Part of USS Mercy: Mission 3 – “Lost in Space”

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He blinked his eyes as the bright light slowly faded from them. “Hard to believe after all these years no one has figured out a way to fix that.”

“Welcome to the Mercy, sir. I’m Ensign O’neil, The Deck Officer for this shift.”

Caesar stepped off the transporter pad, making his way a few steps over to the ensign and handing him his PADD. 

“Lieutenant Cezear Beattie, the new CSO reporting in.” 

He looked over at the transporter chief. “Thank you chief, If you could pass the word that there are two containers.”

“I just checked, lieutenant, they are already on board and were sent directly to your assigned quarters.”

“Ahh yes, tell the crew thank you for me would you.”

“I’ll pass the message sir.”

He turned his attention back to the Ensign. “Sorry about that Ensign. Always smart to make sure that the transporter folks know they are appreciated, unless you want to end up as a sticky pile of goo on the other side.”

The chief chuckled as he heard that.

“I’ll have to remember that sir. Your assigned quarters are marked on your PADD along with the various science labs and your department head files are also on there.” The ensign handed the PADD back to the Lieutenant.

Cezear quickly flips through the various files and ship deck maps. “Niiccee, you guys know how to make a guy feel welcome.”

“We try sir, we try.”

“Thank you Ensign. So out the door take a right and the lifts should be down the hallway a bit.”

“Yes, sir.”

Cezear nodded and made his way out the door and hung a right. 

“Hmmmm, bridge or quarters? Quarters or bridge? Well I came right over as soon as I could after the Captain approved my orders. So might as well check out the new digs first.” stepping into the turbolift and looking at his PADD. “Deck four”

Arriving on deck four Cezear spent a few minutes wandering the halls getting himself acquainted with the deck and getting his bearings. Approaching his assigned quarters and double checking the room number he entered into the dark room.

“Computer Lights.” as the lights came on he started to look around the room. “Interesting doesn’t look like this room has been used in a bit.” He walked around the two crates just inside the doorway. “Get to those later. So what do we have living room, bedroom, latrine with a sonic shower. Nice. hmmm, I will need to do a bit of rearranging in the living room, looks like the best place for the wheels will be in that corner over there. I’ll need to check with engineering though to make sure nothing is in the walls that the sonic cleaner will mess with.” 

He looked in the bedroom area. Ok, this will work. Full size bed, plenty of room to do what you need to do. Computer, dim the lights in the bedroom by forty percent.” he watched from the doorway as the light dimmed “hmmm, lower by another fiver percent.” the lights dimmed just a tad. “There we go. Computer, set the current light level in the bedroom as the standard level,please.”

“Bedroom light level is set.”


Cezear spent the next few minutes unpacking what he felt was needed for the night and the next morning, mostly out of his medium’ish sized rucksack that he uses for short duration away team missions.

“That will do for now, a place to lay my head tonight, uniform situated for tomorrow. Captain said 0800 departure tomorrow morning so using the ol’ advice from dad. “Computer, set an alarm for 0500, no make that 0430. Make that the normal alarm time for Lieutenant Beattie.:

“Alarm set 0430 daily.”


Cezear got ready to go to bed, took a few minutes of silent time to focus his breathing and let the issues and negative thoughts float down the river on leaves. Climbing into bed and get himself situated. “Computer, dim the lights down to 5 percent.” as the lights dimmed he turned over onto his stomach and stretched out.

(Ding, ding, ding) ”Lieutenant you have an incoming message from an Ensign Laurel.”

He slightly lifted his head and opened his eyes to a slit.”What time is it?”


“Whats the message?”

“Lieutenant Beattie, you are required to meet with Captain Pottinger at 0600, directions to the conference room will be sent to your PADD.”

Computer, acknowledge the message and reset the alarm for 0400.”

“Message acknowledged and alarm set for 0400.”

“Thank you”