The crew of the hybrid Federation and Klingon ship had sacrificed their vessel to protect the USS Jaxartes from Helgeshran’s deadly wrath; putting it in direct line with the on rushing ball of energy. They had however not sacrificed their own lives; only the aft Klingon section had been destroyed, leaving the Saucer section with all the crew on board, to make an emergency landing.
Commander Salan was impressed with the resolve of the Pelcaza people. They were not far enough advanced to have constructed any of the technology that went into making a starship; yet they had become remarkable adept at operating them and other tool, way beyond their understanding. Even though most of it had been with the guidance of Helgeshran; they clearly had the knowledge to carry on, without him.
The crew of the USS Jaxartes had managed to subdue the Entity with rapid and precise fire from the forward phasers; allowing the doctor time to create a bubble of time around herself and Helgeshran. The two of them were now frozen within the bubble; as time moved normally around them.
Lieutenant Jason Devron entered the bridge, still wearing the ripped uniform shirt he had on when the Entity had sent him flying over the edge of the cliff. He knew, he should be dead right now, a splatted unrecognisable blooded mess on the rocks below. A mixture of fate, luck and immaculate timing; had resulted in him landing on the back of a well-positioned Raven-class corvette come up, just as he was falling down. The impact had been a jolt, but certainly nowhere near as severe as the alternative.
“Ah, Lieutenant. It’s nice of you to drop in.” Salan remarked in his usual calm Vulcan like manner.
There was a momentary pause; had the Commander just made a joke or was Jason imagining it? He put the thought to one side, focusing his attention, instead on the view screen. He could see both Andrianakis and Helgeshran, motionless within the bubble. “Can we get her out?”
“I’m afraid that’s impossible.” Salan replied.
“But we have to.” Jason pleaded. We can’t leave her trapped there with that thing!”
“Lieutenant, it was the doctor’s choice.” The Vulcan informed him.
“No, there’s got to be another way.” Dervon shouted. “Get me back down there!”
Any further conversation was halted when the Commander placed his hand on the base of the young man’s neck. He grabbed the falling Lieutenant around the waste, and as he removed himself from the Captain’s chair; placed the unconscious man carefully in his place. The Vulcan then looked over to Lieutenant Stuart seated at the helm. “Lieutenant Stuart, you are in command of this vessel until further notice. As I’m sure Mister Kent will inform you. Staying he is unadvisable.”
“What about you Sir?” The Orion Questioned.
“I am going to get the people of this planet to safety, through the gateway the entity created between this world and Vashran.”
“Are you sure it’s safe Commander?” Ensign Tholakath asked, standing up and turning to face the Vulcan, the phaser from under the console already in his hand. “I should come with you.”
“Thank you Ensign, but I must undertake this alone.” Salan was half way to the doors to exit the bridge. “If all goes well, you will hear from me, again.”
“Good luck Sir.” Cho said to him, with a worried look on her face.
Kent the older of the two scientists, broke the tension on the Bridge. “I’m picking up a huge gravimetric shift and an increase in the planets core temperature!”
Before anyone could ask the question, as to what that would mean for the planet and their safety; the Vulcan Commander was gone.
The shimmering column of light heralded the arrival of the Vulcan Commander on the planet’s surface; not far from where the saucer had made its landing. After over 150 years of service; the last surviving section of the USS Kinshasa had made her final journey. The port landing strut was twisted, tilting the whole craft to one side; but other than that, the landing looked to have been fairly well executed.
Several of the Pelcaza, who’d made up the ship’s crew, approached the Commander; along with them a Trill female, with her hands tied behind her back. The leader of the small group dropped to one knee in front of Salan and said something, but the Vulcan could only grasp a few of the words.
Lei Rahs laughed at the subservient behavior being shown. “These idiots think you are now their master.”
“Why would they believe that?” Salan questioned her.
“Because it was the beam, from your ship that broke Helgeshran grip on them.” Lei Rahs replied. “It’s why they used my vessel as a shield, to protect your ship!”
“Do they not understand they are free?” The Vulcan asked, whilst trying to encourage the man to get up.
“These pitiful wretches know nothing of freedom.” The Trill answered. “They are a slave race, they obey orders. Right now, they obey your orders.”
It took the Commander a few minutes, using his limited grasp of their language and some basic hand gestures to make them understand what he wanted them to do. Of cause Lei Rahs, understood every word they said, she’d spent long enough with them; but she made no effort to assist the Vulcan. She had no idea as to what had happened to the Entity, so felt any delay here could only benefit Helgeshran later.
The party moved on; gathering up other members of the former crew as they went. Some were injured; two being carried on stretchers, which had come from the ship. They wound their way through the rocky and uneven landscape; a pair of young Pelcaza scouting ahead. Their heads bobbing up from behind mounds, as they signalled they’d found a way through.
It probably took close to an hour to reach one of the entrances to the cave system which to these people; was their home. When they reached the inner caverns, the Vulcan had massed an impressive following. Even though it had never been his intention and he had tried to make it clear to them he wasn’t; he was now ‘Shalcaza’, leader of the Pelcaza people.
Lieutenant Laira Bolka, heard the commotion long before he came into view. She’d had much longer to learn the language of these people; so when they proclaimed that the ‘pointy eared one had returned’, she knew who they meant. That he was now their leader; was something of a surprise.
“Commander!” She immediately regretted the high pitched squeal she’d let out. “It is good to see you again.”
“It is pleasing to see you also, Lieutenant.” He remembered the moment they’d parted company; whilst both making their escape from this planet, thought at the time he was under Helgeshran’s influence and she was recaptured.
Amongst the crowd he caught sight of another Federation Officer, the Andorian from the Runabout the Jaxartes had first been sent out to look for.
“I am confused though Sir.” The Bajoran enquired. “They say you have defeated Helgeshran and the Faceless Ones, and are now the Leader of their people.”
“There has been a slight communication issue.” Salan replied. “The Entity isn’t defeated yet, merely incapacitated for an indeterminate amount of time. Hence the haste in which I am attempting to get everyone moving.”
“And becoming their Leader?” She couldn’t help but let a small smile develop, as she said it.
“Reluctantly I am willing to take on this roll, if only to facilitate their rapid escape.”
The Vulcan continued by briefly outlining his plans to his former First Officer. Ten minutes she was standing up on a rock, surrounded by an ever growing mass of people. Bolka spoke in the language of the Pelcaza, as best she could. The chant she received at the end of her speech; was loud and heartfelt; however the Vulcan it was aimed at would be the one to least understand it.
“All hail Salan. Vanquisher of evil. Bringer of freedom.”
Soon he would be leading almost nine thousand individuals through the cave system and to the gateway that connected this planet with Vashran. What had once been a way for Helgeshran to spread his power and influence beyond the Universe he ruled over; would become their way out.