Part of USS Venture: Episode 4: Requiem for the Fallen

We Meet Again

Main Lounge
April 2401
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Kazjra drummed on the table in a rhythm completely out of tune with the soft music currently playing in the main lounge, then abruptly gripped the edge in an effort to still her hands.

She had too much pent-up energy, and she’d usually expel it by striking up a conversation with another of the lounge patrons. Tonight, however, she was waiting for someone in particular.

The status of her relationship with Oliver had been somewhat unclear when she’d left the Bonchune back in December, and she’d been more than okay with that. ‘Nice and casual’ was common in the uncertain world of Starfleet, and it appealed to her as a joined Trill as well. But now they were back on the same ship, and it certainly wouldn’t do to pretend they were strangers.

She reached out and took a sip of her Old Fashioned, and was quickly reminded that it was synthehol. Oh well.

Oliver walked down the hallway slowly, as he was trying to calm himself. He felt the sweat fall down his back as he made his way to the lounge. He was meeting with a “friend”.

He was unsure as to what to call her since their last meeting on the Bonchune. He was a little upset about her sudden leave from the ship, but he was excited to see her again. Though he would never admit it to her, he had missed her.

Kazjra had been shamelessly watching the door and saw him the moment it slid open, though she was too far away to see how nervous he was. Her hand darted into the air as high as it would go, and she waved him over to her side of the lounge where she’d managed to procure a booth next to a window. “Oliver! Over here!”

Oliver’s eyes darted over to where the familiar voice called him, and then he saw her. Sitting in a booth near a window, he lost his breath slightly. He had almost forgotten how beautiful she was. He walked over to her his eyes never leaving hers.

Kazjra put all her effort into keeping the smile on her face as he approached. She felt it nearly waver at the sight of him, her instinctive tendency to worry about the man quickly returning. Had he been overworking again? Too focused on the tactical? Humans were so good at forgetting that they had only one life available to them.

“I got you your favorite drink,” she said, pushing the glass towards him when he reached the table. “I made sure to order yours with the real stuff,” she added with a wink.

Oliver sat down at the table and grabbed the glass. ‘Did she really remember my favorite drink?’ He thought to himself before he took a sip from the glass.

‘She did!’ He thought the smirked a little then looked up at her. He was for the first time in months… speechless.

“There we go!” Kazjra said with a laugh. “Almost got a smile out of you already.”

She was relieved, both for her sake and for his.

“I’m glad you accepted my invitation for drinks,” she continued. “I was so surprised when I saw you’d been transferred to the Venture!”

He sat there trying to think of something to say.

“It really is nice to see you Kaz.” He said smiling slightly at her trying to read her face. 

Kazjra took a sip of her drink, then leaned forward and put her chin on her hands. “Do you remember our first date on the Bonchune? When I dragged you to the holodeck to do that obstacle course set up in those ancient ruins?”

Oliver chuckled, “Yes I do remember that.” He said thinking back to that moment. “You forced me to do it against my will and I still beat you.” He said smiling at her.

Kazjra threw her head back and laughed. “It was a test and you passed! I couldn’t go on a second date with someone who let me win out of politeness.”

She leaned forward as if preparing to hear a big secret. “What program would you have chosen? If I had let you.”

Oliver’s smile slowly faded as he thought of what to say next. “I would have shown you a sunset on one of Earth’s beaches.”

Kazjra smiled. Just as she started to reach out for Oliver’s hands, her combadge chimed. “Engineering to Lieutenant Zel! We’ve been ordered to start the final integration of the Fleet Formation protocol early, and you said you wanted to be here for it…

The ensign on the other end of the line trailed off nervously, and Kazjra sighed. “I did say that, didn’t I? Well…”

She stood up and looked down at Oliver, unsure of what to say. Instead, she bent down, gave him a peck on the cheek, and said “Let’s finish this later!” before making a brisk exit.