Part of USS Denver: Mission 6: The Unlikely Alliance

Introductions on the Flight Line

Fighter bay, Flight Commander's office
October 13, 2374
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Ming had finished talking with Chief Xellath and the news was decent if not good.  Two Peregrines had been offloaded on Vulcan for repair and refit before being reassigned to other pilot / weaps teams.  The two that remained had been his and the man standing with him.  The repair of the Valkyries was done or nearly done with completion being done within the next couple of days.   

An old friend and member of his former flight was now part of the Knights.  Ming sat in his chair and Ensign Abeo Abara sat across from him in one of the three rather comfortable office chairs he’d wrangled up.  He got one that was slightly bigger than the other two but otherwise matched.  Dark stained oak and chocolate faux leather and all were padded.  His was the same material but it was the biggest of the four even if all were comfortably padded.  

The big man across from him was a number of imperial inches taller than Ming (just about 187 cm vs Ming’s 170 cm), had dark black skin, brown eyes, shaved head and built more like a boxer than pilot.  He also had a voice like a bass with an accent somewhere between Ming’s Standard Basic and Arin’s Irish brogue. Like Ming he was also from New Berlin, Luna.  While Ming was a little bit older it was by less than seven Earth Standard months.  

“Alright, to business.  In about 12 seconds you’ll be officially meeting our XO.  She’s heading this way now,” Ming said with a slight smile that spread to his eyes as he stood.  Ens. Abara followed suit and turned sideways coming to attention.  The Knight’s commander managed to keep a straight face as his old friend’s eyes blinked three times in rapid succession which his friend recognized as surprise.  About four seconds later Knight two entered the office.

“You called boss?” The Andorian pilot asked as she approached. 

Ming smiled again appreciating the directness and terminology used.  He said, “Yes I did.  I appreciate the promptness.   Before we take a seat I would like to introduce you both officially.  Abara, I’d like to officially introduce you to Lieutenant Esessa Sh’ivhohlol.  As XO her word is law….next to mine of course.”

He paused for what amounted to less than a heartbeat and continued, “Sh’iv, I’d like to present Abeo Abara.  Mr. Abara is going to take over the title of Knight 5 and my primary wingman as Erikson will be planet-side indefinitely while he recovers from the radiation exposure from that series of torpedo bursts on the retreat from Betazed.     If his voice is familiar it is because he was on Ranger Flight.  He seemed the best option since we few together on my last assignment.”

“Welcome to our little gang of misfits,” Sh’iv greeted hee antennae twitching she she acknowledged Abrara.

Abeo’s bass heavy voice filled the office conversationally as he said, “T’is very nice to meet ya Lieutenant.   I truly look forward to flying wit you as a member of the squadron.” 

“Likewise,” Sh’iv replied with a grin.

“This big oaf and I grew up not far from each other funny enough.  We weren’t close friends until we happened to land on the USS Tucson and Ranger Flight.  It’s been a wild ride since then but we’re still flying,” Ming said exchanging grins with his friend.   

The CO added, “It was kind of a tradition on the Rangers for new pilots to have a Q&A with the flight leadership before the formal introductions to the flight.  I know most of what there is to know but I figured it’d be appropriate, in that tradition, for you to ask anything you felt relevant before the general population got a chance.”

Sh’iv stood to the side letting this play out.  She may have been Ming’s XO, but it was his show, and not her place to direct the attention upon herself. 

Ming and Abara waited a moment before the Knight’s commander smiled.  He said, “This is mainly for your benefit Sh’iv.  I’m already aware of Druid’s personal history, career history and flight style.  As mentioned, we have known each other quite a while and flew together as part of Ranger Flight.  Being old friends and flight mates we managed to catch up a bit while we were heading back to Vulcan to regroup as a battle group.  As they say the floor is yours….”  

“For what sir?” She asked her hands clasped behind her back. “You Pink-skins like to talk.  We prefer to let our actions speak for themselves.” 

Abara’s deep voice carried over into his chuckle before he said, “I t’ink I can see the reason she’s your XO Lunatic. To the point and not one to pull punches if my guess is correct.” 

