Part of USS Columbia: Make Hay While The Sun Shines

A whale of a tail

Cetacean Ops - en route to Villam Four
May 2401
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Lost in thought and feeling hungry Francis glided through the large passageways that connect the navigation labs on deck 14 to the primary cetacean ops facility on deck 13.  With a flick of his tail, he propelled himself forward past the specialized escape pods for him and the other inhabitants of Cetacean ops. He could see two of the overly cheery bottlenose Dolphins currently sleeping in one.

‘I needs t’ get some grub,’ he thought as he entered the large pool and popped his head above the water and swam over to the specially designed replicator that was beside the pool.

He let out a string of chirps and clicks which the computer recognized as a reprogrammed code and a moment later two ‘fish’ appeared before him and he happily swallowed them before moving over to the nearest terminal. ‘Time to review these nav logs less I walk the plank’, he jested to himself releasing a series of exhales from his blowhole sending clouds of mist above him.

“Hey!” Michelle exclaimed as the water showered down on her. She was looking for some solitude from her fellow Ensign.  Especially from her bunkmate, Ensign Starbreeze who had a particular way of getting under her skin.

“Aaaah, sheee, chirrp, aaaah, ckal, ooooh, Achhhhhaaa, cheep, eeeeeeh,” Francis said as he boobed in the water and eye up the newcomer with his right eye. The long scare gave that side of his face a permanent evil eyebrow look on that side.

Michelle gave Francis a confused expression,  still mildly annoyed from being covered in whale snot.

Francis flicked his tail and clicked his teeth several times in clear annoyance before a slight computerized voice came from his him. “Shiver m’timbers, dagnabit bilge-sucking translator t’is acting up. M’pologies. What can I do you for lass? Do’u fancy a dip? The water is lovely.” As he said that he started bobbing his head up and down causing water to splash over the edge of the pool.

“I’m good,” she said with a nervous chuckle.  “I miss the beach and all, but this is one is it?”

“Sink me, y’think this a beach?”  Francis said shaking his head from side to side. “Lots of water though, no sand. Water is better than sand.”

“I… no! It was rhetorical.”

“Rhetorical? Hmm.” The translator said following several clicks and chirps from him. “Can still swim like at the beach. What shall I call you lass?”

“Uh… Michelle. Michelle Ortiz,  and yourself?” She responded fascinated by the creature before her.

“A pleasure Michelle Ortiz,” Francis said and let a shrill chirp, “I am Ensign Francis, I help to navigate the ship.”

“Sounds like an important job,” Michelle replied. “I dig up old bones… well, I’m a linguist too.”

“Blimey! A linguist?” Francis asked, excitement coming through the translator, “Y’able to understand me language without a translator? Most don’t.”

“Uh… maybe.  Certainly not right now, but with some time I could possibly learn it. I doubt I would be able to make your sounds though.”

Francis bobbed his head up and down in clear happiness, “Only I can make me sounds, landlubbers can only pretend. Though you could try I suppose. Will you be working here like Lieutenant Taylor?”

“In Cetacean Ops?  I doubt it.  I have my doctorate in Anthropology so I will likely be mostly used there.” She shrugged,  “But linguists have a special need as well so who knows.”

“T’best thing about the slog here is you can swim, though no need for Anthrology here.”

Michelle laughed,  “No, I doubt there are any ancient hominins in your pool.”

Francis dipped down beneath the surface with a flick of his tail and swam a tight circle in the main pool before poking his head back up. “Nay, Ensign Ortiz. Th’be no ancient hominin in the pool. Just the me right now.”

“A pity. Perhaps I could explore your ancient origins as well.”

“Me ancient origins, I would be intrigued,” Francis said before he was interrupted as the door to Cetacean ops opened and a woman with Lieutenant JG pips walked in. Francis turned to look at her, “Ahoy, Lieutenant Taylor, greetings.”

The woman nodded to him, “Francis, you all set? We have a series of navigation calculations that need to be completed quickly.”

“Aye, let’s have at’em,” Francis said before turning back to Michelle. “T’was a pleasure to meet yeEnsign Michelle Ortiz,” he said with a shrill chirp. “A’las duty calls and I must batten down the hatches.”

“Next time I will come with a wetsuit… or perhaps you could join me on the holodeck.  Newport Beach near where I grew up has amazing surfing.”

“Swimming is fun, I would like to try this holodeck,” Francis said with a bob of his head.