
Profile Overview

Nichelle Trova

Bajoran female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Trova


Medical Officer
USS Callisto


Nichelle Trova




After a turbulent few months following an an incident aboard the USS Cupertino and the resulting reset of her Starfleet career, Nichelle has only recently returned to active duty and is in the process of finding her footing once again. She serves as Medical Officer on the USS Callisto.


Nichelle’s most distinctive trait is her natural red hair that would set her apart in a crowd if she didn’t dye it, opting for brown or blonde shades. Her hair reaches down to her shoulder blades, and is usually kept in a low ponytail that keeps it out of the way.

In terms of her physique, Nichelle maintains the figure of someone who takes good care of her health but doesn’t necessarily enthusiastic about regular exercise.

Her off-duty choice of clothing is traditionally Bajoran and a little whimsical, and often subject to teasing by her friends.


Nichelle is a no-nonsense individual who prefers to navigate the world with a straightforward and pragmatic approach. Social interactions often stress her out, making her somewhat reserved in social situations.

Her communication style is characterized by a concise and direct manner. That said, Nichelle is unwavering in her commitment to standing behind people, championing their causes, and offering her support whenever and wherever she can.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Medical Officer USS Callisto
2398 - 2401 Chief Medical Officer USS Cupertino
2397 - 2398 Leave of Absence n/a
2397 - 2396 Chief Medical Officer USS Trianon
2395 - 2397 Medical Officer USS Trianon
2393 - 2395 Medical Officer USS Trianon
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2389 - 2393 Medical Student Starfleet Medical Academy
2385 - 2389 Life Sciences Cadet Starfleet Academy