Part of USS Eagle: Intelligence Acquisitions

Don’t Mess with Me

Lappa Moon
March 2401
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Bunnicorn’s Foot

Roger was in awe of the casino.  The place was huge, with multiple levels.  There was every game of chance imaginable from dozens of worlds.  Circling the main area were private gaming rooms, bars, restaurants, dance floors, theaters for shows, and holo suites.  The cacophony of lights and sound should have overwhelmed the senses, but some sort of architectural genius dispersed things to ambient noise, creating an inviting gaming environment.

Roger was wearing a traditional, button-down dress shirt, slacks, and dress shoes.  He didn’t take long to get ready, but had to wait… and wait… in the hotel room for Lori.  It was worth it when she emerged from the bedroom wearing a blue evening gown that bared her right shoulder, with a slit on the left revealing flashes of leg as she moved.  Around her neck was the Betazoid pendant for strength hanging on a gold chain.  She made a complete circle, and stopped with her hand on her hip.  “What do you think?”

Roger got up from the couch, staring just a bit longer than he should have.  “You look amazing.”

“Ryan, you okay?”

“Hm?” muttered Roger.

It was Ted.  Ryan and Kavi had befriended Ted and Erica who were on vacation.

“Sorry.  I was taking it all in.”  Roger made a sweeping motion with his arm.

“It’s awesome,” said Erica, excitement in her voice.  “Where should we start first?”

“I’ve always wanted to try that Bolian dice game, fzbzbm something,” said Ted.

Erica giggled.  “You never could pronounce it.  How about you guys?”

“I want to walk around and see everything first,” said Lori.  “There’s a lot to take in.  Meet you for dinner in a few hours?”

“You got it.”  Ted smiled at Erica.  “Let’s find fzbzbm something.”

Erica waved as the couple went on their way.

“It’s time to party,” said Lori.

Kicking into bodyguard mode, Roger followed her.  It was for real now.


“Full house.  Jacks over fives.”  Lori smiled, adding her winnings to the largest stack of chips on the table.

Lori had played Texas Hold ‘Em for about an hour and Roger didn’t know how she got so good at it, but she was cleaning up.  Most of the other players were taking it in stride; they appeared to be wealthy enough to not care, but the only other woman at the table had been scowling for twenty minutes.  Roger watched her finish her drink, signal a waitress, and order another.

Two hands later, Lori won again, the dealer drawing a one in a thousand card on the river.  Laughing, she reached for the chips.

“I think you’re cheating.”

Lori stopped and looked at her accuser, the other woman.  ”Excuse me?’

“I said you’re cheating.”

“Ma’am, I assure you no one is cheating here,” said the Dealer.

Roger watched Lori gather her chips, while she ignored the woman.

“Are we okay now?” said the Dealer.

Roger watched him reach under the table and press something.

The two women glared at each other.

“Okay.  Here we go,” said the Dealer.

The game continued, with Roger alert that something could happen.  He didn’t have long to wait.  Lori drew a flush and the other woman had a straight.  Lori reached for the chips.

“Wait!  Those are mine.  I win,” said the woman.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but a flush beats a straight,” said the Dealer.


Roger could see the woman had too much to drink, which was causing her bad behavior.

“I think it’s time for you to step away, ma’am,” said the Dealer.

With an angry growl, the woman stood up and tried to grab the chips.  With speed that surprised Roger, Lori grabbed the woman’s wrist, pulled her, slamming her down onto the table, her other hand pressing on the woman’s neck.  “You really don’t want to mess with me.”

Two Ferengi men from casino security appeared.  “Ma’am, let us handle it.”

Lori glared at the security man, a fire in her eyes Roger never saw before.  He was both surprised and proud.

“Ma’am.”  The security man was more forceful.

Roger shifted his position so he was in Lori’s direct line-of-sight.  “Kavi!”

Lori smirked and let go of her adversary.  As security escorted the woman out, Lori looked at Roger, a twinkle in her eye.  He moved closer to her and gave her a quick hug.  He was seeing the rush of working undercover.



  • Great opening world-building to give us an idea of what we're looking at and sensing as we walk with our characters. I love the card game scene, and I felt like I was getting faked out with the angry lady - is there more to her? I almost want there to be something just cause she was pissed off at Lori. Also, the button got pushed...and now I want to know why and what happens next! Roger's finding he likes this gig, and Lori seems really good at being incognito every time she goes undercover - I'm wondering if there's a more full-time gig in the future for her? Looking forward to the next!

    May 26, 2023
  • Lori is really getting into this undercover op. I have to wonder if she really was cheating. What are the odds of a flush and a straight cropping up in the same hand? I enjoyed Roger's reaction during and after the confrontation. That does have to be a rush no doubt. This build up is really making me look forward to the climax.

    May 30, 2023