Ming grinned again and nodded.  He was about to respond when Órlaith came to the door and knocked.  Shrugging mentally Ming said, “Come on in.”

“Lieutenant,  the Chief wanted me to tell you Knight 3 is going to be down for the rest of the day for software upgrades,” Órlaith said looking at the assemblage of officers present.

Marcus sighed and said to his protégé, “Understood.  I’ll pass the word to McPherson in a little bit.  Since you’re here….Órlaith Murphy, I’d like to introduce you to Ensign Abeo Abara who’ll be taking over Knight 5 since Erickson is on an indefinite medical leave.   Druid, this is Miss Órlaith Murphy.  I’ve taken her on as my protégé and she’s working on the flight line as a start to her training.”     

Abara did another blinking que which actually amused Ming.  He hadn’t seen his old friend surprised twice in such short order in quite a long while.  As usual the other man did a nice job covering as he said, “T’is very nice to meet ya Miss Murphy.  Marcus is a good man to learn from I’ve found over the years.”  

Órlaith smirked, “So I am discovering.  Welcome to the fold.”

Ming and Abara exchanged a look before the newly arrived pilot returned his focus to the younger lady and said in his slightly accented bass, “Thank you.  I’m glad to be a part of this flight now even if the circumstances leading up to it.”  

The Knight’s commander said, “Unfortunately, changing the past isn’t usually an option.  Changing the future is. Now that you’re here let’s see where we can take things.  That said let’s reconvene with the whole flight in an hour for the formal introduction to the group.  I’ll be including members of the flight crew as well.  Miss Murphy…I am going to shanghai you for that as well.  Consider it another facet of your education.”

“Sir? Shanghai? I am unfamiliar with that particular colloquialism.”

Ming smiled and explained, “Traditionally it means to force someone to join a ship lacking a full crew by either drugging them or using other dubious means.   The later usages mean to use trickery or else to coerce someone into either going somewhere or else do something.  In this case, my most excellent protégé, it’s an order to be there for the meeting.” 

The Knight CO kept his tone light and amiable for the whole explanation however the last sentence was a polite order with an undertone of command.  Ming saw no point to being anything but courteous given the situation.  He did want her there, however.  The increased exposure for her to general operations was an integral part to his plan for her early training. 

Órlaith nodded. “Very well.  What should I do to prepare?”

“Keep your eyes and ears open, and your mouth closed, Ms. Murphy,” Sh’iv said. “You aren’t an officer and are here solely at the discretion of Lieutenant Ming and Captain Talon.” What Sh’iv didn’t add was that had she been in command, this blonde criminal would be in prison, not serving on this ship. She killed her brother and was a member of the rest of her murderous family.

The two men exchanged glances without comment before Ming returned his attention to Órlaith.  He said in a tone that came out more friend than commanding officer, “Just come ready to observe, Órlaith.  This is going to be as informal as formal so you won’t have to take notes unless you wish to do so.  You can bring any questions you may have to me after the fact unless something gets asked of you during the meeting.  In the meantime, I’ll catch up with you and Abara individually a bit before the meeting.”

After a brief pause, he continued, keeping his voice light, “You’re both dismissed for now.  Please stay for a moment Lt. Sh’ivhohlol.  There’s another matter we need to discuss.”

Sh’iv was heading for the door when Ming beckoned her back. She gave Abara a curt nod before returning to stand before Ming with her hands behind her back. “Yes sir?”

Marcus waited a moment to ensure that the doorway was clear before he focused back on his executive officer. After a moment he said, “That was an interesting reaction to the young woman who was specifically put under my charge by the captain of this ship.   You’re not prone to random actions like that without reason based on our acquaintance so far.  If there is an issue, which there appears to be, I need to know and I would very much like to know specifically why.”

Sh’iv snapped to attention assuming this was a dressing down, “I apologize sir. My opinions are my own, and it isn’t my place to question your decisions.  I shall endeavor to keep my feelings less transparent.”  Her face was placid as she stared straight ahead, gaze fixed on a shadow on the far wall.  Her antennae the only thing betraying her emotionless exterior.

Ming sighed.  He read his XO’s cues and it wasn’t what he’d meant to get across. He said, “At ease, XO.  You’re not in trouble.”

