Part of USS Columbia: Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Aquatic Construction

Villam Four
78349.35 (May 8th 2401 @12:18)
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The airlock filled with water rapidly and Jeden had to suppress a slight feeling of fear, similar to when she was about to do an EVA but it was more tangible as she watched the water level rise over her facemask.

She glanced back at the other two ensigns and smiled, “We should be 25 meters from the site, let’s go see what we have.”

“What have I agreed too?” Kahlina remarked to herself. “Narlins do not belong in the sea.”

“Just think of it as a spacewalk,” Jeden said with a smile.

With that Jeden tapped the panel and the airlock opened and the Villam Four ocean spread out before her. Without pause, she stepped out and dropped from view. She sank for a few seconds before her feet hit the rock and sand of the ocean floor. Taking a few steps forward to make sure she wouldn’t get landed on she looked around. 

Talibah exited the shuttle and took a few seconds to orient herself to her surroundings. “ Right behind you Jeden. “ 

Before her, she could see part of the research station was already in place as the other team worked away on it. Near it, she could see a large bundle of heavy metal pylons that would act as the supports for the crew quarters. The station was to be nestled at the base of a small underwater drop, about 15 meters and overlooked a rather beautiful, multicoloured reef that teemed with fish of various shapes and sizes. 

“However this turns out,  it sure is beautiful,” Kahlina spoke as she took in the area. 

“Sure is, well that’s me thing off my bucket list.” Talibah added as she started making her way towards the construction site. 

A dark shadow passed above the runabout and Kahlina casting her into darkness for a second before a melodic computerized voice came over the coms at the same time as a series of chirps and clicks resonated through the suit, “Aye, you could say that again matey. T’is a beautiful reef. Glad you landlubbers could appreciate it.” A moment later Francis dropped into view, his 5-meter-long body partially covered in a mechanical harness which provided several extra appendages to his frame.

Jeden looked up as Francis came into view, “You must be Ensign Francis, thank you for joining us. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Ensign Sonia Jeden”

Francis rolled and let out a series of air bubbles. “Aye, t’is a pleasure to met ye Ensign Sonia Jeden.” 

“Oh hello Ensign Francis,  I’m Ensign Talibah. Glad you meet you, heard so much about you from the gamma shift helm officer. “ As she swam up to meet him

“So, you are a whale?” Kahlina asked as she cautiously surveyed the creature.  “You are a strange looking fish to be sure.”

Francis let a out shrill whistle before the translator kicked in, “Ye’ar a scabby sea bass if ye think I am a fish! I don’t got gills.”

Her eyes went wide with a tinge of superstitious fear, “Narla’s Embrace,” she intoned. “A minion of Aquaria, the sea serpent.  She brings the tempest and breathes underwater without gills.”

“BLIMEY! I Did’t say I beath without gills lass. I need air like the rest of ye. I just swim up top and take a breath normally. Though I have a fancy tank now so can stay down longer,” Francis said as she floated nearby peering down at the the woman.

“I can confirm he is no sea serpent Starbreeze,” Jeden said. “His species very friendly though I have heard that Francis is a bit of a pain.”

“A PAIN?! Who slandered me so? They shall walk the plank!” 

“I am sure it was in jest Francis, you seem perfectly pleasant to me,” Jeden said.

Kahlina raised an eyebrow at the exchange. Logically she knew Francis wasn’t a minion of Aquaria,  and she also knew Aquaria was just a story, but cultural bias against the sea ran strong. “Well…. Perhaps not, but.. well, nevermind.”

Jeden looked at the others and back to the site, “Best get a move on to the site. We have lots to do.”

As they started to make their way to the construction site all their combadges chimed and a group comlink opened, “Team 2, another crewmember, Ensign Marucho, will be beaming down shortly to assist.”

“Was the shuttle not good enough for him?” Kahlina asked. “I’ve heard of people being afraid of being ripped apart in the transporter,  but this is a new one.”

Jeden shrugged but the suit restricted her movement, “No idea, maybe he just missed the shuttle down.”

