USS Callisto

The Price of Progress

God is dead. And we have killed him.

Mission Description

When the USS Callisto is dispatched to investigate the disappearance of the USS Givens and a civilian research vessel, they uncover both ships dead in orbit, their crews having voluntarily abandoned them to join settlement on the planet below.

As the Callisto’s crew delves deeper, a strange telepathic presence exerts an inexplicable influence over all who encounter it, inspiring unwavering loyalty and reshaping lives.

With the fate of two crews and a pre-warp civilization at stake, the Callisto must confront the entity, navigate faith, free will, and the fragile balance of progress, and decide whether to leave behind a god who refuses to be forgotten.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

11 February 2025

Chapter Seven

USS Callisto: The Price of Progress

The hours between Brennan‘s and Una‘s last conversation felt longer than they had any right to. Alcyone wasn’t an empath, but she could swear that she felt the mood on the Callisto shift with every passing second, moving from careful optimism to misplaced euphoria. Eventually, just before the [...]

1 February 2025

Chapter Six

USS Callisto: The Price of Progress

The water closed over her head, ice cold and dark, pressing the air out of her lungs as another wave crashed over her. She tried to remain calm, to think logically, to regain focus, but bit by bit, every ounce of control melted away, leaving nothing but the raw instinct to survive. She could still [...]

25 January 2025

Chapter Five

USS Callisto: The Price of Progress

Alcyone Brennan’s head throbbed. The dull ache had been a constant companion during a grueling day on Deck Four. The Callisto’s Strategic Operations Office was more spacious and accommodating than the Ready Room and included a replicator that made the beat tea aboard the Callisto – but [...]

24 January 2025

Chapter Four

USS Callisto: The Price of Progress

Lieutenant Eshrevi Sh’shiqil had very mixed feelings about the sudden opportunity to lead an away team, and as she made her way to the transporter room, she wondered if feeling so conflicted was something she was willing to do.  Her boots clicked against the floor, each step falling into the [...]