Part of USS da Vinci: The Great Starship Sale and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Part 1: The Big Chair

USS da Vinci
December 2401: Mission Day 1
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Captains Log:

I’m still getting used to the idea of being the Captain of this vessel, of any vessel for that matter.  She’s got a lot of history behind her, from serving with the Corps of Engineers and I’ve looked into the exploits of those who have commanded her before me.  I only hope that I can measure up to those standards and show those that had the faith to grant me this opportunity, were correct in doing so.

Our first mission is to join the hunt for a stolen Federation vessel; a hunt for which my previous post as XO was at the centre of.  The loss of the Valparaiso along with several of her crew was a bitter one.  One that could be ill afforded.  A number of its Officers and crew have joined me here on the da Vinci; but whether that is motivated solely by a sense of duty or thoughts of revenge, I’m not 100% sure, at this moment.  I hope I can temper my own feeling of anger and carry out my orders and set an example to the rest of the crew.

I’ve managed to get a reasonable number of those staff I’d originally requested; though like many ships, we’ll be shorthanded for a while.  My new First Officer will be amongst a small number, we’ll pick up on route.  I hope she will adjust to both the new role and her new status as a joined Trill.  Becoming a host in such a traumatic situation can’t have been easy.  Which is why I’m surprised she approached me.

First off we need to get this old girl launched.

<End Log.>


Anacostia-Bolling swivelled her chair to the right away from her desk and the computer terminal, stood and walked over to the window looking out across the docking area.  Her thoughts wondered to the court hearing the day before.  She’d been asked to give evidence via subspace video link at the request of her former captain’s defence team.  But how do you help defend the actions of a self-centred domineering bigot who doesn’t think you have the right, let alone skill to captain a ship of your own.   Mary couldn’t believe how long she’d gone along with everything Captain Robert Eglin had said and done over the years.  Then again he wasn’t the first overbearing guy she’d got herself mixed up with.  She’d been married to one; for a short while at least.

So her words probably hadn’t help the situation he now found himself in; but his need to be in control had led to the deaths of 37 crew members; including one of her close friend.  The man she’d known as Mar Ley was gone, his wife and now her new XO along with being Chief Science Office, now carried the Symbiont he had before his untimely death.  That would take a bit of getting used to.  Now known as Alara Ley, the Commander wondered how much the joining had changed the woman who would be working directly below her.  Could you ever really be the same person after something like that?  She’d find out soon enough.

The Commander turned away from the window in her ready-room and headed for the Bridge; which as she entered, was a hive of activity, though an organized one at least.  “Ensign Phillanie, inform Docking Control we’re ready to get underway.”

“Aye Commander.” Replied the ensign on communications, as he entered the relevant commands.  “Docking Control confirms we are cleared to depart at our discretion.”

Commander Anacostia-Bolling sat herself down the Captain’s chair, her chair, the big chair; this really was it.  Nowhere to run now and no one to hid behind either,   Once they’d rendezvoused with the USS Jaxartes and picked up the last few members of the crew; there would be 77 souls aboard this ship, all looking towards her to make the right call, the right choices.  ‘No pressure then.’

The communication system rang out its tell-tale whistle across all decks.  “This is your Captain.” She took a deep breath, sensing all eyes on the bridge were now focused on her. “We will be shortly leaving dock and heading out on our first mission as crew of the USS da Vinci.  Some of you have served with me before, others have come from other postings; and for a few of you this will be your very first ship.  I hope to get to know you all in the coming days as we head out.  All I ask is that you perform your duties with care and diligence. That is all”

She took a slow casual glance around the bridge, trying to gauge their reactions to her short message.  Beriev the Saurian Assistant Chief Science Officer was impossible to read, he could have been thinking anything.  Even after three years, his reptilian features gave no hint of what went on inside that head of his.  But he was remarkably good at his job and that’s what counted.  Grav her Tellarite Security Chief; not the Commanders first choice, not even her second to be honest; gave his usual seemingly disapproving grunt.  Another veteran of the Valparaiso, he was someone she’d have to tolerate and work with, if she was ever going to succeed.  The rest seemed happy enough, even is the Commander felt she wasn’t going to be winning any awards for inspirational speeches.

“Mister Isaacs, disengage all moorings and take us out nice and slow.”

“Aye Captain, nice and slow.”

From her position within Starbase 86, the USS da Vinci would have to back out; probably not the most impressive way to get a mission going, but at least now they were on their way.

“Bring us about, baring 212 relative.” The ship slowly turned away from the station, which would now be acting as the vessels home base. Anacostia-Bolling watched as the view on the main screen changed from that of the Aurora-class structure that was Starbase 86, the Azure Nebula and the myriad of stars and planets. “Take us out full impulse; on heading 212 mark 037 and got to warp 5 once we’re past the outer marker.”

She waited silently as the USS da Vinci moved away, taking one last look at the Nebula, wondering if the great artist this ship was named after, had ever painted something as magnificent and awe-inspiring.  The Commander knew very little about the man who was born almost a thousand years ago.  What would he have made of a starship like this, or the fact his name was still remembered long after his death.  They certainly weren’t going to be building a ‘USS Anacostia-Bolling’ at any point in the next thousand years, of that she could be 100% sure.

The Commander stood up once the ship had gone to warp.  It wasn’t a bad chair, but the padding in the seat felt a bit hard; may be they thought she had a rock hard backside or something, and wouldn’t notice.  She should have done something about it after first sitting in the big chair; getting a comfy cushion hadn’t been at the top of her list at that point.  She’d just have to put up with it for a while: dealing with a pain in the ass was nothing new.

“Mister Beriev, the bridge is yours.” The Commander announced loud enough for all those present to hear. “I’ll be in my Ready Room if you need me.”

For now the crew were a little in the dark as to their first mission, Anacostia-Bolling was waiting until her OX came aboard before she set up a staff meeting and explained everything to them.  That would be tomorrow, when they meet up with the Jaxartes.


  • Starting a new mission is always exciting and having a new XO is a great addition. I'm looking forward to how this develops between the two ships, and think that the new adventure is really a great addition to the Fleet event. I can't wait to read more in the tale.

    November 2, 2024
  • This opening delivers on multiple levels. At a macro level, they’ll be pursuing a stolen Starfleet vessel, something quite crazy to consider - who would be so bold as to steal one, how did they get away with it, and what could they do with it? And at the micro level, it delivers on some goodies about the crew, the one I’m most curious about being how they will cope with the transplant of the symbiont given how unconventional a host it’s found itself within.

    November 2, 2024
  • Lots of reflection, and setting the state for what's to come! I dig the idea you've used for the plot, most of us in this campaign are chasing top secret infernal contraptions, and yours was to chase down a whole bloody ship instead! And as someone also writing a Trill that'll be adjusting to the change of a joining, I'm pretty interested to see how that character of yours pans out. It sounds like their transplant was more unexpected, bore out of unfortunate circumstance. Looking forward to reading more, this seems like it'll be a solid baptism under fire to mark her new command!

    November 4, 2024
  • Great scene setting there with the captains log and I liked the little introspection about the Ley symbiont and how the transfer would change the person she knew. Mary comes across well, and determined to make up for the past. She’s well drawn and very relatable in that respect. This is a good post that sets the scene of a captain, with a new crew, heading out. You give us Mary’s concerns nicely woven through the action of the scene. I’m already rooting for her!

    November 5, 2024