He paused briefly and closed the office door.  He turned to look at the Andorian and said, “I’m likely not supposed to share this information but I am convinced you are now needing to know.  This information is not to leave this office unless I give the nod otherwise.”

Sh’ve relaxed into parade rest, “Not to leave this office. Understood sir.”

“Órlaith’s parents were monsters in human form.  Evil isn’t even a beginning.  However, she was put under my charge after Captain Talon’s grant of clemency and the new identity she now has.  Quite frankly she double crossed her own parents.  Normally I’d have issue with this but considering the people we are discussing it was a kindness to two different universes,” Ming explained.   

He continued, “She cited, quite convincingly, her disdain for her parent’s history of brutality and aims to continue that as being the reason for her actions.  She approached me on the shindig after the battle with the forces belonging to the alternate universe she’s from.  I agreed based on those points plus one or two other extremely convincing factors. There might be doubts for some that she may or may not do the same to the Federation.  I can say with absolute and definite certainty that will not consciously be the case with her.”

The Knight’s CO paused then allowing his XO to mull over what he had just said.  He waited to see how she reacted.

“Sir..” She started carefully, “I am well aware of her history, and that is precisely why I don’t trust her. People like her parents are opportunists. We have a saying on Andoria,” She’s an ice crystal from the same glacier.  I don’t trust her, and neither should you.”

Ming mulled over his next words very carefully.  As of right now four people were aware of this information.  His parents, his best friend since childhood, and T’kown who had stumbled upon it on accident and wouldn’t have in the first place had Vulcans lacked telepathic abilities. 

With a sigh he said, “She does not have any ulterior motives or plans to betray us.  I know this for good reason. Reason I know is because of something that only four people in the known universe are party to.  It’s been kept a privileged bit of personal information for very good reason and telling you is likely the one way I can convince you she’s much more of an asset than risk.  I mean other than the fact she’s going along with being a grease monkey and Xellath has complimented her work more than once…. And that is rare for most Tellarites I have met including him. “He paused saying, “I trust you with this information and will accept your word of it staying between us if it is given. I’ve always been keen to keep this one under wraps, but I am thinking disclosing it to you is necessary given the circumstances.”

Sh’iv shrugged, “It is not my place to divulge classified information or secrets.”

“Starfleet doesn’t usually test for Esper ratings like they used to.  That said when I was young my parents had me tested…I was one of the highest rates the doctor had ever seen or even heard of.  It’s not something I can control and it shows up sporadically at best.  Telepathic species have an easier time connecting with me than most other humans with weaker or no abilities.  I can sometimes pick up extremely intense thoughts / feelings which is what has happened most often. Premonitions are even less common.  To use an older human saying all this happens once in a blue moon meaning not often at all,” Ming confessed.

He took a deep breath before he continued, “I worked with a Vulcan friend as a child to develop my abilities which did not help very much.  I do regularly employ some of the shielding techniques he taught me however to avoid unintentional incidents as well.   They, like intentional uses of this ability, are less effective that they might otherwise be.  That’s how I know of Órlaith’s intentions.  She was thinking very loudly at one point and made them quite clear when we shook on the matter. While it’s possible it was subterfuge most other humans are bad at shielding real thoughts let alone making false ones more readable.  I’ve run into that circumstance exactly once and it was obvious.  It wasn’t her if you’re wondering.”  

He added, “T’Kown was the first member of the flight to find out about my abilities.  It was purely accidental on both our parts but we bumped into each other, literally, and the contact lead to her mind touching mine.  She promised her silence on the matter since it’s information I don’t want being common knowledge.   Either which way Captain Talon’s trust of Miss Murphy seemed, by all appearances, to be sincere.  The Captain seems a good sense of character by my observations and based on conversations with others.  Plus, Commander Nalim also helped in putting together an official background in this universe…An El-Aurian intelligence officer also seems like someone who would be able to pick up on ulterior motives. Either way I trust Miss Murphy but only to a point.  Like anyone I meet she has to earn my trust.  She’s been true to her word so far.  If she’s hiding anything she’s bound to make a misstep.  We’ve got enough people watching her they’re likely to notice.”

