Part of USS da Vinci: The Great Starship Sale and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Part 8: ‘Silent Fist’

Reliance City Space Port / USS da Vinci
December 2401: Mission Day 8 Continued
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Getting aboard a pirate ship with the use of a wooden leg, even if it did contain an electronic key imbedded inside it; certainly hadn’t been on Lieutenant Stuart’s ‘to do list’, but that’s exactly what she had done, only minutes before.  The ship itself was roughly three times the size of a Runabout, and had a predictor look with its mandible shaped front section and swept back wings.  It hadn’t just been a case of simply stepping aboard the vessel, though.  Two other Nausicaan’s had to be dealt with, neither of which paid much attention to the outer hatch opening.  So at least the small boarding party, maintained the element of surprise, right until the very last moment.  The Tellarite dropped the individual to the left whilst Stuart took out the one on the right.  Both hit the deck with a loud and satisfying thud.

“Ever thought of trying out security?” Enquired Grav; looking at the two inert bodies. “You’re not too bad a shot.”

Stuart had to stop a moment, ‘had she just been complemented by a Tellarite?’  They placed a tag on both the sleeping Nausicaan, allowing the da Vinci’s transporter to lock on and whisk them straight to a cell next to their leader, who was probably at this moment fuming over having his leg sliced off.

When the all clear signal was given; the rest of the team for this part of the operation, came out of the shadows and headed for the hatch.  Chameleon was with nurse Folland, who’d agreed to come along and monitor the Human/Chameliod hybrids health when it came to the point they’d need to change form.  The appearance of a young blonde man had been one they’d held for over three years.  So becoming someone else after that length of time; was going to hurt.  Last, but in no way least Ensign Sparrow, who was an engineer from the da Vinci and would keep an eye on the systems, whilst Stuart concentrated on flying the ship.

Stuart went through the pre-flight checks in the dimly lit cockpit using a Padd complete with translation program; as every control label was in Nausicaan, whilst Sparrow carrying an identically set up Padd; did the same in the engineering compartment.  So he’d at least know what some of the controls and monitors were telling him. Calling it a room would have been a bit of a stretch; he was barely able to squeeze himself past some of the equipment, and wondered how the much larger Nausicaan had ever managed it!

“Think you can fly this thing?” Asked the Tellarite as he dropped into the co-pilot seat. “Only someone said you crashed the last shuttle you flew!”

She assumed that would have to be Tholakath, the Cardassian; who had been in the shuttle along with her, when they’d been forced to make a hasty exit. “Either way, we’re going to find out fairly quickly.”

Grav grunted and reached for the communications panel.  “This is Silent Fist requesting clearance from Pad 9.” The Tellarite hoped the manner in which he spoke sounded sufficiently like a Nausicaan to fool whoever was monitoring flights from the Space Port.

“This is Flight control, you are clear to depart on Vector 3.” Replied a sweet melodic, female voice.  “Safe flight.”

Lieutenant Stuart, slowly and carefully powered up the engines.  Everything shuddered as the ship began to lift up, as if it wasn’t exactly keen on the prospect of being airborne.  But despite its protests, the Orion managed to get the craft up and away from the Pad.  All she had to do now was figure out in which direction this ‘Vector 3’ was.

“Couldn’t we find a ship that wasn’t as old as my grandmother?” Enquired Grav.  “And felt less like it wanted to rip itself apart,”

“My dear Grav, I’m sure nothing could be as old as your grandmother?” Stuart winked.

The Tellarite burst out laughing; it was rare to find anyone prepared to be insulting like that.  It was in a Tellarites genes to debate, argue and occasionally insult people.  Other Federation species just didn’t always understand that.  Many not familiar with the idea and took offence; but a Tellarite really had to like you, before they unleased their worst insults. It was a sign of trust.

“I get the feeling you’ve been around, my kind before.” Commented the Tellarite.  “Not many people are that quick off the mark.”

“My father did a bit of trading with the Tellarite colonies on Tellar-Seta and Bal-Seta.” Stuart informed him.  “So a girl picks up one or two things.”

“Well at least this trip won’t be too boring then.” Grav grunted. “I’d still prefer it if we didn’t have to go it alone.”

That was the one issue with this stage of the operation; Jdorkra’s ship was only small, so cramming any more people into it wasn’t feasible; neither was meeting up with the two Federation ships in orbit, someone would bound to be watching, no matter how careful they were.  Even the route they’d been given to fly, would take the as far from the ships as possible, without looking entirely deliberate.  Flight Control clearly assumed the Nausicaan would want to avoid the Federation, if possible.  So at the moment Lieutenant Stuart was making a good impression of a Nausicaan pirate trying to avoid detection and capture.  Once she was happy it looked like they were escaping, she jumped to warp.


On the bridge of the USS da Vinci everything was calm and organised.  Commander Anacostia-Bolling sat in the captain’s chair, relaxed with legs cross.  The view screen set to maximum magnification, just picking up a black shape only seconds before a flash indicated a vessel jumping to warp.

“Shall we follow?” Asked Isaacs.

“Not so fast, count to ten, and then set a pursuit course.” Then the Commander turned to communications. “Inform the Jaxartes the ‘chicks’ have left the nest.”

Jaxartes confirms ready to follow.” Replied Phillanie a moment later.

The helmsman had evidently been counting to ten in his head, for at that point the USS da Vinci banked away from the planet of Royce III and broke orbit.  Heading towards the direction the Nausicaan vessel had gone moments before; Isaacs took the ship clear of any planet.

“What’s the speed of their ship?” Enquired Anacostia-Bolling.

“Speed registering warp 6.32.” He XO was monitoring from the science station.

“Mr Isaacs, match that speed if you will.”

“Aye Captain, going to warp now.”

It never got old, watching the stars turn to streaks of light, as a ship went beyond the speed of light.  The technology and power to send a vessel across the space at such tremendous speeds, was truly amazing.  Yet within the confines of the warp bubble and the ship’s hull itself, you could hardly sense that movement, without actually witnessing it.  No, Anacostia-Bolling would never tire of this magnificent view before her.

So that was part two of the operation; successfully completed.  The next stage would involve the Nausicaan pirate ship ‘accidently’ running into one belonging to Navaar Orci.  The ship in question had briefly been picked up by the scanners of a Freighter heading towards Eos Station.  The crew had basically been on top of the Orion ship before they’d even realised its presence.  She could only imagine the shear panic of blundering into such a vessel, and the surprise at being completely ignored and allowed to carry on with their journey; unmolested.  All be it, at a greatly increased speed.  It was a wonder they hadn’t blown up, judging from the report.

Whatever that ship was doing, it wasn’t hunting; it was waiting or searching for something specific.  It had orders, and was following them rigidly.  The description, though slightly exaggerated as regards to the size and weapons configuration, gave it an 87% chance of being one of two custom designed ships belonging to Navaar Orci; that was their way in.