Part of USS Denver: The Fujiwhara Effect and USS Denver: Eye of the Storm

Think Tank

Heracles Conference Lounge
March 11, 2400 08:00
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The two combined crews sat in the conference lounge of the USS Heracles, with Vausees sitting at the head of the table and Ethan sitting to her right. There was a juxtaposition of the buttoned-up Starfleet crew with the far more informal crew of the Zebulon Pike in their civilian attire. 

“Okay, Captain,” Ethan said with a sigh. “That’s been our adventure in this blasted reality.” He lifted his cup of coffee to his lips after recounting their encounter with Sukitha, the UEC, and their arrest on Earth. They were starting to be questioned by people they were starting to realize; in fact, actually, Romulan Agents looked like some of the very people sitting across from them.

Vausees sat silently as she digested the information that Ethan had given her. She nodded her head from time to time at the events he spoke about. Never once did Vausees interrupt him as he laid out the events that transpired before being taken aboard the Heracles. When he finished, she remained silent as she processed every detail. Her light blue eyes watched as he drank from the cup of coffee given to him before he began to speak about the events. 

“So this Romulan Commodore…” she paused for a second as she brought the name to the front of her mind. “Sukitha. Is still out there and, as of this moment, hunting you?” she asked Ethan as she leaned back in her seat.

“Gave the lassie a wee bloody nose, but aye, she’s out there,” Dougal said, “an’ it’s safe to say she’s a wee bit put off to be sure.”

“She underestimated us,” Ethan added.

Suddenly the door opened, and Captain Roberts walked in with a fighter pilot in tow, who wore a flight helmet. As soon as the door closed, the pilot stepped beside Roberts.

“Thank you, Captain, for joining us,” Vausees stated, “Please, the both of you take a seat.” Vausees looked over at Ethan. “Ethan, I would like you to meet Lieutenant Sukitha.”

Sukitha removed her helmet, and long raven black hair spilled out and over her half Romulan half Klingon forehead. As it flowed, it shimmered slightly with crimson. Her bright amber eyes looked at Ethan as she sat next to her CAG.

“I am sure that won’t happen again,” Sukitha said in a soothing tone. “Commander Talon. Because if I was her, and technically I am. I would ensure that your ship would never get that close again.”

“Crivvens!” Dougal blurted. “This makes me bloody head hurt.”

Ethan shook his head in sympathy, “Then we best not let her get the drop on us..”

Vausees nodded, “That is why she is here, Ethan. We think that our doppelgangers think alike, to a degree,” Vausees stated as she looked at the Commander. So I am going to take this theory and run with it,” she said as she turned her head to look at Sukitha. “The floor is yours, Lieutenant.”

Sukitha stood up and walked over to the monitor on the wall. “Since we have the combat logs from your ship Ethan,” Sukitha looked at Ethan as she spoke. “We’ve learned that you were able to destroy the cloaking technology they were utilizing, as well as numerous vital components in my counterpart’s fortifications,” she says as the combat logs play on the monitor. I would figure out if the cloak is salvageable and try my utmost to get it back up and running. I would also ensure that if there was any leverage, I would exploit it to its fullest.”

“That’s a bit of good news,” Ethan replied. “Now, I do not want to become this realities Superman or its police force. With her cloak disabled, she isn’t going to sneak up on us while we figure out how to get the hell out of here.”