Part of USS Denver: Mission 6: The Unlikely Alliance

The Commander

Undisclosed Location Near Romulan Space
October 10, 2374 09:00
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Rebecca was sipping her coffee in her ready room. On her computer terminal was the biography of the Romulan commander Starfleet Command had sent over.  She wasn’t sure how this mission with their new ally was going to play out.

Riandri tapped the door control to notify the Captain that she was outside. The increased interaction with Rebecca Talon had taken some getting used to now that she was acting XO. She could no longer squirrel herself away in the intelligence office but the more tasks she completed as XO the more grateful she was for the job. Before the door buzz a voice from behind her caught her by surprise. “Any idea what this is about?”

Turning she found Jeter, the former Command Master Chief, standing there. “New mission likely.”

Rebecca set her coffee down with the door chime, “Enter.”

“Captain, you wanted to see us?” Riandri said as she stepped in with Jeter on her heels. “What can we help with?”

“The Warbird Xoval, will rendezvous with us at the end of the day. Here is Starfleet’s intelligence on the captain, a Commander Tomarah.” She handed Riandri the PADD containing the Romulan’s biography. 

Riandri took the PADD and had a quick glance at it, “A Warbird, guess the joint operations are starting in full swing. What is the mission?”

“It would seem so,” Rebecca responded.  “We are infiltrate and gather intelligence on the Thelos Ship Foundry.”

Riandri cocked her head, “Really? Just the Denver and the Xoval? Last I checked the Dominion had really beefed up security around their shipyards.” She glanced back down at the report and sighed, “Guess I have some reading to do on this Tomarah. Do we have a rough plan on how we will approach this?”

Rebecca shrugged. “I have never worked with any Romulans. I’m not sure.”

“Romulans are tricky. Best to keep our eyes open and watch our backs. That said we share the same enemy so their focus will likely be there.”

“Nothing like wading through a political minefield,” Rebecca quipped.

The com beeped, “Captain we are being hailed by a Commander Tomarah. She and her party are ready to beam over.”

Rebecca glanced at Riandri with a raised eyebrow, “I’ll meet her in transporter room one Ensign.  Talon out.” Rebecca sighed and stood, “Our new friend doesn’t waste any time.”

“It would appear not, they must have pushed to make it better this early. Shall we met our new allies?” Riandri asked.

Transporter Room One…

Blue energy of a transporter beam illuminated the transporter room.  As the effect faded three Romulans materialized.  The woman was sporting a non-traditional hairstyle while the two men with serious expressions. Disruptors in their belts.

“Welcome to the Denver. I am Captain Rebecca Talon and this is my first officer Lt. Commander Riandri Nalam.”

Riandri nodded towards the Romulans at the mention of her name. “Welcome.”

The woman stepped off the pad and extended her right hand offering a shake of hands, “Commander Tomarah t’Sei. I believe this is a traditional human greeting?”

“It is,” Rebecca confirmed accepting the handshake.

Tomarah’s attention turned to Riandri, “You are El-Aurian? I confess I do not know your people’s traditional greetings.”

“Very few people, even ones who know my race can tell us from a human a quick glance. Though I assume your intelligence has the dossiers of most of the senior crew, if not more.” Riandri said with a cold smile.

Before Tomarah could respond the door opened and Jeter walked in. “Captain, Lieutenant Commander,” he said with a nod before looking towards the new arrivals. “Apologies for being late.”

“Commander,  this is our new Strategic Operations Officer,  Lt. Commander Robert Jeter.”

Tomarah bowed her head in greeting. “To answer your question Commander,” Tomarah said to Riandri.  “You are correct. There are full dossiers of the senior staff collected by the Tal Shiar.  While I found being an operative distasteful old habits do die hard. However, I find walking blind into a situation… unfavorable.”

Riandri smiled at that, “I share similar feelings on that topic which explains our mission.” Riandri turned to Rebecca, “I believe we have the observation lounge ready, shall we move there?”

“That will be acceptable,” the Romulan replied. 

