Part of USS Neptune: Darkness Comes Swiftly

The End is Nigh

Olivers Base, Diitov
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Michelle had been trying to determine the best way to attack the Neptune and while Ajis’s ship was being refitted for the purposes in which she had set forth the issue currently was determining the best time to attack the Neptune. Felicity had kept in touch but it was rare to hear from her because of the missions and undertakings of the Neptune. Michelle had been trying to ascertain where she would be and even the A.I. was having trouble in determining the information.

Her mole had been resourceful in most cases, but even he was having trouble determining the location of the Neptune. As Michelle looked at the screen she heard the faint footsteps of someone and turned to see Ajis walking her way. She turned her seat around and waited for him a look of annoyance on her face. 

Ajis entered the room and noticed that very look she had and chuckled slightly. “Now now. What was the saying the human parents say to their children? Keep making that face and it’ll stay like that.” He teased as he rubbed his hands with a towel. He continued quickly, “Well, hopefully, this will cheer you up. The ship is ready. It has teeth and the power to manage those teeth and its cloaking device is near perfect. Long as we don’t push it too much, the risk of detection is practically nil. Course, had a lot of help from your A.I., so why wouldn’t it be perfect?” He smirked.

Michelle rolled her eyes Ajis had this was of being smug and annoying in a way that she despised, but at the same time he was useful “You can keep your opinions to yourself about how I look Ajis.” She snapped before smirking “Good work on getting the ship ready. I had no doubt my A.I. would help probably did the work of what an army would’ve taken months if not years to do.”

Ajis chuckled some. “Was a small joke, to lighten the mood.” He teased before he gave a nod of his head. “Aye, if it weren’t for your A.I. and all those holographic assistants, it would certainly have taken longer. So now that we have a ship, what’s the plan?”

Michelle sit back for a minute “We are going to make life for the Neptune miserable.”

Ajis took in a deep breath. “Ah. The amazing aromatic smell of the desire for revenge. The ship is ready to depart as soon as you are, boss.”

Michelle thought for a minute “We depart within the hour make sure the ship is loaded with everything we need. We could be away from the base for awhile.” She ordered and smiled. It seemed things were finally starting to go to plan.


It hadn’t taken long for the ship to be underway. Michelle seemed to be more uneasy about her plan than before. Michael knew her and he knew how she thought and acted. Even after all these years it hadn’t changed and in the back of her mind it made her wonder if she could actually destroy the Neptune. She wanted too, but would it be successful. Her mind continued to race due to these thoughts in her mind. She headed to the bridge and found Ajis.

She silently approached him and spoke in a low yet pointed voice “How long till we intercept the Neptune?”

The reply came quickly “We should be intercepting in less than 10 minutes.” 

A wry smile came from her face, as this is what she had been waiting for. It was time to finally bring Ryder and his precious Neptune to it’s knees. The intel Jameson had given her helped in determining the location of the ship. She had been working on this plan for years and now she would show the Federation what she was capable of. It was time to attack the Neptune with everything she had. While she was on the ship with Ajis her forces were amassing to warp in. It was time for a battle and she had the element of surprise.

She walked away from Ajis and opened her encrypted comms “Captain Cordova, are the ships ready for attack?” 

The reply from the Captain came “We are ma’am.” 

That was all the information she needed she nodded and thought with the different ships that the Neptune won’t stand a chance. She was too far away from any stations or other Federation ships to have any assistance.