Part of USS Mariner: Special: Puppets of Avalon

4) It is the Way

USS Mariner - Ready Room
April 2401
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After a few hours of exploring the starbase, their duties called them back to oversee personnel changes and get things in order on the Mariner. Taking a deep breath, Sazra tapped on her desk and placed the PADD down. “Please give me a rundown. This is not my strongest point in the working area” Taking her cup of coffee and taking a sip while leaning back in her chair.

“Of course, that is why I am here as your XO” Silina smiled while she sat in the chair. “The changes are going smoothly so far. Drata got himself the Chief Operation Officer spot, which he has earned quite well after that last mission” Silina pointed out. “And also Miki got the spot as Chief Security/Tactical Officer”

Adrián shrugged. “But I lost m assistant in Engineering…what are you going to give me back for it?” 

“A drone programmed to annoy you” Silina smirked at Adrián as she waved off the joke. “No, it is kinda close. Lieutenant Varujan Istrati” She taps her left eye. “Got a cybernetic implant after he got critically injured during the Dominion War” She shrugged, knowing where the team’s feelings were with that subject. “But he is loyal, and his previous Captain spoke highly of him” 

“Well that is something, but seeing how Starfleet handles personnel these days it becomes questionable” Sazra was still salty about what happened during her last mission in the Gamma Quadrant. “I guess we can’t judge a person by his looks or history. Let’s hope he pulls through and becomes useful in Engineering” 

Nodding to that “Another new one is Domam, also a very loyal officer joining Miki as his new assistant. I placed Aakif in the Master at Arms position. The man had already applied a few times for the position. But after the last one got booted, I was like why not” Silina was still not very convinced by Aakif’s motivation to do this position, but it became a more luxury problem. 

Looking at the PADD “Aakif has been with us since Damascus no?” Adrián trying to put a finger on the person “I believe he was quite willing to do what needed to be done” 

“That is the issue, he got the motivation, but that is about it” Rubbing the side of her template “He will get a chance at the position. He messes it up, I swear I will transfer him to Starbase Eos” And that was a threat that Silina was willing to make happen. “Anyway, we got the Vulcan duo Suto Scott and Vaikan that join the science team. Dacio wanted to be the assistant of Science, but T’Path rejected that idea” 

Giving a glare to Silina, Sazra knew why that was an issue. “Bruno has his eyes set on T’Path for way too long and actually rejected him on more the one point in the brief history that he is part of the Mariner. So I approve of having miss Scott as the new assistant. What is her background?” 

“Still waiting on the day that T’Path makes that harassment complaint about Bruno, and then his ass is mine” Silina felt her blood boiling knowing what her friend had to endure with this man. “Scott is a mix, half Vulcan, half Human. But the brightest out there when it comes to science. Specialist in Stellar Cartography, Planetology, Mineralogy and…” Silina looked at the info. “Did a course in Cosmology. Her statement about why she has such credits on her record….she was bored” Silina blinked and looked at Sazra. “Sounds like you…” 

Sazra rolled her eyes. “I am by nature a very curious person, so hearing that she will fit in quite well” Sazra defended her position in the given situation. “What about the other one?” 

Crossing her leg over the other “Well Vaikan is a Cosmology Specialist and quite good at it also seeing these records” Silina blinked for a bit. “So she will be a great help when dealing with whatever Delta Quadrant is throwing at us. ”Lastly I made a hazard team schedule with myself in lead, Miki as my right hand, Bruno as the Scientist specialist, L’iera as the field medic and Cho as the Operator” 

“Cho, L’Iera?” Adrián blinked. “Those two will get you more trouble than it is worth it” 

Raising her hand “If anyone can handle those two, then it is Silina. You know my opinion about those two, and they got a long way to go to earn a spot on my bridge again” Sazra growls, crossing her arms over each other. The memory of what had happened earlier was fresh as the door chime went off. “Ahh the next issue. Come in” Sazra spoke up.

