Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 2: Wayward Sons and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

15 – At the Gate

USS Mackenzie
11.2.2400 @ 1030
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Kondo sat in the tactical seat as he completed the start-up sequence for the Runabout Winona.  Next to him was Lieutenant Prentice looking nervous while he worked on charting a course through Devore space.  They were still in the shuttle bay of the Mackenzie.

Prentice spoke first, “Do we think the Devore will accept our course map?”

De La Fontaine verified the engine systems were operational as he continued down the checklist, “If they don’t, we’ll return to the Mackenzie for a plan B.”

Will was halfway through the flight plan, “If they don’t let us in…why would they let the Mackenzie in?”

The tactical chief finished the second section of the checklist and turned to face Prentice, “We have control over what is in front of us, Lieutenant.  We can handle and process exactly that and no more.  That level of planning is up to the people on the bridge of the Mack, including our captain.”  He gestured to the console in front of him, “Get us a believable course to present to the Devore.  What they say will determine what we do next.” Prentice felt his face warm from the embarrassment and busied himself with the course plot.

Natalie stood at the rear of the runabout watching the two in the cockpit.  She glanced at Okada as they both worked on installing the last element of the search and rescue template.  “They seem to be getting…along?”

The XO glanced up and followed her gaze.  Kondo and Will was an interesting pairing – one very serious about his craft while the other afflicted with a seasonal lackadaisical approach that had found him on the short end of a troubled stick a few times.  Okada had to give it to Prentice -he’d flown fairly straight from the Erigone to the Edinburgh to the Mackenzie.  She wondered if the suppressed fighter pilot mentality was just waiting to pull the rip cord and parachute him back into dangerous territory.  “They’ll have to – there’s no room for error out here.”  She powered the last unit and smiled wide, “That’s done.”  She looked down at her PADD to check to make sure all the right equipment had made it onboard.  She glanced over at the cadet, “How are you feeling about going out again?”

Harris checked the equipment on the other side of the room as she went, “I’m feeling…better.  I mean, it’s the latest in runabout technology, it’s a Federation ship, and I can sit down without having to squat or lean on hull plating.” Okada gave her a look, and she sighed, “I forget you’re the XO, so I have to give a more serious answer.  I’m feeling good.  I trust both of those men and the crew that’s coming along are some of the best.  I’m here to see if I can help find my two idiot cousins, and that’s what I’m focusing on at the moment.”

Katsumi thanked her for the honest answer and handed her the PADD, “Everything checks out.  The complete manifest, in case they ask for it, is on there.  You’ll want to buckle up in case things get a little…exciting.  Good luck, Cadet Harris.”  The XO headed out and greeted the other crew stepping onboard.  The assistant chief medical officer came into view, and she gave a wave to Ensign Yoshiyuki as he found his seat, along with Nurse Fuentes as she stowed her medical equipment.  Last onboard was the science officer Ensign Menzie who nervously looked around until she found a place for her science systems and then strapped in.  As the engineer away team member, Harris sat in the jump seat near the back of the cabin.  She wasn’t sure how to feel about it.

In the cockpit, Prentice tapped at the console as Kondo relayed to him, “Shuttle Control confirms we are clear to depart. They wish us Godspeed and luck.”  The Runabout Winona wheezed and then asserted with a rumble as it lifted off the surface and lumbered towards the nearly open shuttle bay doors.  A moment later, they were slipping away from the Mackenzie and toward the theoretical line of the Devore Imperium.  Soon enough, the computer alerted them they were nearing the line.

“All stop,” Prentice announced.  He turned to Kondo, “I think yielding to you for the next step is a good idea.”

“We agree on that.”  He tapped at the console and opened a hailing frequency to the nearest Devore ship, “This is Lieutenant De La Fontaine of the Federation Runabout Winona, requesting passage through Devore Imperium space.”  He watched and waited for a response.  

Three minutes later, a voice crackled through the speakers, =^=This is Inspector Jasev.  You will transmit your flight plan to us and standby for scanning.=^=  Kondo responded in the affirmative and sent the flight plan Prentice had plotted.

The chief helm officer sighed, “They didn’t mention our first encounter.”

Kondo replied, “I suspect they will never acknowledge it, Lieutenant.  It was done without the rest of the fleet to see, and we’re the only other witnesses.”

Prentice countered, “We have video footage.”

A shrug, “They would claim it a fabrication intended to cause a conflict or attempt to blackmail.  You should read the file on them that Voyager collected.  They are an impressive species…and very much worthy of our concern.”

The voice of the Devore inspector returned, =^=What is your purpose in our space, Lieutenant De La Fontaine?=^=

“We’re searching for two lost transport ships.  One Federation, the other Hazari.  We traced them both to Devore space.  We simply wish to follow the charted path, locate them and return them.”

Another pause.  In the rear compartment, Ensign Menzie was practicing her breathing while Natalie listened to the conversation in the cockpit.  She cursed her two mad cousins over and over in her head.  She wasn’t going to forgive them or forget the lies and the deceit.  It had become apparent in her short time on the Mackenzie that other people were different.  She looked at Menzie, “It’ll be alright.  We’re in good hands.”

Her eyes remained wide, “You keep saying that, Cadet Harris.  When I believe it, I’ll let you know.”

The voice returned, =^=Anything you find in Devore space will need to be inspected and verified before being removed from our space.  You also will be subject to inspection as you travel through our space.  Please transmit your roster and manifest.=^=  Kondo tapped the console and sent the information.  He wondered how much conversation was happening on the other side.  They had to know about the humans.  Captain Harris had already voiced his concern that part of the crew had probably been captured by the Devore, lost behind the foggy borders. Kondo would need to stay a few steps ahead if they were to locate the crew and the ships.  =^=You certify there are no telepaths onboard your runabout?=^=

That was an easy answer, “There are no telepaths onboard Runabout Winona.”

=^=What about the Federation Starship Mackenzie?=^=

Kondo muted the channel and swore, “Sonofabitch.”  They nearly rattled him.  He amended that in his head. They’d rattled him, but he’d managed to slap the mute button fast enough.  He shook his head at Prentice, “Ignore that.”  He calculated the risk of hailing the Mackenzie at the moment to get the opinion of his captain.  He decided against it and released the mute, “I’m just a lowly lieutenant, Inspector.  I don’t have access to our crew roster.  You would need to directly hail the ship.  Captain Harris is our commanding officer.”

Prentice stared at him and then at the open channel.  The Devore was squirrely; that was becoming apparent.  The Mackenzie wasn’t near their borders.  Were they trying to see if they could shake them up?  Or was this just Devore Imperium Policy 101?  Would they be boarding them to make sure they weren’t lying?  That gave him a new reason for his already sweaty palms.

=^=We will do that.  We’ve transmitted your clearance through Devore space.  Please activate your transponder and have it active at all times.=^=  The channel slammed shut with a squawk.  Prentice sighed in relief but his cockpit partner wasn’t thrilled.

The tactical chief gritted his teeth, “Activating transponder with clearance codes.  Now everybody can see us. What fun.”

Prentice felt the hairs on his neck stand up a little taller, “I suppose we have to go in now, don’t we?”  

Kondo gave him a long look.  “Set course for the first checkpoint, warp 1.”  He unstrapped from his chair and stepped into the arch leading into the main section of the runabout, “Science, let’s get to scanning and working.”

The Winona’s warp engines glowed as they powered up and flung the runabout onto her course.