Part of USS Perseverance: The Curtain Falls and Montana Station: Montana Squadron Season 2

TCF 011- Gathering the Players

Montana Station
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“This wasn’t the ideal scenario, Ger.” Captain Samson Bradley stood, watching out the large windows in the senior staff lounge. A tumbler filled with spiced cider was in his hand. “They were at least receptive to coming under my command.”

Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana swirled his cup of gin, “That crew has been through a lot. Some of them have seen plenty of action and adventure.” He had studied them all. Some of them he had known from when he took command of the USS Edinburgh from then Commander Ambrose Harris. He watched as Bradley sipped at his drink. They had been acquainted early on in their respective careers at a distance. Where Fontana hewed close to the medical, Bradley was science-focused.

“Reading their dossiers was…illuminating. I appreciate that they all at least took the meeting with me. I’ve had officers in the past not show up.” He finished the drink, “Mr. Reede was a surprise. He came into the meeting with an application he submitted for communications operations here on Montana Station.” Bradley refilled his drink, frowning, “He was apologetic, at least…but he didn’t want to stay, even if it was on the Zephyr.”

Fontana watched the man’s eyes slide to him, “I didn’t know. My read on him was that he fit in on the ships he’d been assigned. His evaluations were always strong, but it felt like something was missing.” He shrugged, “I understand you have a replacement already. The other ships here for the applicants were…unhappy at how fast you were.” Geronimo chuckled at the indifferent look on Bradley’s face, “But I told them – you move at maximum warp. They want to get the best; they gotta put some speed on it.”

Bradley replied with a sheepish grin. He enjoyed the drink, the view, and the company for a few minutes before he asked, “You haven’t said anything about my choice of Executive Officer.”

Geronimo turned to face his newest captain, “It’s an…interesting choice.”

“You mean because he’s best friends with my son.” Bradley’s face remained neutral, save for the look of curiosity that filtered through as he spoke. “And I was his unofficial mentor for a long time – from academy to recently.”

Geronimo refilled his gin, walking the tightrope of the conversation carefully. “He lived at your house on the weekends with your boy, Sam. He’s practically family.” He walked closer to Bradley, his tone sliding back to conversational, “I’m not going to deny the request. I’m going to warn you – there will be eyes on you…and not just mine. The rest of the squadron’s command teams will eventually hear about it. Taking risks is what we do here in Starfleet…and the truth is there are not many command-level officers willing and able to come out here to just…go farther out there. I can, at least, offer you that honesty.”

The captain’s eyes narrowed, “So I have your support?” Fontana felt a spark bouncing around his words. Bradley rarely showed emotion when it came to disagreements. He was more traditional – he’d kill you with logical and fact-based arguments.

“You have my support. I’ve notified Commander T’saath to remove him from the duty roster and schedule.” He polished off his drink, “She thought highly of him. If you were going to be on station, I’d warn you about having made an enemy.”

Bradley downed what was left of his drink, “I’ve heard. She runs a tight department.”

Fontana collected the dirtied glasses, “That’s putting it lightly. You’d better tell him soon. Having his duties pulled and schedule suspended will make him feel some kind of way.”


She had said yes. It had been a beautiful moment for the two of them in his quarters, and they spent most of the night together on the couch, cuddling together in the shine of the new labels they had affixed to each other. They had said goodbye late in the evening as traditions within their families dictated the level of decorum that they demonstrated. The morning had come; with it, his duty roster and schedule had changed. As in, he had none. His assignment under Commander T’saath had ended abruptly in the early morning hours as he had slept. It didn’t take long for him to shower and get himself ready. He stood at the kitchen bar in his quarters, reading the change in assignment orders. There was no mention of a new assignment. Just, ‘to be determined’. What the hell did that mean, he wondered. His door chime rang. He frowned. Who was at his door at 0600 hours? “Enter” was the best he could come up with, and his shock at the face that stepped into his quarters was genuine. “Sam…Captain Bradley!” He stood at attention. His mentor and friend was in uniform.

“Commander Vargas. At ease.” Samson Bradley gestured to the bar stools, “Can we sit? My apologies for the early morning arrival.”

Augusto nodded, pulled out the man’s chair before his, and quickly sat down, “This is a surprise, Captain…last time we had talked, you were working some deep space operations…that was..what…three months ago?” He searched his old friend’s face, wondering why Bradley was here and visiting him.

A slight nod, “I was. I was pulled off that assignment at the start of this month. You’re aware of the phenomenon?” There was a conspiratorial edge in his voice, and Augusto was intrigued.

“The Blackout, at least that’s what most are calling it. You’re here for that?”

“That’s part of it. The rimward is a big place with lots to explore and understand. The mysteries of this area of space need to be sought after. And there are the places beyond the rimward…the unknown. I’ve been given command of the USS Zephyr. Typhoon class.” As he said the words, Augusto felt immense pride. Samson had been an incredible mentor during his academy years and beyond. He had helped him conquer many a scientific conundrum. It had helped that Augusto’s best friend in the universe had been his son.

“Those are good-sized ships. Congratulations on the command!” Vargas caught a glimmer in the eyes of his old mentor and narrowed his eyes, “There’s more, isn’t there.”

Bradley slid over a PADD, “I’ve been permitted to staff a few remaining positions. One of those is Executive Officer.”

The commander pulled the device to him and began reading the order’s text. His eyes widened as the reality of what was in front of him became apparent, “This can’t be real, sir.” Augusto read the text again, his heart doing laps around his chest. The longer the silence from Bradford, the more convinced he was that he was being offered the position. “I…I’m honored, sir.”

The captain finally relented with a quiet smile, “My list was short to start with, and you were always on it, Augusto. Each of them was almost good enough…but missing that innate desire to explore and seek the edges of understanding.”

“I’m going to make you proud, sir.” Augusto reached out his hand, and his future CO shook his hand firmly,

“Welcome to the Zephyr, Commander Vargas.”