Part of USS Galaxy: M2: Shall Find No Rest In This Wicked World

Wicked World – Part 5 (END)

Starbase 1
February 2402
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He took a few steps forward, closing the distance better him and Myers. “Are you Captain Clara Myers, commanding officer of the USS Galaxy?


“Thank you Captain. By order of Starfleet Command you are charged with dereliction of duty, colluding with a foreign power, filing false reports, misuse of Starfleet property, namely USS Galaxy, lying to superior officers and espionage. Do you understand these charges?

She nodded. Time was up. It didn’t matter. Her crew was safe.

“I do, Captain.”

“Very well. Captain Clara Myers, I herby remove you from command of the USS Galaxy and place you under arrest by order of the Starfleet Judge Advocate General.”

The fragile house of cards she had built over the last few months in her effort to rescue her crew had finally come tumbling down.

“Do you have anything else you wish to add?”

Clara glanced to her left; one the Admirals on the panel staring intently at her.


She’d just spent the last hour recounting her side of the events; a grand story in 4 parts that would show how baseless the chargers were is what her defense attorney had billed it as.  She thought it was a load of crap and that he was a pompous ass but it was what it was. If anything she sealed her fate, which was fine with her. She knew just as well as anyone here that imprisoning her was unlikely. She had a nearly impeccable record for over 40 years and, quite frankly, locking up a decorated Captain while the Federation was still dealing with the aftermath of Frontier Day was press Starfleet didn’t really want.

She hated how cynical that train of thought was. It as true that the charge of espionage was rather outlandish. She assumed it was to appease the Cardassians; who had demanded she that she be extradited to the Union. Starfleet had swiftly shot that down but did lean into some of the more outlandish charges to keep the wolves at bay, so to speak.

Regardless, she was ready for this to be over. For nearly six months the Galaxy and her senior staff had been grounded. She had free rein to roam Starbase 1 during her ‘home arrest’ but had a sub-dermal tracker implanted in her left thigh to make sure she didn’t try and slip away and had been denied access to the ship and its crew. The rest of the senior staff had remained on Galaxy, helping with repairs to the ship and submitting to interviews and everything else under the sun. It took awhile t0 interview over 900 people, apparently.

“Very well. Does either council wish to make a closing argument?”

The Commander representing her stood. “We rest your honor. The Captain’s words speak for themselves.”

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. How that man successfully defended anyone was beyond her.

The Captain at the prosecuting table rose. “We wish to, your honor.”

Clara re-situated herself in the chair. This would at least be good. The Captain was smart, well spoken, and knew her stuff. She also didn’t come across as aggressive; it was clear on some level she understood the motive behind Clara’s actions even if she didn’t agree with those actions.

“I don’t think anyone in this room would argue that Captain Myers is a bad person or even a bad captain. We have thirty plus years of service records to show that. She cares deeply for her the safety of those under her. That caring, however, does not override the actions she took while in command the USS Galaxy in August of 2401. Her near extortion of Gul Nuver not only violated every principle we uphold as Starfleet officers but it resulted in the death of Guls Nuver and Revet.”

Clara closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. The only casualties of all of this. It didn’t take the Obsidian Order long to trace back her contact with Nuver; as the Galaxy speed along the border, the Order was hunting him down. They had taken him to some Order location and damn near tortured the information out of him in short order; by the time they reached the away teams the Cardassians had already known of everything. The new Order operated with brutal efficiency. He died four days later. The Cardassian Government quickly passed along their information, minus their treatment of Nuver, and that set into motion all of this. Details about how they got that information out of Nuver arrived a few days after his death via an anonymous transmission; Revet ended up dead a few days later so it wasn’t a shock as to who sent the details. The final twist of the knife from a man in the throws of grief over the loss of his lover; he just happened to catch the end of that knife as well. She’d never forgive herself.

