Part of USS Denver: Mission 5: A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Quotidian Domesticity Part: 2

Starbase 75, Betazed System
September 8, 2374
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Rebecca answered the door as she wrapped her robe around herself tighter.  As the doors parted to reveal Master Chief Jeter she blinked.  “Chief, is there a problem?”

Jeter nodded in greeting to the Captain, “No, but we have received our orders. The fleet has brought the training manoeuvres forward. They want all ships ready to depart shortly.” He then paused momentarily while he glanced past her into the quarters, “I am sorry to disturb you, I was nearby and thought it best to inform you in person.”

Rebecca stepped aside,  “Come in Master Chief. We’re just eating breakfast.”

Jeter peared into the room, “I would hate to impose.” As he said that he could feel his tomach rumble at the thought of food, “But if you insist I guess I could join.”

Rebecca shook her head in exasperation. “Fresh brewed coffee is in the pot. Can I get you anything else?”

Jeter smiled, “Fresh coffee would be great, beyond that a bagel or toast will be fine Captain.” Stepping into the room he nodded to Milo, “Milo, apologises for the intrusion.” After he spoke, he grabbed an empty mug, poured himself a cup of coffee, and took a sip before turning to face them. “Wish we had more of this on the ship.”

“It came from the ship,” Rebecca said over her shoulder as she worked the replicator controls. “Milo ain’t so picky. I have a substantial stash squirreled away on the Denver.”

Jeter raised an eyebrow at that.

Milo chuckled,  “She swears she can taste the difference between the real stuff and replicated. I can’t. It just tastes like coffee to me.” Standing he extended a massive calloused hand,  “No intrusion Master Chief it’s good to finally meet you. Becca speaks highly of you.”

“If your mirror universe counterpart isn’t evil does that make you evil?” Aimee asked.  Her twin sister, Livvy, looked horrifed and elbowed her in the ribs. Aimee shot Livvy a dirty look.

Milo glanced down at his progeny and simply shook his head. 

Jeter let out a little laugh, “It is good to finally meet you as well Milo.” Turning to Aimee he shrugged, “Not every mirror universe counterpart has to be evil, but I guess only time will tell. Your must be Aimee then.”

“I am!” Aimee beamed. 

“And I’m Livvy!” Her sister added not wanting to be left out.

Jeter nodded in greet, “It is nice to meet you both. Do you enjoy living on the station near Betazed? I hear it is very nice here.”

“We just stay on the station,” Livvy said.

“It’s because there’s a war on,” Aimee added.  “The station is all right I guess. The holodecks are fun. Did you know you can ride horses in there?”

With a soft laugh Jeter smiled, “I did know that actually, I have been known to use such programmes myself.” He then knelt down and leaned into Aimee, “You know, my niece on Earth told me of a programme where you can ride a mythological hippocampus through the god Neptune’s underwater kingdom with coral reefs and fish everywhere while you complete quests. The best part is you don’t need to have to worry about scuba gear. She loves it. I think it is called Neptune’s Garden or something like that. If you like I can have her send me the programme if the station doesn’t have it. Would that be of interest?”

Hipp-oh-kam-us?” Aimee asked forming the unfamiliar word in her mouth.  “Is that like a hippopotamus?”

Jeter’s let a out deep laugh, “Yes and now, it is a creature of greek mythology, part-horse, part fish. Think of a horse mermaid. If you aks the computer I am sure it can give you a lot of information about the stories they appear in.”

“A horse mermaid?” Livvy asked skeptically. “That’s weird.”

“i bet its back is slimy like a fish,” Aimee speculated.

“If you rode a hipp-oh-kamp-oh-potamus wouldn’t you smell like a fish then?” Livvy asked.

“Well maybe, most likely,” Jeter agreed, “But that is the beauty of the holodeck, you don’t need to worry about that smell.”

“Girls, you know, Chief Jeter approves everyone that comes on board?” Rebecca said over her coffee after settling down at the table again. 

“I thought you were the captain?” Livvy asked confused.

“I am, but the Chief, is Chief of the boat.”

