have an arboretum, let’s go,” she said.

Hume had his misgiving so she sweetened the deal, “We could lay on the grass. Besides there’s no plant life aboard the Anaheim, none of us even have personal plants.”

”There’s a hydroponic bay,” Hume said.

”Arboretum, or I pull rank,” she said.

“Arboretum it is sir,” Hume said with a mock salute.

Kolem took his hand, “Shut up Ensign.”

Kolem had been born on Mars so she was used to the kinds of varieties of plants that tended to get prioritized in an unnatural environment. Still it seemed that Starbase 72 had taken a few chances that had paid off and there were Earth and Trill plants and trees that she’d only seen in pictures. The gardening crew onboard the station must have worked diligently with little hope of success at first.

She found a suitable patch of grass and lay down looking up at the trees, and beyond them the enclosure keeping it all from the vacuum of space. That, this, she supposed was a metaphor for the human (and Bajoran) experience. Working hard with little chance of success and still somehow making a life here in the void of space. Colonization was one thing, take a planet with a bunch of materials similar to what you have back home and use it, but what they did on Starbases and ships, building entire lives on artificial gravity and growing plants in the void? That was hard.

Turning on her side she gazed at William Hume who had laid beside her, but clearly could see that she was lost in thought so had rightly chosen to be quiet. She studied his face for a moment then asked, “Are you my boyfriend?”

”Am I?” he asked, not expecting this topic.

”I’m not seeing anyone else,” she said, “nor am I wanting to. How about you? Cute Ensign in security, the Bajoran?”

”No, nobody else. She’s got a girlfriend anyway she wants to marry back on Bajor,” he said.

“Can we keep it that was, for now. Us not seeing anyone, but not putting a big title on this,” Kolem said.

Hume thought about it, “Okay, but I don’t mind the title.”

She touched his nose and made a ‘boop’ sound, “I know, but it’s just quick and I want this mission to be done with before making any life choices.”

”It’s not marriage you know,“ Hume pointed out.

Kolem sat up, “What it’s not marriage but on Betazed.”

Hume laughed, “Shut up and kiss me, you’re from Mars.”

Kolem claimed atop him and kissed him. Overhead the trees rustled as a simulated wind was blown through the arboretum.