Part of Eos Station: Mission 1: Rule 34 War is Good for Business

Taking Command

Eos Station, Main Operations
August 2400
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Robert had just finished his impromptu counseling session and now found himself in Operations. Several Officers were doing their business, so no one was paying attention to him. He knew the feeling wouldn’t last, but it was lovely. He stepped forward and said something. 

“Captain on the deck,” a figure standing to his left looked at him with a smile.

“Really,” Robert looked at the female Officer.

“I have four sisters and a few brothers. I’m used to being loud when needed,” the Officer approached the Captain, “Hunter Byrne, Sir, your Yeoperson.” 

Robert took notice; it seemed everyone in the room had stopped working and was now looking right at him. He pulled a PADD out of his duffle bag, “To Captain Robert Abernathy, stardate,” he read off the date, “you are hereby requested and required to take command of Deep Space 108, also known as Eos Station, as of this date, signed Commodore Uzoma Ekwueme, Commander, Fourth Fleet Expeditionary Group.”

He turned to the Petty Officer, “Please note the date and time in the log.” He tucked the padd under his left arm, “now the rest of you get back to work.”  He pointed to Bryne, “with me, Petty Officer.” He walked across Operations, heading to his office. Robert stopped to look out over Operations. “In her day,  this station was like the crown jewels set in the backdrop of space,” he leaned on a guard rail.

“She was Starfleet’s first line of defense in their battles,” he looked at the Petty Officer, “or their secret battles with the Romulans,” he added.   “This was a listening post, a strategic outpost, and a line in the sand back in the heyday of the Romulan War.”

Byrne interrupted a habit that had gotten her in trouble with more than a few Officers in her short career, “but for the most part, we are at peace with the Romulans. Most of them at least,” she smirked. “Why recall a station like this again,” Hunter gestured to some of the outdated terminals that dotted the room, “Eos is a relic, a remembrance of a forgotten age. Surely the Federation could have brought in something newer.” 

Robert nodded, “first off, don’t underestimate the Romulans, friend or foe; they are a people to be very mindful of. A single shift in power and a tragic event broke them into what we see today. An event equally as tragic could bring them back together. Secondly, don’t waste good. Eos is old, yes. She lacks the modern tech we are all used to, but a good Engineering Department could bring her into a more modern age. Besides, that outdated tech is a part of her charm.”

“Given our proximity to Freecould, this station will start to see an increase in traffic. People won’t think twice about an old, outdated Watchtower station,” Robert reminded her as he turned around, making his way back to his office, “but there is more here, or will be more here than most people realize. With the right people, Eos can shine again.” 

“Just not as bright,” Bryne interrupted again.

“Excuse me, Petty Officer?” the Captain questioned. Lost in conversation,  Robert failed to notice his office door hadn’t opened. Walking face first into the door, Robert let out a simple, “ouch, let me guess, Tuesday?” It was an old joke; no doubt lost on the younger Officer’s generation.

“Sorry, Sir,” Bryne blushed, “I should have warned you several of the doors here don’t work. Along with a few replicators, several turbolifts, and many of the newer station’s upgraded terminals. Let me guess, part of that old charm, right?”

“Let’s get this door on the Engineer’s list,” Robert took a step back as he waited for the computer to register his presence. “When our guests get here, I don’t need them trapped in rooms due to broken doors.”

“Yes, Sir, I will message the Chief Engineer,” Bryne turned to head to her own office, “wait, guests, Sir?

“You’ll find out, Petty Officer,” Robert replied, “that will be all.” 

Walking over to the replicator, he ordered a cup of coffee. “This will have to do for now, but next on the Engineer’s list is a water source and then my french press,” Robert sipped the coffee. It wasn’t bad for replicator coffee. A computer could be programmed to recreate an item with a taste in mind. For a computer, replicated coffee was ok at best. However, the computer couldn’t recreate the human factor in the growth of the beans, their roasting after harvesting, or the process in which they were brewed. There was a creative flare to it. A flare that gave each cup of coffee a unique taste.  

Robert touched his chair, moving it from side to side. He had to ensure he wouldn’t end up on the floor or something. He gingerly sat down in the chair as he set the coffee on the desk. “This will do just….” Robert could be heard letting out a string of unprofessional words as the chair snapped out from under him, sending him to the floor. 

“Rustic charm, my ass,” he muttered as he pulled himself to a standing position. “The door and a new chair,” he muttered. “This is going to be a long assignment,” he took a deep breath, “a very long assignment.”