Part of USS Mariner: M2: All the Voices in My Head

1) Behold, Avalon

USS Mariner - Bridge
April 2401
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“So we barely survived the encounter at the Ciatar Nebula, yet managed to hold our ground at Farpoint. I think we can call that achievement by itself” Drata smirked, pointing out the proud moment that they managed to survive hell and come back to tell the tale about it. “Though I do have to say, Blood Dilithium was a whole different level for some reason” 

The bridge was quiet when Drata bragged about it, but K’Nala looked over her shoulder. “You can’t comparrre those two events side by side. BDO was a natural cause of danger that we faced something that we shouldn’t have survived” She looked back at the console in front of her. “While the Dominion was a matterrr of weight. You saw you it yourself, even if we brought the representatives to them. The number of ships that werrre at Farpoint was unreal” 

Glaring up from her PADD “A fair point of observation, Lieutenant. But do keep in mind that our mission did affect the outcome. The Dominion Fleet was not at full strength, and they thought they could outweigh us with what they had. However, a grand plan was at play, and Admiral Beckett was cunning to make more than one failsafe to assure our success” T’path might show her cards as it was favorable for the Mariner crew of what they did. But the previous mission was highly troubling, they were a sacrifice for the greater good, if they had failed someone else would have finished their work.

“That sounds very…logical Lieutenant” Drata pointed out with a shrug trying to decipher her point. “So what matters is that we survived and we are barely holding us together again” Drata shrugged looking at the reports. “Does Captain Kobahl make a habit of breaking her ships?” 

Looking over her shoulder at Drata “For my own safety Lieutenant, no comment” T’path looked back at her PADD knowing well enough what the answer would be. She knew Sazra long enough that a ship is just a material item to a means-end, a tool. 

“We arrre approaching Avalon Fleet Yards soon Lieutenant. Should we alerrrt the Captain and Commanderrr Ruslanovna?” K’Nala saw the course on her screen that the ETA was soon to five minutes mark.

Shaking her head “They said that they will be here in time, but if not proceed with docking at the nearest available docking area” T’path spoke looking back at her own PADD. “So keep yourself focused on your duties Lieutenant, and we shall await traffic control response. 

“What is actually so great about Avalon Fleet Yards?” Asipa looked into the bridge a bit confused.

Seeing a stern look from T’path “Why did you had to ask that Ensign…” Rubbing her hand at her template awaiting of what was coming. 

“Well let me explain to you Ensign Asipa” Drata said with a smirk. “Avalon Fleet yards is one of the many incredible fleet yards in service of Starfleet. It is the main area for resupply, repair, and construction of Starfleet ships. It is also the testing grounds for developing new ships to come. While we might have impressive starbases out there, Avalon is tasked with the time-consuming and most difficult refits out there” Drata points up a finger with pride sharing his knowledge. “This place is no joke….it has its own deuterium refineries, research stations, shipyards, and even ocean dry docks near Sato City at Avalon II. Aside from that, it got Brahms Station, three Presidium-class facilities, one Jupiter-class facility, and the Anchorage-class for history value I guess” 

Asipa blinked her eyes at him “Right…I just asked what is so great about it….” Looking back at her console “Now I somehow regret it…” she muttered to herself. 

“I can also tell you the fine ships that are in service of Avalon Fleet Yard….” Drata wanted to continue his fanboying phase as he gets interrupted. 

“No thank you Lieutenant” A voice came from him behind as Sazra walked into the bridge giving a nod to T’path that stood up from the command seat to take back her station. “We have heard that to many times…who asked him about AFY?” Sazra sat down in her chair.

“That would be me…” Asipa shrugged.

“ Tsk tsk tsk” Silina shook her head looking at Asipa. “Hope you learned from that mistake” She grinned a bit as she walked to her chair next to Sazra and sat down. 

“Aye sir….” Asipa grabbed the comm at her ear. “We have an incoming transmission from TCC AYF requesting to report to docking yard 7 at Brahms Station” She quickly forwards the information to K’Nala. “They are welcoming us to Avalon Fleet Yards and wish us the best for a job well done at Deneb. We deserve the rest after tiring travel” 

Sazra leans back in her chair. “Tell them we are glad to be home. K’Nala make a course to follow TCC AYF’s direction and dock us with Brahms Station. Commander Ruslanovna sent a general alert to the crew that we are about to arrive at Avalon Fleet Yards, and they are allowed some time off from the Mariner while the SCE takes the lead in repairs.” Sazra narrows her eyes and had a grin on her face “Asipa” 

She looked up from her console. “Yes, Captain?”

“Enjoy the view, welcome to Avalon Fleet Yards” Sazra said as the Mariner jumped out of warp into the operational area of Avalon Fleet Yards. The stunning view of all ships of the Fourth Fleet traveling around to get their repairs or resupply in order. The USS Kennedy, a Norway-Class was in docks to their right.  The USS Seoul, a New Orleans-class, was being pulled into another dock. 

“Wow…” Asipa was looking at the view. It was truly a sight to behold. As her eyes looked at the Luna-Class, USS Himalia passed by. 


  • I really love that Drata is having his little fanboy moment, I always like when in-universe characters echo just how cool things are. It’s a shame Sazra is getting a bit of a reputation for breaking her tools, hopefully Mariner can become the exception. A great laidback lead into the activities that we all know are ahead as the poetic irony of Frontier Day looms.

    July 8, 2023
  • I really love that Drata is having his little fanboy moment, I always like when in-universe characters echo just how cool things are. It’s a shame Sazra is getting a bit of a reputation for breaking her tools, hopefully Mariner can become the exception. A great laidback lead into the activities that we all know are ahead as the poetic irony of Frontier Day looms.

    July 8, 2023