Part of USS Pioneer: Mending Wounds

MW – Chapter 1

Avalon Fleet Yards; U.S.S. Pioneer
March 2401
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Ginell moved through her quarters, packing her things into several containers. She grabbed her picture frames from her desk, as well as some other mementos that she has kept with her over the years and different lifetimes, and tucked them into one of the bags. She was able to open her clothes drawer when the door bell chime rang, so she stood up straight and faced the door, “Enter.”

The familiar hissing sound revealed an Andorian standing in the entry way, his arms crossed with a slight frown on his face. They both didn't say anything and stared at each other for a few seconds before Ginell turned around and went back to packing, opening the drawer and taking out her off duty clothing. She walked across the room to put the shirts in her bag when she said, “Well, have you decided if your coming in or not?”

Kosev, who was looking down to the ground and not paying any attention to her packing, finally looked up and said, “I was just thinking, maybe I can reach out to Captain Taavik at Deep Space 47, maybe he has some sway-”

Ginell stopped for a moment, looking up at Kosev and smiled, “You wouldn't dare.”

“Wouldn't I?” He smiled, as he finally stepped into her quarters, the door closing behind him. Ginell smirked as she shuffled some things around in her bag to fit a few more pieces of clothing, then fought with the bag to close the zipper. Kosev came over and helped her, holding the bag shut so she could pull the zipper, then he walked over to the edge of her bed and sat down. 

Since he was horrible with goodbyes, he found himself struggling to come up with things to say and talk about, so he asked, “When are you leaving?”

Ginell was putting her picture frames and other items carefully into one of the containers, not looking back as she replied, “0800 tomorrow morning, will take about three weeks for us to reach the Talvath Cluster, then the real fun begins.” 

She smiled wryly, then was about to continue moving about her quarters, but decided to take a seat in the chair next to Kosev. They looked at each other for a while, then he smiled, “I'm so happy for you; you are going to do wonderful things. No one is more deserving than you are.”

She smiled, “But…”

“But…" He felt the tears begin to well up in his eyes, then he said through a smile with a slight croak in his throat, "I'm going to miss you dammit.” They both laughed. Ginell grabbed his arm and brought him in for a hug. They embraced for a while without saying anything, without having the need to say anything. The amount of years they knew each other, they knew what the other was thinking.

A chime came at the door to her quarters, and they both stopped hugging before Ginell finally said, “Enter.” The doors opened to reveal Savar, who didn't wait for permission to walk right in. “Well, I was wondering when you'd show up.” She said playfully, standing up and punching Savar in the arm slightly before forcing a hug on him. Savar, uncomfortable with the display of emotion at first, finally moved his hands from behind his back and patted Ginell on the back as she embraced him. 

“I was merely checking to see if you were ready to depart. If memory serves, you are notorious for procrastinating until the last moment.” Savar said, looking around the room at all the open drawers and containers. 

“You're mistaken, he's the procrastinator.” She pointed to Kosev, who had an expression of innocence on his face, “I had to practically shove him out of his office at Avalon before we launched.”

“I invoke the Seventh Guarantee under the advice from my counsel.” Kosev said wryly, causing Ginell to roll her eyes. 

“I hope your excited to have to deal with that now.” She said, pointing to Kosev. Savar was about to protest and Ginell through up her hand and shook her hand, “Never mind.” She said, causing Kosev to laugh. She put the last of her belongings in the round container and looked around the room, “Well… that does it.”

Kosev stood from the bed, looking at both of them, then to Ginell, “You both are my best friends, it's difficult to imagine this journey without you after all these years.” He smiled, shifting his gaze between them both, “Having said that, Starfleet needs great officers to step up, particularly now, and I couldn't be prouder that you've answered the call and accepted.” He held out his hand to shake hers, “Congratulations, Captain Daan.”

“Thanks, Captain. I couldn't have got here without you,” She looked to Savar, “without both of you.”

“I have every confidence that you will succeed in this new role as you have in all of your previous roles, Captain.” Savar said, raising one eyebrow, “Congratulations, indeed.”

Kosev pick up a few of the containers, Savar grabbing the others, and then said, “Come on, we'll walk you to the transporter room. After all, I bet you're itching to get to your new ship.” He said as both him and Savar walked through the doors and out into the corridor, Ginell following behind. She stopped and lingered in the doorway, turning around and taking one last look at her quarters. She smiled and nodded, then looking to her friends before they continued down to the transporter room. 


  • What an intimate and bittersweet moment between friends. The interactions felt very natural, and the emotions were appropriately jumbled, happy for next adventures, yet sad for the loss of the closeness of serving together. This has got to be a very common experience in Starfleet as officers move around, yet it’s a story not often told this way so it made for a great read.

    June 27, 2023
  • What an intimate and bittersweet moment between friends. The interactions felt very natural, and the emotions were appropriately jumbled, happy for next adventures, yet sad for the loss of the closeness of serving together. This has got to be a very common experience in Starfleet as officers move around, yet it’s a story not often told this way so it made for a great read.

    June 27, 2023
  • Ah man, the post-FA reshuffles starting and you've given us this wonderful display between friends and colleagues as one departs for new adventures. You've effortlessly brought to life these characters here, making them relatable and personable. I really enjoyed the little touches, the real friend bits that sell the long-term friendship. Even getting Savar to concede to a hug was a neat touch. Keep it up! Those little touches and moments really breath life into characters and make these fantastic stories to read.

    July 3, 2023