Part of USS Paramount: S1E6 | Watch Your Back and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Act Two: An Arrival

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), trailing rimward edge of the Archanis Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0731 hours
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Muldoon’s Saloon was never an overly populated place. There were no more than twenty people occupying the space at any given point. The few regular attendees were  officers who came after their shifts ended to seclude themselves from others and have a nice and quiet meal.

The warm environment and the intimate feel of the saloon is what has attracted many of its occupants. Most notable of which is Commander Nitus.

While the majority of the senior staff enjoyed the privacy of The Crest where they could close themselves from the ‘Lower Deckers’. Nitus preferred to eat in Muldoon’s Saloon where she could speak with some non senior staff officers on board.

Commander Nitus and Lieutenant Junior Grade Soli Mer were seated in a booth along the wall opposite the bar. The astrometrics officer had joined the crew shortly before the Underspace crisis. Lieutenant Mer was one of those regular attendees and often came here during her downtime to eat. At present she was enjoying an American burger and french fries from 21st century Earth. Commander Nitus had joined her when she arrived in the saloon. She was eating a plate of khellid fish and a cup of raktajino to wash it down with.

Commander Nitus and Lieutenant Mer were laughing as they joked. A few of the Saloon’s occupants looked over to them with annoyance for breaking the serene quiet of the saloon.

“Sounds…” Lieutenant Mer said as she continued to laugh in-between breathe. The Trill officer had spoke with the commander a few times before now. “Sounds like a Romulan leader never gives a straight answer when a riddle will do.” Mer breathed labored as she tried to calm herself.

Commander Nitus nodded in agreement then suddenly she stopped her expression serious. “Maybe I should start doing that,” she said to her. Her tone of voice matched her facial expressions as she looked at her.

Lieutenant Mer and Commander Nitus shared eye contact as Mer stopped laughing. She was trying to figure out if she was actually being serious but then they both erupted into laughter. Even louder then the last time.

“Bridge to Nitus,” rang the voice of Lieutenant Junior Grade Enzo D’Antonio. The helmsman had been placed in charge over the bridge while Commander Nitus was eating and Lieutenant Commander T’Soni was on the Calgary with Lieutenat Zolath, Lieutenant Commander Hill and a team of engineers.

Commander Nitus was still laughing as she tapped her badge. “Nitus to bridge,” she said in between laughter. “What’s happened Mr. D’Antonio?”

“A ship has arrived in system ma’am.”

Nitus sighed before she responded, finally managing to calm herself down. “Understood, Mr. D’Antonio. I’m on my way. Nitus out,” she said to him she grabbed her cup and drunk the last of her raktajino.

“Sorry Lieutenant,” she said sincerely, “This has been fun but duty calls.” She said as she stood from her seat.

Lieutenant Mer sat as she watched Nitus stand from her seat. “We should do this again Commander,” she said after her as the Romulan walked briskly towards the door.

“I agree,” she responded to her as she turned and headed down the corridor.

Reaching the turbolift she ordered it to the bridge. During the short journey she thought about how fun it was to actually talk and laugh with someone. The life of a Starfleet officer was hard. Often times you had to choose between duty and family. As the doors opened she stepped on to the bridge of the ship pushing aside her internal delima.


“Commander it appears to be a civilian freighter,” Lieutenant D’Antonio responded as he stood from the center chair.

Nitus walked towards him as he spoke then looked at the viewscreen at the ship in question. “Have they hailed us?” she inquired.

“No ma’am.”

Nitus nodded in response as she looked to the seat normally occupied by the executive officer. “Where’s T’Soni?” she asked puzzled.

“She’s still on the Calgary ma’am,” D’Antonio responded as he took a seat at his console.

Commander Nitus tapped her combadge, “Nitus to away team.”

“T’Soni here,” responded the voice of the Vulcan officer.

“Number One a ship has arrived in system. You have fifteen minutes to gather as mush data as you can then I want you to return to the Paramount,” she ordered her as she looked at the Calgary through the viewscreen.

“Understood commmander. T’Soni out.”

“Mr. D’Antonio can we scan them?” she asked the young lieutenant. Switching her eyes from the Calgary to the new arrival.

“No ma’am their just outside of sensor range,” he responded as he looked to his console. He was trying to extend sensor range to at the very least get a name.

Nitus sighed. This couldn’t be good. Why would someone just warp to this location and lurk just beyond their sensor range? It was strange. But there was nothing they could do about it right now.

“Okay let’s proceed with our current operations,” Nitus ordered as she started slowly walking to her ready room. “If anything happens alert me immediately. Mr. D’Antonio you have the bridge.”