Part of USS Mariner: Special: Puppets of Avalon

6) Do we have to go?

Brahms Station - Promenade
April 2401
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The day had arrived, Frontier Day was about to start, and the festivity and vibe were present throughout Avalon Fleet Yards. Brahms Station was decorated in the colors that would represent Frontier Day in its greatness. Many things were scheduled to happen, speeches from important figures throughout Starfleet Command, concerts to celebrate the event, food, and gift stands ready to sell their goods to the visitors at Brahms Station. 

Everyone was enjoying it, but Sazra shrugged and looked around. Seeing only so many people walking around, she felt her anxiety rising. She stood there in her civilian clothing, though she did wear the traditional Starfleet jacket that could carry her pips at her collar. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked at her side, seeing Silina standing there. “For crying out loud, don't startle me like that…” 

“What did you expect? The boogeyman?” Silina blinked at her Captain “Don't worry so much, it's a festival day, so relax” 

“What is the boogeyman?” Sazra looked confused at Silina, not understanding the reference.

Before Silina could answer, a soft laugh came from their right as Adrián walked to them with some candy in his hand and gave one of it to Silina. “The boogeyman is a typical mythic creature used by adults to frighten children into good behavior. If they don't, they will be dragged into the shadows to pay for their sins” Adrián smiled. “But in your case, think about Dominion or the IRF trying to capture you every time you misbehave” 

Silina took the candy but gave Adrián a what-the-f*ck look, with Adrián just raising his shoulders in response.

“That sounds terrifying. Why would people do something like that?” Sazra started to walk with her friends following. “And just for the record, I am very relaxed, but I don't know why we have to be present in this…” she waved her hand to the crowd “Chaos?” 

“Because Mariner is in good hands, and when was the last time you took some time off for yourself so that you could actually relax your tense muscles?" Silina poked Sazra's shoulder. “You are the Captain. You are not a machine…heck, I even think androids take some relaxation” Silina felt disappointed in answering her question. Silina took a bite from her candy and looked around “I believe the president will do a speech on all broadcasts or something” 

Grabbing a pamphlet from a girl in a festival suit, Sazra looked at the program. “It seems so. Never expected that the man would have time to do such a thing” Sazra saw some keynotes that could potentially be fun to attend “I guess some relaxation is needed for anyone” 

“Don't worry, T'Path and K'Nala got the Mariner in their hands. I gave them the order to take some free time for themselves also. But they declined, weirdly enough. T'Path, I can understand. She never liked parties. But K'Nala said she was more dedicated to learning her new position” Silina rubbed her template and shrugged. “The kid needs to chill out…” 

“You got a new list of words there Commander?” Sazra looked at Silina with a smirk. 

“Huh, what?” Silina looked weird and confused at the accusation that was made to her.

Licking the candy, Adrián nodded. “Yea, relax and chill out, words you don't tend to use that often or at all” Taking another lick of his candy, he smirks at Silina. “You trying to be hip with the kids these days?” 

The facial expression looked both annoyed and worried at them both. “Sometimes I really despise you two….I am trying to be more approachable for the crew” Silina sees them laughing. “Oh, come on, I got the advice from Hefaam to be more open to other generations” She huffs and crosses her arms.

“Wait, wait…” Adrián lowered his candy and looked surprised at Silina. “You took our Vulcan counselor's advice regarding cultural adaptation?” Now he had seen everything. “What is next, taking poem lessons from a Klingon?” He laughs. 

“Oh, be simple-minded, Adrián, but for your record, there are some great writers in the Klingon Empire” Silina pointed her finger at him. “You uncultured bastard” She shook her head. “It is good to adept to the other generations so that you can actually level with them. Not something you had luck with lately" She narrowed her eyes.

“Alright, easy, you two” Sazra interrupted them both with a smile. “But Silina is right. Klingon writers are famous across the galaxy for their writing” She could name a few. “And Silina it is not nice to point out someone else weaknesses. Adrián is well able to adapt to the given situation.”

Adrián shrugged. “For some reason, I feel more stabbed in the back by my Captain than by Silina with that comment" He rubbed his chest. “Words hurt man…” 

Bursting out in laughing, Silina had to lean on her knees. “Oh damn, Sazra, you are a savage….good begin of the day, I say” Silina wipe off a tear from the laughing. “But really, we should be going before we got Adrián here having a meltdown by more ….compliments from Sazra” She made quotes sighs in the air as she laughed again. 

The two started to walk, with Sazra looking confused at them both. “What did I say? When am I wrong in what I said? He is a socially awkward person who cannot interact with people. Is it part of his charm?” Sazra tried to explain it more “He can't help it that people interpret his intention wrong. You have to know him better” 

“Please…just stop this agony” Adrián felt more depressed with every word that was getting out of Sazra's mouth “ You should get a course with Hefaam on how to cheer people up really” 

Silina laughed as the trio entered the crowd to enjoy a festival day. But unknown to them, this day will be something very different from what anyone in Starfleet would have imagined it to be. As the great plan was going to bare fruit starting at Earth.