“By taking the Galaxy, against orders, along the border with the Cardassians she invited conflict with not only them but the Tholians. She placed over 900 lives in danger to save a dozen. She lied to Starfleet and her crew every step of the way. At a time when Starfleet’s ship levels are still recovering from the Frontier Day attack she took a high profile and valuable asset, unnecessarily, into hostile territory and risked its destruction. None of this is acceptable. Captain’s blur the lines between duty, the law and their reasonability to their crew all the time. We know this. We accept that it is part of the job and do out best to balance the needs to justice against the needs of Starfleet and it’s officers but the actions taken by Captain Myers go well beyond that balance. I implore the court to render a fair judgment that restores it.”

The second of the three Admirals turned to Clara. “Do you wish to make a personal statement?”

Clara shook her head. “No, I do not.” She didn’t see the need. At worst she would end up kicked out of the fleet, at best she would be stuck on some Reliant class ship. She honestly preferred the former over the latter.

“Very well. This court martial is in recess until tomorrow at 0800 at which time we will announce our ruling.”

With a loud bang the Admiral at the center position struck the gavel.

[Following Morning] [0800]

The Admiral in the center position, an older Andorian who had said little during the entire ordeal, cleared her throat. “This panel thanks all parties for being here this at this early hour. We felt it was best to not delay this any further. We appreciate the cooperation of the USS Galaxy crew in this matter. We are aware that the long timeline of this investigation and tribunal was a burden but we felt it important to gather the appropriate information.”

She pulled out a small PADD, placing a finger on the biometric reader. “On the charge of espionage, by a vote of 3-0, we find Captain Clara Myers not guilty.

Clara felt her shoulders relax slightly. If there was anything that caused her concern, it was that particular charge. She could easily live either the rest.

“On the remaining chargers, by a vote of 3-0, we find Captain Clara Myers guilty.”

It wasn’t an unexpected outcome nor was there anything dramatic accompanying it. It wasn’t like the holo-novels where a hush fell over the court room before the verdict, the assembled spectators murmuring while the defendant openly wept until someone in the back stood up and launched into a dramatic defense of the freshly convicted. No, this was a boring affair from start to finish.

The Andorian Admiral tapped a few commands into her PADD; likely submitting the verdict officially to Starfleet Command. “In regards to sentencing, this tribunal does not wish to impose an imprisonment sentence upon the defendant; with her history of service and lack of conviction on the espionage charge we do not see the need to do so. It is the ruling of this tribunal that you will be stripped of your rank and commission within the Starfleet, with prejudice. This discharge shall take immediate effect. Former Captain Myers is also barred from serving on any Starfleet vessel in a civilian capacity. It is so ordered.”

The Admiral raised the gavel before striking in against the desk with a bang.

[Conference Room][USS Galaxy]

Alex felt the color drain out of face as they watched the video feed of the verdict. He felt cold; numb. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. He had pleaded with her, damn it. He had told her to let them fix this together before they launched themselves out into the unknown. Now he had to watch his closest friend and confident be stripped of her rank and tossed out of the fleet like yesterday’s replicator waste. He didn’t know what to do.

He glanced over to Gedan, who had been watching with him. He looked pale; his normally tan skin taking on an ashen color. Maybe it was just the light. Over the last few months he’d started to grow closer to him as they navigated ships repairs and the months long investigation into Clara; nothing overtly romantic but he’d become a good friend. The tendrils of attraction and affection had ever so slowly crept into his thoughts though he doubted Gedan felt the same way. Even though they’d grown closer there was still a stubborn brick wall that Gedan kept up between him and everyone else; Alex had tried and tired to chip away at it but hadn’t gotten anywhere. In this moment Alex felt like he was further away than ever.

“That’s it, I guess.” Alex said softly.

“Yes, it is.” Demar’s voice was rough, like he’d forgotten to drink for the last few days. “I need to inform the senior staff and crew.”

As the two highest ranking command members on Galaxy they’d gotten the privilege to observe the trial but everyone else was left in the dark. They called it a conflict of interest.

The chime sounding from the overhead speakers made them both jump a little.