Observation Lounge…

Jeter stepped into the Observation lounge and stepped to the side, sweeping his around out and into the room, “Grab any seat you like Commander Tomarah. If you would like I can replicate a beverage for you and your companions?”

“We do not require refreshments,” Tomorah replied. 

Riandri followed Commander Tomarah into the room and smiled at Jeter for a moment before taking a seat with her back to the window and poured herself a glass of water from the pitcher on the table. “We have much to discuss.”

“We do.” Without wasting time Tomorah spoke,  “We are to gather intelligence on Thelos Ship Foundry in preparation for a full-scale assault.”

Riandri nodded, “So we have been told. A tricky task given their heavy presence in the system. Our intelligence also indicates that there is a sensor net outside the system, there are gaps but it will be a difficult job.” 

“Not to state the obvious,  but two ships aren’t going to take on a shipyard and I hate to break it to you we don’t have a cloak,” Rebecca replied. 

“The cloak isn’t always foolproof and both of our governments do not want a single ship on this mission,” Tomorah replied. 

Jeter let out a little chuckle at that thinking back to 2368 and his time on the Tian En Men when they took part in preventing a cloaked Romulan convoy from supplying a rogue Klingon faction with weapons. “That is very true Commander, though it has its flaws would your government be willing to share one with the Denver this mission?”

Riandri cocked an eyebrow at that, it would add complications to the mission but it could make a difference. “That is an interesting point you raise Commander but we should not rely on such a device. I am sure the Dominion going to be implementing Tacyhon detection systems around their key systems very soon.”

“I am not authorized to provide such technology to you or your government,” Tomarah replied.  “And you are quite right the Dominion has been infuriatingly adaptable to cloaking technology,  but under the right conditions, we believe our ships are undetectable.  However,  backup nearby is desired.”

Jeter smirked and shrugged, “Can’t blame me for asking.”

“So Tomarah, you are suggesting the Xoval conduct the infiltration if the right conditions are established?” Riandria said and glanced at Rebecca, “How close is nearby?”

“Outside sensor range I’d think,” Tomarah said.  “And no the Xoval will not be conducting the infiltration.  The warbird’s power signature is such I cannot guarantee success.  You may utilize one of our shuttles, with some of my crew of course.”

Jeter leaned forward and grabbed a glass of water, “If you can get in close enough to get a team on board the station we could likely get some very useful information.”

“The Empire is planning a full scall assault pending the intelligence gathered,” Tomarah replied.

“It would be good to use our Tactical Recon Team on this as well,” Riandri added. “Perhaps Jeter’s could lead it from our side.”

Rebecca had been reviewing the area on a map from hee PADD. “I know what the Denver can be doing in the meantime there’s a prisoner of war camp in the Kardaleon Cluster three lightyears from the the shipyards.”

Tomarah raised an eyebrow,  “It us unlikely to be defended that deep into enemy territory,  but how will you approach without them transmitting a distress signal?”

“I have looked into this a bit,” Jeter said as he pulled up a holo display of the cluster. “The Kardaleon cluster often experiences strong solar winds and radiation spikes, if we time it right the Denver should be able to slip in without detect and hide among the asteroid field.”

“We can also mask our warp signature to make us look like a Nyberian freighter,” Rebecca added.

Riandri nodded in agreement, “That is a fair point, we should be able to sneak through without issue.” Turning to Tomarah, “Is your ship and team ready to depart? We could travel most of the way together but I would suggest our Recon team run through some training with your team for the infilration.”

“I would not be sitting here if we were not ready,” Tomarah replied.

“I appreciate that,” Rebecca added. “We too are ready for departure.”

“Excellent,” Riandri said. She turned to the Captain and spoke, “Shall I call the department heads so we can update everyone?”

“Make it so,” Rebecca replied. 

“I will return to my ship, and while you brief your crew we can head for the ship yards,” Tomarah stated.

“Very good,” Rebecca said. “Mr. Jeter please escort our guests to the transporter room.”

Jeter nodes and stood, “Commander if you and your officers would follow me?”