Part of USS Callisto: The Price of Progress

Chapter One

Ready Toom, USS Callisto
January 2402
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“For the time being, I would like us to consider it a check-up.”, Captain Aldris Ceix said evenly, and leaned back in his chair before he reached for the mug of long-cold coffee. The day had been long, and shore leave was being cut short, a combination of things he would rather have avoided. 

“But it could be more than that.”, replied Brennan as her brows knitted together in a frown. 

Ceix stifled a sigh. Commander Alcyone Brennan was a still relatively new arrival to the Callisto, and an inexperienced First Officer. He couldn’t fault her for not sharing the wealth of experiences that was the result of several lifetimes, but in situations like these, he found it difficult to allow her the time she needed. 

“I know,” he said thoughtfully. “But I don’t want to put the crew through the feeling of another rescue mission – not unless this turns out to be one. Not so soon.” 

He knew that many of the crew were still struggling with the aftermath of what they had uncovered on the ISS Asklepios, and how utterly useless they felt once they had grasped the magnitude of the operation, and with it the number of people they hadn’t been able to safe. 

“But you are worried.”, Brennan noted quietly. 

Ceix nodded. “I am. Commander Shivni is someone I consider capable and reliable – and a friend.”

The silence that followed seemed to stretch, until finally, Brennan gave a nod and glanced down at the PADD that held the information on said ‘check up’.
“Understood.”, she said eventually. “It says here that the last communication with the Givens was almost two weeks ago. Why the late reaction to a missing vessel?”

The Captain brought the mug to his lips, and carefully considered his response. He was almost certain that things would have moved more quickly if it wasn’t for Varro’s departure from Deep Space 17. And, of course, that wasn’t the only reason. 

“Communication falters in that region often, especially with the interference there,” Ceix said. “Sensors, arrays, all of it can be unreliable. But the Givens should have been back three days ago. That delay has Admiral Jenson worried.”

Brennan’s eyes flicked up for a brief moment before returning to the PADD. “Has there been any hostile activity in the sector?”

“None. With most of the civilizations pre-warp, it’s not a very interesting area of space in regards to trade or research. Resources are negligible, but we can never know for certain.”

“And that vessel the Givens was supposed to recover – they also lost contact, correct?”

“Correct.”, Ceix said. The Qualle, a civilian research vessel with only a handful of researchers on board, had not returned as planned either. 

“We have not listed any research-worthy objectives in the area. What was the Qualle interested in?”

Ceix shook his head. “We have not received that information. Either no one knows, or no one considered it worth notifying us. I believe it to be the latter –  oftentimes, what Starfleet finds interesting and noteworthy does not quite match the ideas of civilian research projects.”

“I know we are considering this a … check-up.”, said Brennan carefully. “But two vessels disappearing without a trace is beyond worrying. Wouldn’t it be better to inform the crew right away?”

“It is worrying.”, Ceix acknowledged. “But I don’t want to jump to the conclusion that something happened. Not until we know more.”

Brennan considered this, and remained silent for a good long while. Then, her frown deepened.  “The Givens was transporting the prisoners, and the survivors.”, she remarked slowly. 

“Yes. And that is why I believe this needs to be handled delicately. There is some discontent as to how the prisoners, in particular Miss Turunen were handled. The idea of their escape, or worse, will not affect the crew positively.”

“That, I agree on.”, Brennan replied coolly. Ceix knew that she, too, would have preferred to see them all brought to immediate justice for what they did. All of them. “And I also agree It’s best to project calm confidence.”, Brennan agreed eventually. 

Ceix gave a small nod. “Thank you.” He meant it.There was a difference between someone following orders, and someone understanding why he gave them. “I still want to be prepared. Inform Commander Keller of our … worries. He will make sure we are prepared for the worst-case scenario.”

“So we prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.”, Brenna nodded. It was one of those sayings she liked to use. 

“Indeed.”, Ceix nodded. “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.”

Only time would tell if this was truly the right choice.