“Commander Demar, there is a priority communication from Fourth Fleet Command for you.”

Gedan stood with a sigh. “Thank you. I’ll take it in the ready room.” He glanced at Alex, the barest hint of a smile on his face. “It seems like it time to find out if we all go our separate ways.”

Alex could only nod as Geden left the room.

[Commanding Officer Quarters][USS Galaxy][1635 Hours]

Gedan stood in the middle of the massive quarters. He’d been there for only five minutes but it felt like an eternity. He wasn’t sure what, exactly, he was supposed to do. All of Myers things were still here; left in place by order of the JAG. It didn’t feel right to touch anything, much less start packing.

The doors swished open and Geden turned to see Clara Myers in the doorway, a smile on her face. She seemed tired but finally unburdened. Two security officers stood behind her, phaser rifles in hand. It was ridiculous.

“Excuse us, Captain Demar. Ms. Myers is allowed 60 minutes to secure her belongings but you will be required to leave while she does so.”

Geden cocked an eyebrow. “I’m aware of the regulations. Give us five minutes then I’ll leave.”

The larger of the two guards stepped forward. “You will leave now, Captain.”

“Five minutes!” Barked out Gedan. “My ship, my rules. I don’t have an issue ordering security to throw you off the ship and monitor Ms. Myers themselves.” He was pretty sure he had the right to do that; the whole officially being in charge thing was still new.

The two guards stepped back without another word, the door swishing closed.

Clara stopped forward, a grin on her face. “Captain? I see they wasted little time in giving you that fourth pip.” She walked forward, placing her hands on his shoulders as best she could considering the height difference. “You’ll make an excellent Captain.”

He gave her a half smile. “That remains to be seen. This feels like Starfleet’s options were slim so they just gave Galaxy to me and hope it all gets swept under the rug.”

She gave one of his shoulders a squeeze before moving to sit on the couch nearby. “If that’s what it takes to keep the crew together then that’s not a bad thing. I have faith you can do it. I have faith this entire crew can do it.”

“Thank you ma’am, that means a lot.”

She waved her hand. “Don’t ma’am me, I’m not your superior any longer or even in the fleet. Have they given you a new assignment? I know you aren’t supposed to tell me but I figured I’d ask anyway.”

Geden placed his hands in his pockets. He felt the need to make himself smaller; he still felt as if he shouldered part of the blame for this end result. “We have. Orders came down two hours ago. Tomorrow morning we’ll depart for Starbase 72 to take on a few supplies and drop some people off. After that we’ll make our way to the Bajoran Wormhole and begin a three year exploratory mission of the Gamma Quadrant.”

She nodded, another grin spreading across her face. “Good to see them pushing the ship out into the unknown. It’s where she’s made for; it’s what this crew is made for. Can I offer you one price of advice?”

“Of course.” He spoke the words with no hesitation.

“Keep this crew together as best you can. Lean on them. Rely on them. Together you can achieve more than anything you thought possible. You aren’t in this alone and while it’s going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done, you’ll get though it together.”

He nodded. “Thank you. I’m leaning that day by day.” He glanced up at the chronometer on the wall. “And my five minutes are up. I’d better leave you to it unless I want them bursting down the door.”

Clara stood from the couch. “They are rather good at that.” She extended her hand and gripped Gedan’s. “Congratulations and godspeed Captain Demar. May the winds of the sea always be at your back.”

“We’ll do you proud ma’am, I promise.”

“Of that I have no doubt.” As Geden turned to leave she spoke once more. “Oh, and one more thing, I’ve already talked to Alex and I know he’s rejected the XO role but do keep him close. He’ll keep you afloat just as he’s kept me afloat all these years; he’s something special. Take the time so see that.”

Gedan turned and give her a nod; confused. He walked through the doorway and walked down the hall, various crew members nodding and saying ‘good afternoon captain’ as he passed. He still had a cold, tight, feeling settling into his stomach but there was no turning back now. A new journey awaited and it was time to meet the challenges head on.