Part of Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

New Beginnings

Starbase Bravo
January 24, 2402
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As Lieutenant Commander Aramis Lionel stepped off the transport shuttle and onto the bustling decks of Starbase Bravo, his striking physical presence commanded attention. His lean, athletic build, honed from years of martial arts training and Starfleet’s rigorous physical conditioning programs, seemed to radiate an aura of quiet confidence. At 188 centimeters tall, he towered above the crowds, his dark brown hair perfectly styled in a short, sleek manner that accentuated his sharp facial features.


However, it was his eyes that truly set him apart. His eyes looked like piercing emerald green orbs that seemed to gleam with an inner light. Inherited from his Betazoid mother, his eyes held a deep, almost mystical significance for Aramis. As he scanned the crowded docking bay, his gaze seemed to bore into those he met, as if searching for the hidden truths and emotions that lay beneath the surface.


Aramis’s arrival at Starbase Bravo marked the beginning of a well-deserved shore leave, a chance to rest and recharge after his last assignment. It also marks a turning point in his career, as he awaited news of his possible next ship assignment, which is a posting that is still shrouded in mystery. As he made his way through the bustling crowds, Aramis felt a thrill of anticipation mixed with a hint of trepidation. What lay ahead for him? Only time would tell.


As he walked from the shuttle, he checked in with the deck officer to receive his quarters assignment. He stepped up to the deck officer, who looked him up on his PADD and told him what deck his assigned quarters were on. He left the shuttle bag and headed for a turbo lift, entered it and went to his quarters. He rode the lift alone.


The lift doors opened and he stepped out and turned the corner and started down the corridor. He stopped in front of his quarters, tapped his access code into the door panel access keypad and the doors whooshed open, allowing him entry. He walked inside and the doors whooshed closed. He put his shoulder satchel in a chair as he walked around, checking out his quarters.


As Lieutenant Commander Aramis Lionel stepped into his new quarters on Starbase Bravo, he was immediately enveloped in a sense of calm and serenity. The soft hum of the quarters’ life support systems and the gentle glow of the lighting panels created a soothing ambiance, a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the starbase’s bustling corridors.


Aramis’s eyes scanned the room, taking in the sleek, modern lines of the quarters’ design. The walls were adorned with a subtle, textured pattern, a gentle blend of grays and blues that seemed to shift and shimmer in the light. The floor was covered in a soft, plush carpeting, its deep blue hue complementing the overall color scheme of the quarters.


As he moved further into the room, Aramis’s gaze fell upon the sleek, silver-gray surfaces of the quarters’ furnishings. The desk and chair, situated in one corner of the room, seemed to gleam in the soft light, their clean lines and minimalist design reflecting the quarters’ overall aesthetic. A comfortable-looking couch and armchair, upholstered in a durable, navy-blue fabric, were arranged in a conversational circle, creating a cozy nook for relaxation and entertainment.


Aramis’s attention was drawn to the large, transparent aluminum windows that dominated one entire wall of the quarters. The view beyond was breathtaking. The starbase’s docking bays stretched out before him, a bustling tapestry of activity and color. In the distance, the stars shone like diamonds against the inky blackness of space, a reminder of the vast, uncharted expanse that lay beyond the starbase’s walls.


As he continued to explore his new quarters, Aramis noticed the small, personal touches that had been added to make the space feel more welcoming. A few, carefully chosen pieces of artwork adorned the walls, their vibrant colors and eclectic styles adding a touch of warmth and personality to the quarters. A small, potted plant sat on the desk, its delicate, fern-like leaves adding a splash of green to the room’s decor.


Aramis felt a sense of satisfaction and relief wash over him as he settled into his new quarters. After the chaos and uncertainty of his previous assignment, it was nice to have a place to call his own, a sanctuary where he could rest and recharge. He took a deep breath, feeling the tension in his shoulders begin to ease, and smiled to himself. This was going to be a good place to call home, at least for a little while.


After checking out his new quarters Aramis proceeded to unpack his bag, then he took a nice long sonic shower and dressed in civilian clothes and headed to the Upper Promenade. He stepped back out into the corridor and down to the turbo lift. He rode the lift up and exited onto the Upper Promenade. Aramis walked down the Promenade, looking around and admiring the sights.


