Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 2: Wayward Sons and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

10 – Following the Trail

USS Mackenzie
11.1.2400 @ 2000
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Sadie Fowler sat hunched over her station as she calibrated the sensors, each time looking for something else, something new or something different. Trying to track the transport ships had become her burden, and the initial intrigue at searching the trail for clues had turned to frustration and a little anger flickering at the edges of her nerves.  They had nearly been taken over by Devore hours previous, and they’d discovered it had been a plot to test their defenses.  They knew at least one of the Harris ships had made it into Devore territory, and the game was now to find the other in hopes that maybe they’d find out just what the hell was the reason they’d flown all the way out here in the first place.

Her fingers tapped at the various controls on her console, fine-tuning the sensors as she flipped between short and long-range sensors.  The results were maddingly close.  If they’d arrived a week earlier, the warp trail deterioration rates wouldn’t have been making her job as hard it was.  Another round of directing the sensors and another round of working through the data with her team until a flash of green appeared on her screen.  She rechecked and then had one of her team review it to make sure.  It was confirmed.

“Captain, I have something on the SS Jeremiah.”  He stood behind her in moments as she reviews what they had found, “They didn’t go with the other ship into Devore space.  What it looks like is they turned around and headed back towards….”

Harris read the map and sighed, “Hazari.”

Another flash of reports as she worked, “As far as we can approximate, they headed towards Hazari.  Once near, we lose the signal…but there is additional traffic that starts to follow them toward the planet.  So either they were escorted….”

The CO sat roughly in the chair next to her, “Or they were being hunted.  The Sydney class is an old model of transport.  They weren’t built for running and gunning.  They also probably didn’t have the new sensor systems installed since they pulled it out of storage when they took her.  Looks like we’re going to have to meet with the Hazari after all.”  He studied the screens for a moment, “We’re no good not rested.  I’ll have Prentice put us in orbit around Kadi with their permission.  You are ordered to get some rest, Chief Fowler.  Tomorrow we’re going to face off against another unfriendly group, and I don’t think coffee alone is going to make us all agreeable without some good rest.”

She accepted the order and finished the work at her station while Harris went to the command chair and sent out the orders for shift changes and rest requirements.  Which meant…”Computer, activate the Emergency Command Hologram.”

The image of Rachel McKee finessed into view, “Please state the nature…oh, it is night shift, correct?”

Ambrose nodded and handed her a PADD, “Prentice will get us in orbit of Kadi.  We’ll be back on duty at 0700 tomorrow.  Have the science teams work on scanning Hazari space to determine the background for us.  Wake me up if needed.”

She cocked her head, “Protocol is I must wake the XO first.”

“Yes.  Tonight I am asking you to amend protocol for the next 12 hours…and make me your first call.”

A thoughtful pause from the ECH, and then, “Protocol has been amended for 12 hours.  Good night, Captain Harris. I have the CONN.” As he headed for the turbolift doors, she asked, “With a ship this size, you would not be remiss in assigning a full lieutenant commander to run the Gamma Shift.”

Harris held the turbolift doors for a moment, “You are correct, Lieutenant Commander.  Call it nostalgia, call it what you will…but for now, having you is a comfort – all of McKee is in you, and she was a strong officer.  I trusted her.  I need to trust whoever sits in that chair.  For now, that is you.”

The faux McKee gave a nod and returned to the command chair.  The doors closed on Harris, and he let out the shakey breath he had been holding.  He knew he’d have to replace her eventually.

He just wasn’t quite ready to let McKee go.


  • Hoooooboy. You sure know how to torture your characters. The layers of stress piling on Fowler was palpable from the prose. Not only was her analysis through the data frustratingly slow, but her sharp reactions to the invasion of the ship spiked at random intervals. It's impressive she was able to interpret the warp trails at all. And then the effect the Rachel McKee hologram has on Harris left me shook. The idea that he's kept this woman's face and put her to work in his crew, and he can't let her go, is mighty haunting indeed.

    November 4, 2022
  • The crew is running full steam and overloading in their daily duty to find back that civilian cargo ship. It is clearly seen as a duty burden by now and good thing is that it is noticed by the good Captain. Giving them rest that they deserve and well needed, the activation of the ECH was a nice input switch that I really liked! Keep it up :D

    November 4, 2022
  • I was wondering if you planned to include the Hazari, or if that was just a one-time thing a few episodes ago. Another layer of intrigue has been placed in front of my eyes. I often wonder what will happen next and attempt to predict it. I did not see the faux McKee coming into play however. Continue your excellent work. Now let's move on to the next episode.

    November 7, 2022