Part of USS Callisto: The Price of Progress

Chapter Five

Brennan's quarters, USS Callisto
January 2402
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Alcyone Brennan’s head throbbed. The dull ache had been a constant companion during a grueling day on Deck Four.

The Callisto’s Strategic Operations Office was more spacious and accommodating than the Ready Room and included a replicator that made the beat tea aboard the Callisto – but those were its only redeeming qualities. Over the span of several hours, Alcyone had attended meeting after meeting to discuss strategies, potential risks and complications, but instead of solutions, it seemed they only uncovered additional challenges. 

With the information the away team had gathered – detailing that both the crews of the USS Givens and the civilian research vessel Qualle had joyfully abandoned their respective ship and beamed down to Asada – it was clear to them that leaving to report back to DS17 wasn’t an option.

Asada was home to a pre-warp civilization, several centuries away from developing spaceflight. A full crew of Starfleet officers on the surface could irreparably disrupt the planet’s natural development, and was a flagrant violation of the Prime Directive.

Attempts to locate the missing crew had of course been made, but Asada’s natural gamma-radiation rendered scans useless. By the time they adjourned, they were no closer to an answer. The debate had stalled on whether they could risk taking a shuttle to survey the area, or if that would only add more complications. 

Alcyone was drained, and craved the warm comfort of her bed.  But tonight, she had something even better planned – something she had been looking forward to all day.

Once Alcyone had arrived in her quarters, a quick glance at the chronometer told her that Eshrevi’s shift would be over any minute now, and she hurried into the shower, eager to wash away the lingering stench of pointless meetings.  Afterward, she pulled on an outfit she deemed to be a good compromise between what Eshrevi liked, and her own preferences. She even put on that daring lipstick – a deep, maroon shape she usually didn’t have the confidence to wear. 

After a moment of consideration, she decided on one last finishing touch. A lipstick with a deep maroon shade she had never quite felt bold enough to wear. Tonight felt like the right occasion.

Within minutes, the table was set, and Alcyone found herself waiting.

As she settled into the quiet and had a moment to slow down, She realized just how uneasy she had been when Keller had suggested Eshrevi for one of the away teams. Alcyone knew that the Andorian was an exceptional and experienced security officer, and trusted her implicitly. Despite what some people seemed to think, she would never stand in the way of her doing what she did best. But that didn’t mean she hadn’t been worried, and that knowing Eshrevi was safely back on the Callisto brought her a sense of peace.

Her gaze drifted to the chronometer, and her brows furrowed. Eshrevi should have returned easily half an hour ago. It wasn’t like her to be late, but then, perhaps something had delayed her. Not the first time that happened. Usually, though, Eshrevi would let her know.

Alcyone sighed. She reached for a PADD containing the novel she was currently reading, but found that she couldn’t focus.  And once another twenty minutes had passed, she tapped her badge.

“Brennan to Sh’shiqil.”

“Yes, Commander?”, Eshrevi’s voice came through the comm. For a split second, Alcyone hesitated. The formality caught her off guard, even though it was how Eshrevi usually addressed anyone – even her, when they were in public. Tonight, though, it felt… off.

“I was wondering if you were delayed,” Alcyone said, mirroring the formality. “I was waiting.”

There was a short pause, before Eshrevi’s tone softened. “I’m sorry. I … forgot.”

Alcyone’s heart sank. She didn’t want to be upset, but the sting of ‘being forgotten’ was impossible to ignore. She yes, she was upset.

“I understand,” she said carefully, fighting to keep her voice calm. “Where are you? The gym?”

“No.” A pause. “I’m at Ursa Major. Having dinner with Naeric.”

“With… who?”

Alcyone found that her brain was taking its sweet time to catch up with what was happening. Eshrevi had forgotten her. She was – voluntarily – spending her time at Ursa Major, the main social hub she usually avoided. She was having dinner with someone called Naeric. 


“That doesn’t tell me anything. Who is Naeric?” Alcyone’s voice pitched higher than she intended. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply to calm herself. It wasn’t fair to let the stress of the day spill over into her private life.

“Zion, you know Nearic.”, Eshrevi replied, her disapproval translating through her words and intonation while Alcyone closed her eyes and tried to figure out if the name told her anything. It really did not. 

“Sorry, remind me?”, she tried, but was met with a sigh. 

“Zion, you know Naeric.” The disapproval in Eshrevi’s tone was undeniable. Alcyone closed her eyes and searched her memory, trying to figure out if the name told her anything. It really did not. 

“Sorry, remind me?” she asked.

“My friend.” There was another pause, and a muffled conversation in the background.  “Zion, I’m sorry I forgot. It’s been a stressful day. I can cut this short and come home.”

“No… “, Alcyone said, when really she wanted to say: Yes, do that. “It’s no trouble at all. Just… have fun. I’ll probably just go to bed early.”

“If you say so,” Eshrevi replied, her voice almost indifferent.

The comm line closed with a chirp, and Alcyone sat there, staring at the now-cold dinner on the table. She blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill over. She had been looking forward to this all day, and she… hadn’t expected Eshrevi to forget her. 

And there was something else. They were both new to the Callisto, and Alcyone couldn’t claim that she had made any friends yet. It surprised her that Eshrevi, who didn’t understand smalltalk and defaulted to disliking people, had.

She got up slowly, recycled the untouched meal, and removed the lipstick. 



And then, she tried to relax. She even lit a candle to find comfort in prayer, and have the opportunity to talk about what had happened, and why it bothered her so much. Usually, that little ritual gave her comfort. But right now, it proved beyond difficult to focus on when her mind kept drifting to Ursa Major the second she didn’t keep it otherwise occupied. Eventually, she gave up. With a deep sigh, she decided that there was no relaxing until she… what? Confront Eshrevi? Was she really that jealous?