The young Caitian walked into the room and stopped before the desk giving a salute to the three senior officers in front of her “Lieutenant K’Nala reporrrrting perrr yourrr request” She had no idea what would happen. Did she do something wrong? With all the changes happening, maybe she would be transferred to another ship? So many things were racing through her mind. 

“At ease Lieutenant” Sazra lifted her hand to her and saw the Caitian change into a more relaxing posture. “K’Nala I asked you here to discuss an issue we as Command Team are facing that you might be able to resolve for us” She looked at Silina while lowering her hand.

Giving a nod as Silina turned her attention to K’Nala “You see, Mariner is a ship with 120 souls operating it. The Damascus was about …” She thought for a second “80 people I believe to operate it. Now the standard protocol dictates that regulations of requirements for operating a solid command team are to be present at the bridge at all times when having more than 100 souls operating the ship.” 

Adrián shrugs. “Which means that we are not complying with Starfleet regulations at this current moment” Adrián looked at K’Nala seeing her a bit confused and pointed at Sazra. “Captain” pointing at Silina “First Officer” and finally points at himself “Second Officer…do you see the issue?” 

For a moment K’Nala eyes went from Sazra to Silina to finally Adrián and shrugged “Because…you arrre not on the bridge sirrr?” 

“Bingo” Adrián smiled. “Starfleet is making our poor Captain pull out her hair with this regulation because we have to follow it to the letter. Now seeing that I am not going to serve the bridge and more needed near that comfy warp core. I need to step back from the second officer and be placed in the third officer which is like a reserve command officer” He did his best to explain it. 

“More like an adviser position, but that gets us to the next problem, we don’t have a second officer” Silina continued. “Which is where you actually come in Lieutenant. You are in our eyes quite qualified for the position, and if you accept you will be trained properly for it” 

K’Nala blinked a few times. “But….I am …still quite young…I just rejected the Captain’s offerrr to be promoted to full Lieutenant?” After the Gamma mission, she was given a field commission for her work and great piloting of the Mariner, but she felt it was too early to be promoted to the next stage of her career. “Therrre arrre more experienced officerrrs in the ship orrr even beyond the ship?” 

Smiling at the response, Sazra took a deep breath. “That is very true. There is always someone better than you. Or even me. But recognizing that you do not feel ready for something is also a sign of growing K’Nala. We all have met that growth over time and been pushed into situations that we were not ready for.” Sazra looked at her. “You have proven yourself during the Blood Dilithium Operation and the last mission. You have shown dignity and loyalty to us and the crew. You are not afraid to stand up for what is wrong, and that is what we need” 

“We will not drop you into the position immediately K’Nala. You will become the Officer of the Watch meaning that you do the graveyard shift and learn the ropes of command at your own pace. But for the official paperwork, we shall add the Second Officer to your profile and register that with Starfleet. Additionally, you will be included in our meetings. Well basically just you, me, and Sazra. Commander Valerio here will be tapping out and only sits with us if needed” 

Adrián smirks at that, knowing how much he hated the meetings or doing the graveyard shifts because of regulations when he could spend more time in Engineering. “She has a point. I got enough work as it is” 

Placing her hands together and leaning forward leaning on the table looking at K’Nala “So what do you think Lieutenant? Are you ready for a step up? If you feel you are not ready for the position, no harm is done to step down from it” Sazra smiled softly at her. 

Standing there a bit shocked, K’Nala snaps herself out of it “I….I am honorrred to give this position a shot. I will do my best and hope to make you proud of me Captain.” 

“You already making us proud Lieutenant, but glad to hear that you are willing to give this a shot. Dismissed, Commander Ruslanovna will help you with shorting out the details and what you need to know soon enough. Good luck and we shall see each other soon enough” Sazra saw her new Second Officer salute them and leave the room. “Gosh I was in that position only eight years ago” She leans in her chair. 

Adrián and Silina looked at the door closing “ She is ready for it. I will make sure of it” Silina said and felt it was her responsibility to take this up.