Part of USS Anaheim: To Boldly Go Where Someone Has Gone Before

Raise A Glass

USS Anaheim - Various
2401 - May 12
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Nathan Hawthorne’s Captain‘s Log: Half was through our assisting of the population of Artagus IV we are working quickly to distribute the vaccine and it’s already being proven to lower infection rather. Doctor Mueller reports that by the end of this week we will be ready to withdraw our team and set off. Tonight however I have a state dinner with the colony’s Prime Minister and other distinguished guests.


[USS Anaheim Bridge]

”So nothing suspicious?” the Captain asked.

Sitting in a chair next to him the Chief Councilor had learned by now that he thought of her more as a magical lie detector than a therapist there to help his crew. She smiled politely, “No sir. They seem honest upon visiting all three sites. I think we have been very diligent.”

This praise of him sending her down three times pleased him. He liked to have things to report back to Starfleet Command even if things were not worth reporting. The peaceful local population remaining peaceful was not a major accomplishment, but it was enough of a win that he was going to take it.

”Excellent. I have been roped into a state dinner on the planet’s surface tonight. You’ll accompany me along with Doctor Mueller and someone else, I haven’t decided yet,” he said, “One of the Lieutenant Commanders. Who’d you suggest?”

Lieutentant Kolem thought about it, “Well sir, bringing your Security Chief would be a projection of strength and also a show of our crew’s diversity with two humans and two other species. Tashai is…”

”Weird,” the Captain said, “No not her. Okay Kan Th’kaotross it is. Thank you for your council Councilor.”

”Sir if I may object slightly. Tashai is not weird, but as an El-Aurian she is simply, different and finds things interesting that you or I may not. Also perhaps this would be a better ready room conversation, rather than the bridge crew hearing you call your senior staff weird,” she said feeling nervous about contradicting the Captain.

He nodded and stoked his beard, “You’re right Lieutenant, very well spoken. She and I just need to get to know each other better. Okay she’ll come in Th’kaotross’ place. I’ll get to know her better, both of you. It’ll be a bonding experience, eating potatoes together. Have you had them they’re originally from Earth.”

”I have yes, I was born on Mars,” she said.

”Ah, right, sorry I have so many files I’m learning,” the Captain said.


[USS Anaheim – Chief Engineer’s Quarters]

”I think that looks good,” William Hume said, he was not sure what this was. Nor had he bothered to try to get it nailed down. Him and the Chief Councilor had been spending pretty much all their social time together but it was not clear to him whether if she liked him. He had one night of a good idea that she did, but after that nothing had happened. Of course he was spending most of his duty shifts down on the world, and the Captain had been sending her all over the place.

”I want it to say, friendly but touchies,” she said.

”You think he’s that kind of guy?” Hume asked.

”Everyone is that kind of guy when they hear you’re a Betazoid. They all think I’ll be that way, you know,” Lieutenant Kolem said.

”Yeah,” Hume said, he had had that thought himself.

As if sensing what he was thinking she looked at him, “Hey I don’t mean you, you know.”

”The Captain is great. I’m sure he wouldn’t do a thing, he’s just a fan of history, and in love with the stories of the old Enterprise and its crew,” Hume said feeling the need to defend the man who had proven thus far to be a good Captain. Everyone had different styles and opinions and Hawthorne seemed to do well managing a ship load of doctors on what was from a Security perspective one of Starfleet’s top five most burning missions.

Kolem seemed less convinced but shrugged, before holding up another dress, “How about this purple one?”

”Besides he probably sees you more as a daughter,“ Hume said.

”I should be happy about that?” Kolem asked, “I have a mother, I had a father. I need a CO not another father.”

”Humans like recreating family bonds with new groups of people,” Hume suggested.

”Stop explaining humans to me. I’m human too. I know what potatoes are, I know what humans are, I’m from Mars not Betazed,” she said tersely. 

Hume held up his hands as if surrendering to a Klingon boarding party, “Okay whoa I can leave.”

”Sorry, I’m just stressed out,” Kolem said. 

“No worries, I get it. First posting, running a department, assigned some make work project, and clearly the Captain’s favorite new person. You’ll be great,” he said supportively. 

Kolem looked at him appreciatively, “Thank you. We should do a holodeck thing one day, you know to get out and have some fun.”

”Some fun, or some fun?” Hume asked.

”Some fun,“ Kolem said, “Now back to your hallway I have to change.”

