Part of Starbase Bravo: The Homefront and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

Guided Steps

Main Infirmary / Starbase Bravo
March 2401
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Linha Varen was sitting in her dorm down on the Mellstoxx campus studying for an upcoming exam when her computer beeped. She raised an eyebrow wondering what it could be about, with everything that has been going on since they found out about the return of the Lost Fleet. Opening up the communication, she was being reassigned to Starbase Bravo for more extensive training as well as her lessons would resume there. She would be reporting to Lieutenant Hannah Murphy who would become her mentor, after she finished reading she closed her computer and sat back, and sighed.

Standing up she headed to pack her belongings again and would head for the transport that was leaving for the starbase within the hour. “So much for studying,” she said to herself though she would find time to study later on as this exam was a good portion of her grade for the class. Once she was packed she headed out of the dorm and headed towards where the transport was located. Upon entering she gave the pilot her orders and then took her seat.

After arriving onboard the starbase she began to walk out of the shuttle bay headed for her assigned quarters which seemed to be shared with other cadets. One was sitting on her bunk when she entered to set her bag down on what seemed to be an empty bed. “Ah a newbie, welcome I am Tara Stern,” Tara replied with a smile.

“Linha Varen,” she introduced herself. “Just got assigned as a medical cadet,” she added.

“Me too,” she replied. “Who is your mentor?” Tara asked.

“A Lieutenant Hannah Murphy,” Linha replied.

“She’s nice and a good pick,” Tara replied. “Well I won’t keep you long but we should study together sometime,” she added with a smile.

“Sounds good to me, thank you,” Linha replied with a smile already making a new friend. She headed out of the room and headed towards the Main Infirmary where she would meet with the lieutenant. After a while and almost getting lost on the way she finally arrived, walking in she looked around until she saw an officer standing by a biobed with a patient.

“Could you tell me where Lieutenant Murphy is?” Linha asked as the officer looked over at the young Trill.

“She is in the next room over there,” the officer replied pointing in the direction of where Hannah was located.

“Thank you,” Linha replied before walking in that direction until she saw the woman next to a biobed.

Hannah was just finishing up treating another lieutenant who had sustained a torn ligament while playing tennis on the holodeck. With a calm and reassuring demeanour, she guided him through a series of exercises to assess his range of motion and ensure the injury was healing properly. The man expressed his gratitude for her expert care, Hannah smiled warmly and provided him with instructions for further recovery. With a gentle pat on the shoulder, she watched him leave the biobed, confident in his progress. As she turned to her console to update the patient’s medical records, her concentration was broken by the arrival of the young cadet seeking her attention.

“Lieutenant Murphy?” Linha asked as she looked at the woman.

Turning her attention to the approaching voice, Hannah greeted the cadet with an inviting smile, “You must be Linha Varen. It’s a pleasure to meet you, though I must say, I was not expecting you until tomorrow.” she said, extending her hand in greeting.

She looked a bit confused as she looked at her orders again thinking she may have misread something and sure enough did. Her cheeks turned a bit red at the confusion before she shrugged, “I guess I wanted to get an early start,” she replied with a soft chuckle before taking the hand that Hannah offered and shaking it. “Rather be early than late,” she added.

“Not a problem,” Hannah replied “Since I just finished with my last patient, I can spare some time now to get acquainted, seeing as we’ll probably spend a great deal of time working together.”

Hannah, motioned down the corridor, directing Linha toward the nearby semi-private offices “Let’s find a place where we can sit and chat”

Finding an empty office three doors down the corridor, Hannah led Linha inside and gestured for her to take a seat. while she took the seat opposite the desk. “Your personnel file indicates you’re a third-year Cadet. How are you finding the Academy thus far?  Is Dr. Lurik’s introduction to molecular biology still as dull as I made it out to be?” she said with a bit of a chuckle.

“I have an exam with his class tomorrow,” she chuckled. “Though I do quite enjoy it even if he is dull,” she added looking at him. “Though I spent most of the past year up until about a month ago on the USS Saratoga on a cadet cruise if you call it that. Now, I find myself here almost doing the same thing. I think they want me well-versed I guess.” She said with a shrug as she was following instructions from her superiors. “I have been enjoying all my classes,” she said.

Hannah listened intently whilst continuing to review Linha’s personnel file. “If you want versatility, you’ll definitely find that here.” she paused for a moment when she got to Linha’s academic records “How, would you rate your proficiencies in standard medical procedures? Is there anything you feel you’re struggling with?”

“Well I done physicals so I am pretty confident in those,” she said looking at her. “Though I helped with more than that during the events in the Delta Quadrant, helping treat minor injuries.” She added with a smile.

“Alright. I’ve got a patient scheduled in a few minutes. It’s a routine physical. I will let you take the lead and I’ll observe. You can put into practice what you’ve learned.”

“Sounds good to me,” Linha replied.

Hannah listened intently whilst continuing to review Linha’s personnel file. “If you want versatility, you’ll definitely find that here.” she paused for a moment when she got to Linha’s academic records “How, would you rate your proficiencies in standard medical procedures? Is there anything you feel you’re struggling with?”

“Well I done physicals so I am pretty confident in those,” she said looking at her. “Though I helped with more than that during the events in the Delta Quadrant, helping treat minor injuries.” She added with a smile.

“Alright. I’ve got a patient scheduled in a few minutes. It’s a routine physical. I will let you take the lead and I’ll observe. You can put into practice what you’ve learned.”

“Sounds good to me,” Linha replied.

The two left the office and Hannah led the way back through the corridor they had used to get to the office. They paused briefly at the nurse’s station to collect a PADD with the file of their next patient and then veered left into the main examination ward. A young male, junior grade lieutenant, in his apparent early twenties, donned in crimson sat upon a biobed attentively waiting to be seen.

“Lieutenant Matthews. I am Doctor Murphy.” Hannah began, then gestured toward Linha, “This is Cadet Varen. She will be conducting your physical today under my supervision. Is that okay?”

With a nod of agreement from the man, Hannah stepped aside and allowed Linha to proceed with the examination with exemplary performance, living up to her self-proclaimed confidence in her ability. She was satisfied in her initial observations of the cadet and was looking forward to working with her more going forward; perhaps even having her on her team.