
Profile Overview

Aldris Ceix

Trill male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Aldris


USS Callisto



Leran Manev


Captain Aldris Ceix is a veteran of the Dominion War in more than one way, and after a brief hiatus due to a disciplinary issue involving a colleague, he recently returned to active duty and restored his reputation.


Aldris is a striking character. His long hair, kept neat and tidy, adds an air of sophistication to his appearance. His tall stature and handsome features make him stand out, giving him a commanding presence. The combination of his well-maintained hair and good looks suggests someone who is confident and meticulous, perhaps with a charismatic or even mysterious aura.


Aldris character is complex blend of qualities and a rich background. His kind yet authoritative demeanor suggests a leader who commands respect but also deeply cares for those under his charge. The fact that he keeps his distance due to past misconduct with a fellow officer adds a layer of vulnerability and internal conflict, hinting at a man burdened by regret or guilt.

As a joined Trill, Aldris carries the wisdom and experiences of many lifetimes, which informs his leadership style and decision-making. His dedication to the Callisto’s mission speaks to a sense of duty and purpose.


Aldris’s backstory is both intriguing and layered with personal conflict. Here’s a suggestion for the ship name and a brief overview of his journey:

Aldris began his Starfleet career as a science officer aboard the **USS Helios**, a ship known for its deep space exploration and scientific missions. With the wisdom and experience granted by his Trill symbiont, he quickly distinguished himself, earning the respect of his peers and superiors alike. His keen insights and ability to think several steps ahead propelled him through the ranks, eventually leading him to the command track.

As the first officer of the **Helios**, Aldris thrived in his role, balancing the responsibilities of leadership with his scientific background. However, his personal life took a complicated turn when he developed a deep and unexpected affection for Seta Jinean, a career-driven Bajoran officer serving on the same ship. Despite the significant age difference and his position of authority, the two grew close, and their relationship became intimate.

When Seta discovered she was pregnant, Aldris was conflicted. Driven by fear and perhaps the overwhelming weight of his responsibilities, he tried to convince Seta to terminate the pregnancy. This decision was not taken lightly by either of them, and Seta ultimately refused. Feeling betrayed and hurt, Seta filed an official complaint, which led to Aldris being temporarily demoted and publicly shamed. He left Starfleet while Seta decided to return to Bajor.

After a brief hiatus to reflect and regroup, he made the difficult decision to return to Starfleet, determined to rebuild his career and restore his tarnished reputation. Aldris regained his rank and eventually achieved the prestigious role of Captain.

Now commanding the **USS Callisto**, Aldris is more reserved and cautious, particularly when it comes to personal relationships. He has learned from his past mistakes and is dedicated to his crew and the mission, striving to be the leader that his many lifetimes of experience have prepared him to be.