Part of USS Perseverance: The Curtain Falls and Montana Station: Montana Squadron Season 2

TCF 009 – A New Act

Montana Station, USS Zephyr
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“That is a beautiful class of ship.” Commander Miados stood at the bay windows overlooking the space around Montana Station. Her eyes were focused on the arrival of the newest ship to join the squadron, the USS Zephyr. The Director of Engineering Operations rattled out the list of technology the Typhoon class starship contained, not to mention her speed. “She’s just finished her shakedown cruise coming out here.” She nudged her Deputy Director, “You have to be a little bit impressed, Greer.”

Lieutenant Greer Moore rolled her eyes, primarily for effect. The truth was that the Typhoon class was the biggest ship they’d had out here in the rimward. Being able to step aboard to complete final engineering checks had Moore feeling like a small child in front of a big…well, ship. “I’m mostly kidding. She’s incredible.”

Miados lightly punched her subordinate in the arm, “Let’s get the teams assembled. Big ship means lots of walking.”


“We are secured at docking port three, Captain Bradley.”

The fifty-four-year-old commanding officer turned in his chair, “Acknowledged, ensign. You are relieved of your transport duties and released to your regular department.” The young man stood at attention and was off the bridge. Captain Samson Bradley sat back in his chair as the remaining transport crew disbanded. The journey here had taken nearly a month as the shakedown cruise did precisely what it was intended to do – shaking out the bugs. It would have been sooner, he lamented, but there were still issues with the warp engines and some of the newest sensor systems that required retuning and retooling.

He went to work on his PADD. The standard crew population for a Typhoon class starship was 1,000. He’d worked every angle he could, including staffing with cadets where he was allowed. That had been the good news. The bad news was the confirmation that he was getting the senior staff from the USS Dragonfly. He didn’t know what had caused the venerable captain to step out of the center chair for what sounded like the final time…and wasn’t sure he wanted to ask. Pantuso had always been an enigma – smart, capable, and a bull in an antique china shop.

He turned as the doors to the bridge flew open, revealing two senior engineering officers. The higher ranked of the two stood at attention while the other gaped at the bridge until her senior officer gently tapped her in the foot. She straightened up, fighting to stay focused. “Commander Miados and Lieutenant Moore requesting permission to come aboard, sir.”

Samson stood from the center chair and extended his hand to each, “Permission granted. Welcome aboard the USS Zephyr. You’ve got the list?”

Miados pulled out her PADD, “We’ve got crews moving into place to begin the inspections.” He could see the joy bouncing around in her eyes, the smile tugging at the edge of her lips.

“Biggest ship you’ve been on?” Both blushed, smiling awkwardly. He chuckled, “Take your time. Don’t feel like you need to rush. I’ve got meetings with my new senior staff and an XO to recruit. Keep me appraised.”


“Treatment is working, but we’re running up against some more virulent strains.” Commander Augusto Vargas stood, finishing his report to the Director of Medical Operations, Captain Leopold Halsey. “The original sixty-five patients expanded to over three hundred within a week. That number is holding steady and we’re confident it’ll stay that way.” Vargas had been recently assigned to Montana Station to work within the science department. His work with the medical teams on the colony below had given him something different to work on. There was a measure of confidence being shown to him. He was quietly enjoying it.

Halsey scrolled through the details, nodding. Augusto’s impression of the man had grown since being assigned to his team. There was a thoughtful process in how the man deliberated and gave out his orders. His manner wasn’t overtly gentle and yet it didn’t bite. Vargas had worked for plenty of commanding officers. The experiences had varied. The captain spoke at last, “Good work here, Commander Vargas. My team had plenty to say about your excellent performance. You ever considered the medical discipline?”

Vargas blushed at the compliment, chuckling. “I’ve had that question asked of me plenty, sir.” He thought back to the memories at the academy, his friend Jeff. “Science is too much fun, Captain Halsey. It’s…the mystery and the mystique. I tried, believe me. People are just…not that interesting to me.”