”You didn’t answer the question,” Hume protested as he was ushered out the door to her quarters.


[Artagus IV – Grand Palace Dinning Hall, Prime Minister’s Residence]

“Excellent boiled potatoes your honor,” lied Kolem as she set her fork down.

The Prime Minister smiled, “Thank you, my chef originally came from New Paris. He is so talented.”

The Captain looked less convinced by this but nodded, “I am glad our assistance had brought this opportunity for our people to get to know yours so well.”

”And eat potatoes,” added Lieutenant Commander Tashai, “Yummy potatoes. I once ate nothing but potatoes for a year.”

Lieutenant Junior Grade Kolem was pretty sure the El-Aurian was making this up, but nobody would ever be able to confirm this to see if she had or not. The Prime Minister seemed impressed as did everyone but the Captain who seemed annoyed. He was also annoyed that the El-Aurian had worn her usual duty uniform and neither a dress nor a formal uniform. While it was not as if they needed to impress the delegates he was always focused on making a good impression.

The dinner continued on like this for two hours, with the Captain praising the resilience of the Artagus IV colonists, the Prime Minister praising the Anaheim, and Commander Tashai interjecting with random non-sensical facts. For her part Kolem worked to grease the wheels, and keep things on track keeping the Captain from getting mad. In her own opinion she did a brilliant job at it.

”It’s good wine though,” the Captain said as the three crew members stood on the balcony overlooking the gardens of the Prime Minister’s residence.

”Real alcohol, I haven’t had that since,” Kolem began then stopped.

”Since graduating the Academy,” the Captain assumed incorrectly.

”That was a fun night,” Kolem admitted.

”The Academy was fun, how about you did you go back when shuttles were steam powered?” Captain Hawthorne asked the El-Aurian.

She laughed, “That is a good one. No I was there recently, I waited until I was a few hundred years old to enter, rather than rush into things. I figure I’ll do this for a century or two then try something else. Do you think the Vulcans will let me into their science Academy?”

”I don’t think you’re cut out for Vulcan,” Kolem said.

”Yeah, probably not. Humans are my favorites. I might try Klingons next though they seem fun,” Tashai said.

”You talk like we’re pets,” Hawthorne observed.

”You sort of are. How long do dogs live? Humans live about that long in comparison to me, you’re obviously more than dogs or cats, but well you’re not here that long. No offense,” she said.

The Captain drank his wine, “I guess you have a point. Thank you both for coming. I know I’ve been a hard CO on this mission. I just… everything is fun by Doctor Mueller, there’s not a lot of captaining to do. So it’s nice to have a staff who I trust, and like.”

”Of course sir,” Kolem said, noting that Doctor Mueller had pulled an extra shift rather than come enjoy the potatoes tonight.

“We should get back,” the Captain said.


[USS Anaheim – Chief Councilors Quarter]

Yuhiro Kolem rolled over in her bed. She had debated stopping by Ensign Hume’s hallway bunk for some company but she did not want to start tongues wagging if she showed up late at night and took him away. Besides she was trying not to be the kind of woman that everyone seemed to (wrongly) assume that she was just because she was a half-Betazoid. Playing it cool let him wonder what was going on, and kept her in control of the situation.

Unable to sleep she sent a letter to her mother back on Mars, before retreating back to bed. Tomorrow, unless otherwise assigned by the CO, she had office visits and would start a rotation of sessions with new patients. She had also enrolled in school again, feeling a bit overwhelmed she had decided to get her doctorate so that she was also a doctor. It wouldn’t be easy, or fast, but it gave her something to do and hopefully would give her more confidence once she graduated. For now though she was going to keep it under her hat, as the old saying went. Part of why the Captain liked her, she knew, was that she was not a doctor and so he felt they were more equals than if she was just another ‘Poindexter’ that he had to deal with.


[USS Anaheim – Captain’s Ready Room]

The truth was Captain Nathan Hawthorne liked his ship. He’d liked it from the first day years ago he’d laid eyes on it. The white and blue paint job was distinctive and the ship’s mission was vital when used right. He missed being able to be on the front lines, to face down pirates, or chase off Romulans, but he liked helping people in distress. He supposed maybe this new younger crew could reignite his love for the old girl, and get him back into the game.

If nothing else tonight had been interesting and had helped him make a few decisions. He picked up a nearby PADD and began his next report to Starfleet.