Readying his wetsuit, Marucho nervously checked all his equipment.

“You’ve checked that equipment three times since you came into this room.  Think you’re ready?” The transporter officer quipped. 

Swallowing his nervousness, Marucho nodded.  “OK, drop me in.”

The Light from the transporter engulfed him for just a moment, before revealing the surface of the sea.  Unfortunately, that surface was a little farther away than he planned.  Also, unfortunately, he accidentally tapped his combadge on the way down.


Jeden looked up just in time to see a splash above them and a humanoid figure appeared in the water through a cloud of bubbles, “Ensign Marucho I presume? Welcome to the party. You ok?”

Talibah let out a sigh. “Guess that’s one way to make an entrance. Better late than never.”

“I swear he does that on purpose.” Marucho, who appeared to be fine, swam over to the group with practised ease.  “But yeah, I’m Ensign Marucho, Science and Medical, Cetacean Division.”

Francis twisted to face Marucho. “Ye’be late you scallywag,” he chirped before opening his mouth wide in a mocking laugh, “Best not to faceplant in the water next time.”

Jeden looked between everyone and waved them on, “OK everyone, now that we are all here we need to get these pylons in place and secured before the ship beams down the module.”

“Right” Marucho joined them, swimming down to the base location while utilizing the small webbing in his boots to speed his way along.

Jeden activated the small jetpack each of them was equipped with as she moved quickly to the construction site and the location of the first pylon. “Francis, you think you could help move the pylon over here?”

“Aye, I can do that,” he said as he swam down to the pile of six pylons lying on their side. ‘Time to give this harness  try.’ As he thought it two of the mechanical arms unfolded from beneath him and he directed them to grab hold of the handles placed along the side of the pylon and began to move it towards Jeden. “Blimey this is heavy. Give me a hand will yea?”

Talibah swam over to where Francis was trying to lift one of the pylons, grabbing onto one of the hand holds. “You are right, these are heavier than I would have thought. Jeden looks like we all need to work together to move them into place, I don’t think one or two of us will be able to do it on our own.”

Over the next hour and a half, the team moved the six pylons into place and began a secure them to the large support feet. As Jeden and the team began to secure the bolts into place with Francis stabilizing the top of the pylon a large school of fish flashed over the team and began to rapidly swirl around them obscuring their view. 

As Jeden looked on at them she couldn’t help but smile as she saw Francis’s focus follow them. “Wonder how they taste,” he chirped. 

As he watched he noticed several larger shapes shifting through the school of fish, “Ye see those? Maybe taster fish.”

Talibah looked up at the school of fish overhead, noticing the larger shadows amongst the others. “Ummmm taster fish? I can think of another name for things that act like that around schools of fish.” She looked at Francis.

As she did three large silver shapes flashed through the school which melted away around them. Francis had enough time to think, ‘Those buggers look like a shark and squid messed around,’ before the close one to him slammed into his side and several barbed appendages wrapped around his tail. In shock, he twisted and lost his grip on the pylon which began to wobble.

Jeden watched in shock as the shark-like things flashed past. They had the sleek bodies of the predators which seemed to be found in almost all oceans but their jaws seemed to open in six large appendages which were covered in razor-sharp hooks which led to a large black beak-like mouth. “Bloody hell,” she shouted as she watched the first hit Francis. As she jerked in surprise she slipped which saved her life as the second creature flashed past missing her by centimetres. She fumbled for her phaser then realized she didn’t have it and looked towards the pile of gear a meter or two away and the crude harpoon thrower that was there for this very reason.

Kahlina’s hand fell to her right hip and the phaser holstered there. She had no idea if it would work underwater, but it was comforting.  “What have you people gotten me into?”

Marucho prepped his medkit’s hypospray, charging it with enough sedative to put an Elephant down for hibernation. “We should stick close, predators like these pick off the stragglers of packs.  Also, I really hope you’re a good shot, Kahlina.”

“As a general rule I am, but refraction in the water makes aiming more challenging,: Kahlina replied.