Sh’iv simply shrugged, not completely convinced, “You are the leader.  I will take your lead on this.”

Ming noticed she was still unconvinced which somehow didn’t quite surprise him.  She at least appeared to be willing to go along with it.  He said, “I appreciate that.  If she’s not what she appears to be she’ll have snowed over a number of people including an El-Aurian intel officer.  That said I’m rarely one to get upset with a deserved ‘I told you so’ aimed at me when I have earned it.  Then again if we are all wrong it’s liable to be catastrophic which is why I have the grounds crew as well as others keeping an eye on her.”

He leaned slightly against his desk crossing his arms thoughtfully before he continued, “I am not going to order you to like her.  Not really my place even if felt that it were a reasonable request…which I do not.  Fully realize Andorians prefer to be direct.  I find that admirable most of the time and will always expect that when I am asking your council one on one.”

Marcus paused once more for effect before finishing, “In every unit I’ve worked in not everyone has been close friends however there has almost always been a certain level of professionalism.  Plus I’ve been in a situation similar to yours in the past where I disliked as well as distrusted a crewmate.  My commanding officer asked me to keep things civil if not friendly. I developed a fair poker face as a result.  Since I never ask anyone to do anything I would not do I would appreciate similar efforts on your part.   Is that fair?” 

“I will endeavor to keep my thoughts more… opaque in the future. But as you have observed my people do not share you pink skins’ affinity for diplomacy.”

Marcus nodded and said, “That is more than fair and I’d appreciate it.   I am unsure if you’ve heard but I got an update confirming that Erikson is out indefinitely and is being transferred to Starfleet Medical on Earth via hospital ship.  He absorbed a lot of radiation across the whole EM band and was lucky to survive.  They expect a recovery of at least 90% but, knowing Günther, he’ll push for better than that and faster than the medical people are expecting. It’s a waiting game toward that end.”

Ming exhaled releasing some of the frustration he felt and moved forward, “I’m using the rest of today as an official R&R day for the squadron since our ship’s repairs are being wrapped up once we get the introductions done.  Abara will be on my wing since that was his role our last squadron as well as Knight 5’s role so far under Erickson.  That’ll be best since we are both already familiar with the other’s flying styles and will not require us getting used as used to each other as a flying pair off the bat.  Drills start tomorrow however so we can work to improve our formations and combat tactics in addition to get unit cohesion back on track since Mr. Abara is new to the Knights as a whole.”    

The Knight’s CO paused again looking thoughtful this time.  He added, “If you don’t mind, I would like to ask one more thing of you.  Once our flight meet & greet is over I’d like to ask you to put together some notes on how you think we can improve our tactics based on our combat actions thus far.  As I previously mentioned I value your opinions and another prospective on the matter could be quite useful I believe.  You don’t have to spend the whole day on the matter mind you…but whenever you find the time”  

“Um…” Her face flushed purple, “Of course sir.”

Ming noticed and immediately employed the previously mentioned poker face he’d just mentioned.   He thought her blush was endearing but he also hoped to instill some well-deserved confidence.  She knew her stuff and had proven it a number of times over.  She might be leading her own flight someday or have some other form of command after all.  

He nodded and said, “Is there anything else to discuss before we head out there for the formal announcement and introductions?”

She hesitated, “I can’t promise I’ll provide anything of substance or of use to you. I honestly don’t know why you made me your second in command, but I will try to get you that report. Other than that… I am ready.” 

“Just focus on the task and you’ll be fine.  I felt rather unworthy myself when I made XO of the Rangers.  I focused on the task, applied my best efforts and a bit less than eight Terran months I got tagged to become Knight Actual. I’ve had some good role models and, for the rest, I honestly have researched a bit and otherwise have been following my instincts.  Following my gut as we humans often say.  It’s worked out pretty well so far,” Ming said with a bit of a grin toward the end. 

“You’ve got this Sh’iv.  I’ve total confidence in your abilities based on what I have seen so far…but anyway it looks like the crew is waiting so let’s do this.  On me Lieutenant,” Marcus told his XO starting after a brief pause and ending with another grin.   The two left the Flight Commander’s office and entered the flight bay with the assembled pilots and crew.  The official yet largely informal introductions were about to begin.