It wasn’t like her at all.

And yet, despite knowing better, Alcyone found herself leaving her quarters, wandering the corridors in the direction of Deck Seven, where Ursa Major was likely brimming with activity right now. She told herself she wasn’t doing anything unusual. She would just join the crowd, meet some new people, maybe make a few friends of her own. That was reasonable, wasn’t it? Besides, what harm was there in sneaking a glance at this Naeric person while she was there?

She had almost convinced herself as she neared the turbolift, but was abruptly interrupted by a calm, familiar voice.

“Commander,” said Counselor Seta, stepping into view. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, I’m just tired.”, Alcyone said with a small smile.  

“I can imagine. But… you look nice. Are you going somewhere?” Counselor Seta asked, raising an eyebrow. 

Alcyone could simply pretend to have planned an evening at Ursa Major, but she wasn’t a big fan of lying.

“I…” Alcyone sighed, and her shoulder sagged. “I had a date. The person I had a date with… forgot.”

“Commander, with all due respect, everyone knows that this person is Lieutenant Sh’shiquil.”


Seta tilted her head. “I don’t know the Lieutenant well, but it doesn’t seem like her to forget something like that.”

“She’s…” Alcyone hesitated. “Well, she made a friend. I didn’t even know she had made a friend. I always thought I was the one who made friends easily and had to drag her to social events.”

“And that’s a positive thing right? Even if it is unexpected change to your dynamic.”

Alcyone nodded slowly. “I suppose so. It’s just… she never mentioned him before. He goes by the name Naeric.”

Naeric?” Seta’s lips curved into a smile. “Oh, that makes sense. It’s no surprise they’ve become friends. Naeric is one of my colleagues. He’s very kind, an excellent listener, and even I turn to him for advice.”

“A counselor?” Alcyone blinked in surprise. She really didn’t know Eshrevi at all, did she? As far she knew, the Andorian avoided both doctors and counsellors like the plague. 

“And a good one,” Seta said warmly. “I know you didn’t ask for my advice, but I’ll give it anyway. Let them be friends. But when Lieutenant Sh’shiquil gets back, talk to her.”

Alcyone hesitated, then offered a smile. “I… will do that. Thank you, Counselor.”

As they parted ways, Alcyone felt slightly better. Slightly. 

She decided to work until Eshrevi returned. There was no point trying to relax when her mind wouldn’t let her. 

But as she settled into her chair and opened a report, curiosity did get the better of her after all. Maybe just a quick look at this Naeric person. If she still felt unsettled, perhaps she could even schedule an appointment with him. It wasn’t that weird, was it?

She entered the name into the query field, and was surprised when she didn’t get a result. Perhaps a civilian counselor? The Callisto had several families on board, so it wasn’t entirely far-fetched. But that search led nowhere, either.

Frowning, she leaned back in her chair. Perhaps it was just a nickname, and that was why she didn’t find anyone going by that name. She should let it go, wait, and ask Eshrevi directly. That would be the mature thing to do.

Unfortunately, it seemed that she wasn’t being particularly mature today. 

And so, for the second time in the span of a mere hour at best, Alcyone left her quarters, this time headed to sickbay. Her headache had worsened anyway, and despite the fact that she held her own medical degree, she knew that the doctors frowned on her self-prescribing analgesics. 

When she arrived, she spotted doctor Trova just finishing up with an Ensign who sheepishly glanced at her as he limped away, clearly having overdone his workout routine. 

“Commander, what can I do for you?”, the Bajoran doctor asked with a polite smile. 

“Just a headache.”, Alcyone said, knowing full well that this wasn’t why she had come. Trova nodded and gestured for her to take a seat on one of the biobeds. 

“How long have you had it?”, she asked and reached for the medical tricorder.

“It started somewhere between the fourth and fifth meeting today.”, Alcyone sighed. “I know I should be taking breaks, but there just wasn’t any time.”

“I get it. What happened with the Givens has us all on edge.” The doctor nodded empathetically as she scanned Alcyone.  “But you do have time to have a glass of water. You’re dehydrated.”

“I… yes. I forgot.”, Alcyone admitted, though she was pretty sure that she had been good about that. 

“It happens. I’ll give you something for the pain. Try to take it easy for the rest of the evening. Easier said than done, I know.”

While the doctor prepared the medication, Alcyone hesitated. Finally, she asked “I was wondering… Counselor Naeric – I don’t know his full name – has he been here long?”

“Naeric? Oh yes, for years. I’m relatively new here, just like you, but I’ve only ever heard good things.”

“I couldn’t find him on the crew manifest. What’s his full name?”

Trova hesitated. Her fingers paused over the hypospray, “I… just… Naeric.”, she said slowly “That’s what everyone calls him – I’m sorry, I’m awful with names.” 

Alcyone managed to grin, but it felt forced. “I can relate. What’s his rank? Or is he a civilian?”

“He’s… hm.”, Trova hesitated. She frowned, as if trying to dredge up a far away memory “He’s… hm.. I’m not sure. That’s odd.”

“Not at all.”, Alcyone assured her, while finding this very odd indeed “We’re all busy.”

Trova administered the hypospray and offered a reassuring smile. “We are. And it’s getting late as it is – I think we both need rest.”

“Of course.”, Alcyone nodded, thanked the doctor, and left sickbay. 

She did actually feel better – the headache was gone, and now she was sure that she wasn’t just jealous. Something wasn’t right.