Augusto Vargas was tall, his green eyes always searching the world around him. He took great care with his hair – putting work to ensure it was styled but still within Starfleet standards. He was fastidious with his uniform and shoes – a trait that had been with him since he was a child.
Vargas was particular in everything he did and direct in his communication. It was an asset as he moved up in the ranks of command where his focus on the performance of his departments was a consistent point of pride. His mind was at work at all times and his eyes were known to stare off into the distance while the gears of his thought process ground through the problem.
He was learning to listen more as an officer. It was part of why he was given the opportunity to step into an XO position. That learning continued in his new posting.
Born in Dallas, Vargas excelled in the sciences throughout his school years. His reading shelf was constantly stocked with various theories, science journals and whatever else his parents could find for him to consume. His particular specialty became mathematics and theoretical physics. It didn’t take long for him to run into a Starfleet Academy recruiter at his local high school.
Vargas focused on Astrophysics and the study of spatial distortions. Halfway through his freshman year, he developed a friendship with Jeffery Bradley, a fellow cadet. They discovered they both enjoyed scientific debates and began to work together on simulation exercises and study sessions that would stretch into the late night hours. Their friendship continued throughout Augusto’s life.
As their friendship grew, Vargas got to know Jeffery’s father, Samson Bradley. At the time the elder Bradley was an up-and-coming science officer. Throughout his time at Starfleet Academy, he would spend time at the Bradleys’ home on weekends working on the latest project with Samson observing and taking an active interest in their work. After graduation, Samson became a mentor. He worked with Augusto to help him refine his interests – be it science or Starfleet.
Vargas was assigned to several exploratory vessels after graduation and took part in research on subspace phenomena. Throughout this time, he worked on studies and research on unstable wormholes and gravimetric distortions. He submitted an in-depth study to the Olympic Journal with his team.
By January 2402, he had reached the rank of Commander. His assignment was to Montana Station, where he assisted with the various scientific studies and research being started.
On March 15th, 2402, he received a call from Captain Samson Bradley. He had a job for him as his XO on an exploratory vessel called the USS Zephyr. Augusto accepted.
Vargas had been dating his long-term girlfriend, Doctor Eleanor “Ellie” Bishop, a scientist on Montana Station. Ellie specialized in quantum field harmonics.