Aramis approached the open doorway to The Gate Inn, and a warm, golden light spilled out into the corridor, beckoning him inside. As he stepped across the threshold, he was enveloped in the familiar, comforting atmosphere of an ancient Earth pub. The air was thick with the smell of ale and roasting meats, and the sound of laughter and conversation filled his ears.


Aramis’s eyes adjusted slowly to the dim light, and he took in the cozy, rustic decor of the bar. Wood panels lined the walls, their warm, honey-brown tones glowing softly in the light. The floor, as he had been warned by reading an informative ad, was indeed a little sticky, as if it had been spilled upon one too many times. Aramis smiled to himself, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over him. This was exactly the kind of place he needed to unwind after a long day.


As he made his way to the bar, Aramis’s gaze swept across the room, taking in the eclectic mix of patrons. There were Starfleet officers, of course, but also civilians, traders, and travelers from all corners of the galaxy. The Gate Inn was clearly a popular gathering spot, and Aramis felt grateful to have stumbled upon it.


He slid onto a stool at the bar, and the bartender, a friendly-looking man with a warm smile, greeted him.


“Greetings. What can I get you, sir?” he asked.


Aramis smiled, feeling a sense of relaxation wash over him.


“Just a pint of your finest ale, please,” he replied, leaning back in his stool to survey the room.


The barkeep grabbed a clean mug from the shelf and went to fill it with the local brew and placed it on the bar in front of him. Aramis nodded his thanks and carefully lifted his mug to his mouth. Aramis sipped his drink, surveying the crowd at The Gate Inn. The bar was bustling with activity, the air thick with the smell of ale and roasting meats. He had just begun to relax, enjoying the warm glow of the fire pit, when he heard a familiar voice behind him.


“Aramis Lionel, as I live and breathe!”


Aramis turned, a smile spreading across his face as he took in the sight of his old academy friend, Catersha. Her dark hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, and her bright, inquisitive eyes sparkled with warmth.


“Catersha!” Aramis exclaimed, rising from his stool to envelop her in a warm hug. “It’s been far too long!”


Catersha laughed, her eyes shining with amusement. “I know, I know. Life gets busy, and we lose track of each other. I’m glad I ran into you here in Starbase Bravo.”


As they pulled back, Aramis took in the sight of Catersha’s uniform, adorned with the blue color of the sciences division.


“What position do you have now?” Aramis inquired of his long friend Catersha. “Last time I heard from you, you were a raw Ensign posted at Headquarters.”


As he gestured to the esear next to him, he waved the barkeep over and offered to order a drink for her.


“What will you have ma’am?”


“Same as him please,” she replied to the barkeep.


The bartender just nodded and grabbed another mug, filled it and placed it in front of her. She nodded her thanks and took a sip, then answered Aramis.


“My speciality is in Astrophysics now. I was with a survey team that just finished a long term study on the Murasaki 312 quasar-like formation,” she told him.


“You’re doing well, I see,” he said, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I always knew you’d make a brilliant astrophysicist.”


Catersha smiled, her cheeks flushing with pleasure.


“Thanks, Aramis. You’re not doing so badly yourself. I heard you’re waiting for your next assignment. Any idea what that might be?”


Aramis shook his head, taking a sip of his drink.


“Not yet, but I’m hoping for something exciting. Maybe a deep space mission, or a chance to explore a new sector.”


As they chatted, Aramis found himself feeling more and more at ease in Catersha’s presence. It was as if no time had passed at all, and they fell easily into their old routine of joking and laughing together.


As the evening wore on, Aramis realized that he was having the time of his life. It wasn’t just the good company, or the excellent ale. It was the spark of attraction that he couldn’t help but feel whenever Catersha smiled at him, or laughed at one of his jokes.


Aramis couldn’t help but wonder if this chance encounter might lead to something more. As he looked into Catersha’s eyes, he felt a sense of excitement, of possibility. Maybe, just maybe, this reunion would be the start of something special.