“Oh,” Livvy said thinking.  “Chief can we go on the training mission?”

Jeter cocked his head slightly and glanced at the Captain as he tried to gauge what she was thinking, “I…” he started and paused before continuing. “I think that we could make something work if it is ok with your parents that is?”

“It is,” Livvy assured.

Rebecca smiled and nodded to Jeter.

“Well then, I think we can sort something out for you then.” Jeter paused for a moment and thought, “That said we will need to find work for the two of you. You any good at scrubbing jefffrey tubes clean?”

“Clean?” Livvy asked her eyes wide.

“We’re too young to work for Starfleet,” Aimee said through a mouthful of pancake.

Jeter shrugged nonchalantly, “But how else will you earn your keep?” He stopped for a moment to gauge their reaction before continuing, “Though I guess we do have some new holodeck programmes for kids that need testing, that might work. If you’re up for it that is?”

“For kids?” Livvy asked.

Jeter nodded, “Yep, kid-friendly training simulations and such. They are meant to be fun.”

“Do you need anything else Chief?” Rebecca asked as she refilled his coffee.

He took the coffee and shook his head as he straightened his stance, “No Captain, just the change in schedule for the departure for the training. I will be heading back shortly to ensure everything is in place and all crew are recalled.”

“No to eat,” Rebecca laughed. “We have a whole replicator of options.  Not as good as the real thing but convenient.”

With snort and a shake of his head Jeter let out a sigh, “That makes sense….” He drank some of the coffee letting the warm liquid course through him, “Well, I guess two poached eggs of granary toast with cracked pepper on top.”

“And on that note,” Milo said standing from the table and ruffling both his daughter’s hair to a round of giggling as they pushed copper locks out of their eyes. “I best be getting to work. Especially if I’m taking tomorrow off.” Rebecca stood and she gave Milo a quick peck on the lips before returning to her seat. Milo extended a massive and callused paw to Jeter, “Nice meeting you Master Chief.”

He took the hand and shook it, “It was a pleasure, the Captain speaks very highly of you sir.”

Milo grinned behind his walrus mustache,  “The same.” He bowed his head. “I’ll see you girls when I get back. Ethan make sure you get your homework done before you hang out with the Morris girl.”

“That ‘Morris girl’ is the daughter of my goddaughter,” Rebecca said. “But yes, homework first then you can see Trinity.”

Ethan rolled his eyes not liking being ganged up on by both side, “Okay, I will.”

Milo frowned. He would have like a “yes sir” but at 13 you pick your battles and being late for work with a guest is probably the best time.  Sighing he bent down and kissed the twins on the foreheads and was gone. At the same time Rebecca was serving Jeter his breakfast.

Jeter took a seat at the table and happily tucked into his food. After a couple of bites, he stifled a little laugh, “Always seems like food replicated by someone else tastes a bit better, or maybe my replicator is just slightly out of alignment.” He took another bit and looked over to the Captain, “What are your thoughts on the training manoeuvre the fleet has scheduled?”

Rebecca had finished her meal and was sitting back sipping her coffee, “Better than actual combat.”

“We’re done,” Aimee announced. “Can we go play?”

“Put your dishes in the replicator,” Rebecca said with a nod. The girls slid out of their seats and with plates in hand ran to the replicator before disappearing into their room.

Jeter nodded at that, “I agree, I hope though that it keeps us on our toes and ready for when combat resumes.” He paused for a moment and looked out the viewport, “I am concerned though that some will view it as a game. Maybe not those in the fleet but those who haven’t seen the war up close. Though I guess it doesn’t matter too much as long as the crew is ready.”

“You don’t go to the ballet without at least one dress rehearsal,  and I have found that having fun often yields the best learning.”

“That is very true captain,” he said before taking the final bite of his breakfast. “I will ensure the lessons are taken to heart by the crew.” After a brief pause, he placed the utensils across his place and wiped his mouth, “I should likely get to it, with your permission Captain?”

Rebecca smiled,  “I’ll be there in a bit once I get the girls ready.”