Vargas watched as Halsey’s eyebrows shot up, but there was a quiet smile on his lips, “Whereas people are endlessly intriguing to me…and science makes my head hurt. I appreciate the honesty, Commander Vargas. I’ve let Commander T’saath know of your completed duty – she’ll have a new assignment for you in the morning.”

Augusto shifted on his feet, “Thank you, sir.” He did not stand at attention. He opened his mouth and closed it – the question dying in his throat each time he tried to voice it.

Halsey’s eyes lazily stared back from behind his desk, “Something on your mind, Commander?”

“How do you…find a way to work well with her, sir?”

A scoff escaped the director’s lips, “You never worked with Vulcans, have you?”

“Briefly, but not for extended periods. I’ve studied them plenty.” He considered how he felt and his experiences with the Director of Science Operations, “She seems…different, sir.” He watched as Halsey leaned back in his chair.

“I had a Vulcan XO when I served on the Mercy. I’d worked with plenty of Vulcans in my time, but Sorek was his own curiosity. I think what we know and study about them is one thing…but Vulcan, Human, Andorian, Klingon…we all fit within the general qualities of the species and then there’s parts of us that don’t. We all have plenty of outliers who stretch those qualities beyond what the book tells us. Each of us has a personality with quirks that set us apart. Sorek was his own Vulcan, and T’saath is her own Vulcan.” He tapped at the PADD, accepting the report, “She’s got a story, Commander Vargas, just like you. Her story got her here to Montana Station, and so did yours. Figuring out how to work with that story might help save the day.”

Augosto considered the man’s words carefully. His impression of Halsey continued to evolve. The captain had plenty of experience and it wasn’t lost on him how timely the advice could be. “Thank you, sir.” He stood at attention and Halsey dismissed him.


“You know how to cook, Augusto.” Doctor Eleanor “Ellie” Bishop hugged him from behind as the various aromas floated from the pots and pans arrayed across the large stove. “You’re going to love the desert I put together.”

Vargas smiled as he worked the stove. He’d met Ellie in 2397 aboard a station he’d been assigned as Deputy Chief Science Officer and they’d been inseparable since. Her work was in the civilian side of the science world, and it had benefited them both to have some separation. She’d found her way to Montana Station and he’d managed to follow her here. The question of marriage was on the table and overdue. “I’m back in T’saath territory tomorrow.”

He heard the sound of the plates clattering on the table. Ellie was silent for a few minutes and he could feel her staring at the back of his head. “I’ve heard the stories. She’s a challenge. You didn’t have a great first, second…or even third impression with her.”

He tasted the sauce, frowning. “Salty is what I would have said…for all three times. And the sauce.” Tossing in a few scattered amounts, he tried again after mixing. Better. The spaghetti was coming along nicely. “Halsey made an interesting point today.” He shared with her what he had said, glancing back to see the table set, and Ellie was deep in thought. “What?”

Bishop’s eyes cleared, “That might be the trick. We complain about her all the time…but we don’t know much about her. Maybe if we tried to figure out why…or at least, part of why she is the way she is…you’d find a way in.”

Augusto drained the noodles and handed the pot over to Ellie. Soon, the table was filled with food and flavor and they dug in, hungry after a long day of working. As dinner progressed, he watched her, finding more to love about her. In the years they’d been together they had shared heartbreaks plenty. It had been a long journey to understand each other through the struggles, but they had grown, loved, and found hope together. She knew the words that helped, and her embrace had never failed to strengthen him. He’d chased her across the Alpha as their relationship had sparked. She’d done her fair share of chasing. They’d spent six months on opposite sides of the universe. It had been agonizing for both of them. Now, they were together again. He reached his hand across the table suddenly, startling Ellie. “I love you.”

She gave him an odd look and put her hand in hers, “I love you too.” The questioning look remained. He stared at her, feeling the emotions of their years together – the ups, the downs, and the middles. Augusto pulled his hand away abruptly, pushed back his chair, and gently knelt before her. It was her turn to stare at him, “Augusto…”

“Eleanor Julianna Bishop…will you marry me?”


  • FrameProfile Photo

    This is a lovely introduction to your new command. I love the different vignettes that give us such great insight into the characters and their relationship with each other. And a marriage proposal! What's there not to like!

    March 17, 2025