Part of USS Valhalla: Mission 2: Ragnarök and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

(17) Recovery

Arkan II
MD 15
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Rescue operations were well underway. There were hundreds of survivors from the nearly thirty damaged or destroyed ships. Most were Jem’Hadar, but there were plenty of Romulan, and Klingon survivors as well. Ethan didn’t think it was a mercy rescuing the Jem’Hadar. They didn’t have any white and they would die without it. It just seemed… well more humane to let space take them.

The bridge of the USS Valhalla was a hive of activity with repair crews and standard bridge operations. More than half the access panels were opened and had hunched over engineers repairing damage sustained in the battle. Standing in the center of the bridge with her hands on her hips she was surrounded by officers giving her various reports. Behind her was the blue and green ball that was Arkan II on the viewscreen.

“Aw Commander,” Aoife greeted. She looked almost excited for the distraction that his presence provided. “How is the transfer of the colonists back to the planet?”

“Almost complete Captain,” Ethan replied.  The Andromeda took on Soujourner‘s colonists before landing on the planet. No need to worry about overwhelming the life support system for that short of a duration.”

“Good call,” Aoife agreed.

“Ma’am I have a request.”

Aoife studied Ethan for a moment, “Of course Commander. I owe it to you to at least hear you out.”

Ethan nodded, “I would like permission to recover Lieutenant Donovan’s body.”

Aoife didn’t hesitate, “Of course. I believe the Runabout Bighorn is prepped and ready. Take Lieutenant Eichmann from the Andromeda with you as well.”

Ethan nodded, “Yes, of course captain.”

“Good luck commander.”


Ethan entered commands into the helm as the runabout broke through the clouds. Named after the Bighorn River in Montana Ethan piloted the little ship low over the sea. The tall cliffs of the Fjords loomed in the distance quickly grew large.

“Runabout Bighorn to Arkan Approach, we are at flight level one-two-zero at 250 knots,” Eichmann reported.

Acknowledged Bighorn. Slow to 160 and you are cleared to land. Be aware of traffic four kilometers to your right on parallel course.”

We have traffic on sensors,” Eichman replied. He briefly glanced over at Ethan who was busy manipulating the helm controls. Returning his attention back to pilot monitoring he continued, “Slowing to 160. Cleared to land.” Eichmann entered commands into his terminal and started working through the checklist. “Impulse engines… standby. Plasma exhaust ports… closed. Landing lights… on. Decision height… 100 meters set. Missed approach altitude… 3000 set. Landing struts… green. TOGA… armed. Reverse thrusters… set. Antigrav generators… on.  Landing checklist is complete.”

“Thank you,” Ethan said as they flew through the Fjord where the Village of Brimir lay at the end.  The USS Andromeda sat in a clearing offloading their passengers a kilometer away from the village. 

“There’s the crashed fighter,” Eichmann pointed out.

“I see it,” Ethan replied as he slowed the runabout and circled over the water.  “I think we can land on that rocky beach.” He entered commands into the helm and the ship slowed a few meters over the beach. It slowed to a stop and after a second of hovering and then it landed amongst the rocks.

After several minutes Eichman entered commands into his terminal, “After landing checklist is complete.”

Ethan sat for a long moment and after blowing air through his lips he announced, “Okay, let’s get this over with.”

Eichmann gave the commander a sympathetic smile, “She deserves to come home.”

“She does.” He stood and picked up the collapsed stretcher and a bundle of navy cloth before hammering the exit button and the airlock hissed open.  

The pair headed up the bank and entered the pine forest. They stepped over fallen logs and stumbled over loose rocks. At one point they came to a low cliff and climbing over the scattered boulders they emerged into the destroyed swath of forest where a Jem’Hadar fighter lay upside down and hull ripped open.

Ethan crossed the several meters and pushed his way into one of the many breeches. Pushing aside polymer conduits he dropped onto the ceiling of a corridor. He made a disgusted expression as the scent of death hit him. 

He glanced at Eichmann before flicking on his flashlight and dove into the darkness.  Stepping around a dead Jem’Hadar he entered the upside down bridge and there in the middle lay the lifeless form of a Starfleet officer laying face down.

He set the stretcher down and opened it up. Kneeling next to the form of his friend he hung his head. “Okay, help me won’t you?”

“Yeah,” the big German said.  “You get her shoulders and I’ll get her feet.” 

Together they rolled Kat onto the stretcher. Ethan shook out the bundle of navy cloth to reveal the Scottish flag. With it’s white Saint Andrews cross on a field of blue he carefully laid it over his friend and tucked it under her so it would stay in place.

“You honor her.”

“Yeah,” Ethan said distracted. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”