Part of Starbase Bravo: Q2 2400

Personal Letter to Rikata Mol

Starbase Bravo - Heriah's Quarters
March 2400
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Heriah Rex Personnel Log – Letter to Rikata Mol

Rikata Mol, you have been both my doctor and my counselor during this last year on Earth. Together we have overcome many milestones during my development as a Joined Trill. You were there for all the good times as well as the bad. I keep your teachings close to heart, everything you said, all the meditation techniques as well as your kind words.

Sorry again about the arm.

We are both undertaking new voyages now. As I am done at the academy so are you done looking after me. I am certain you will also miss your study of humans and all that study will come in handy when you continue your role acclimating people to Trill as they tour and want to know more. Sadly, many sometimes still find themselves uncomfortable in the presence of a Joined Trill, with a symbiont living inside. Anyone who has seen that classic movie will immediately think ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers.’

Together we showed the many peoples of Earth that the Trill are not very dissimilar. This past year has been great and you have been more than my doctor and counselor. You have been my friend.

I write to you now en route to Starbase Bravo where I shall take up my first assignment as station counselor. I will send this as soon as I am on board. I am certain you will still be on the way back to our homeworld. Say ‘Hello’ to her for me.

I must admit though, that as soon as we were apart, it finally hit me that we are going separate ways. I am still a bit anxious about all this but times must change and we must all go on these adventures. How else do we evolve as people? Those were your words to me only last week and I shall keep them close to my heart.

Simply knowing how far away you will be has me, a little, unnerved. Some of those violent thoughts crept back in during my trip. You know what I mean. I could feel my heart begin to race. I was afraid you became something of an anchor for me, and that being apart from you would make me lose my way, but your words echoing in my mind and the meditative techniques and the quick litanies helped a great deal.

I am uncertain how I will get along with this new crew. My direct line supervisor is a Trill. What are the odds of that? I am certain he will understand me better than most. The Chief Medical Officer is Marie Delacour. I have not reviewed her profile yet but I am certain I will be in good hand.

New journeys all around I suppose. I keep finding myself anxious about this new crew and assignment, but we will all be in the same boat, literally. Everyone must also be anxious, as much as I, I suppose.

Do enjoy your time back on Trill. Say ‘Hello’ to Latsian should you see him as well as all those that helped get me where I am today. I thank you most of all.

XOXOXO As the humans go, Your friend,

Heriah Rex