Part of USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

Coffee and the color of love.

Beans and Gab-on Vulcan
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Arin walked out to the flight simulator. Her civilian clothing returned as she exited the holo-grid, her comm badge chirped. She had set it to do not disturb during flight time. A notification that she was needed at the Earth embassy on Vulcan came in, and no uniform was needed.

It was an odd message but had all the proper authentications. Since the building was literally around the corner, Arin walked over. Walking in, she headed for the yeoman at the desk. In front of her was another person, getting information.  When the man stood up she was surprised to see her father.

“Dad?!” Arin said, going in for a tight hug. “What are you doing here?” She asked.

“It’s a crime to want to see my daughter?”  Riordan said.

“Of course not, just a surprise is all. You also aren’t answering the question.” Arin shot back.

“I got bored.” He answered. “So I took on some side work. Clerical stuff, I assure you.”

She hadn’t decided whether or not he was being straight with her, but Arin let it drop. She knew he couldn’t always tell her everything. Captain’s prerogative, he would say, knowing that he wasn’t able to talk about it.

“Your timing is accurate as usual,” Arin said. “I met someone. She’s in surgery right now but she should be done soon. We had plans for lunch here anyway. This is will be so cool. You’ll love Lavender, Dad.”

“If you picked her, I’m sure she is amazing,” Riordan said. The pair caught up and headed to a local cafe. Getting coffee, Arin sent Lavender a meeting link, so that she could find them. Though she did add “look nice for company, please. Maybe a sundress?” It was all the hint she was giving Lavender. Ending the message with a sickening amount of X’s and O’s she sent she was having coffee with her dad.


U.S.S. Denver

Aboard the Denver Lavender had finished her surgery a while before and had received a missive from her other half informing her of her leave. Finally being off the hook was something the M’talan couldn’t just accept, not without double checking. She pressed her badge.

“Haigh to Captain Talon, Jones says you consider me on leave. Is that true?”


“Talon here. Doctor? Of course Doctor.  If anyone needs medical attention there’s the station’s hospital.   Relax, this might be the last opportunity we get.”


Lavender felt the weight of responsibility lift from her shoulders in an instant. It wasn’t until then that she realised quite how afraid she was of screwing up.

“Thank you, Captain, I will,” she returned. “Haigh out.”

So. Leave. What the hell was she going to do with leave? Lavender lived to work, partly because of her personal drive to do her best for her mother, but partly because it kept her distracted from the train crash that was her state of mental health. Arin wasn’t even aboard to keep her focus. She didn’t want to be alone, but there was hardly anyone on the ship. Lavender rose from her office chair and headed for her quarters at pace. There was a bottle of Grappa there with her name on it and hopefully a few hours of oblivion free of nightmares.


It didn’t take long for a bottle of Grappa to become significantly less than a bottle of Grappa. The stars outside her window swam. Lavender’s bleary eyes watched them and she wondered how fast the ship was going. It wasn’t, of course, but it felt like it was.

The computer terminal in her bedroom bleeped and the puppeteer controlling the Doctor yanked a string that pulled her to sitting. Swearing liberally she read another message from Arin.

“Company huh? Hmmm…”


Vulcan, twenty five minutes later

Fortunately for the somewhat inebriated Lavender her makeup from work that day was still good, she was far too far gone to do a decent job with it now. It was only plenty of experience with being intoxicated that allowed her to walk with any real semblance of normality. She wore one of her many gothic black dresses with some heels, her usual array of necklaces, and a clutch-sized shoulder bag of whatever crap she could find to put in it, mostly makeup. Doing a really quite convincing impression of sobriety Lavender made a quick scan (Mk 1. eyeball) of the seated clientele… Arin wasn’t hard to spot, this was one advantage of her green skin. Lavender sauntered over.

Riordan sat with coffee, Arin had ordered a pitcher of mimosas for her to share with Lavender. Knowing she was a physician, Arin knew times would happen when she would be called upon to be elsewhere.

As Lavender got close, Arin stood up to greet her, teasing her a bit, she noticed a misstep and offered, “Heels being a bitch? I was starting to wonder about you. Dad, this is the woman I was chatting about. Doctor Lavender Haigh, meet Riordan Jones, my dad.”  Going in close she, kissed Lavender while allowing her a moment to mentally adjust to her dad being there. “I didn’t know he was here.”

“Well I didn’t know either!” Lavender said with excitement, the alcohol on her breath becoming ever so apparent. “Your Dad! Pleased to meet you, sir. Lavender left Arin’s side to shake Riordan’s hand and cover him in alcohol breath instead. “Lavunda Jones. Haigh! Shit.”

Riordan took the offered hand. “A pleasure to meet you. Arin has told me a few things. All good I assure you.” He paused, “I can see why now. She’s a beauty. ” He took her hand and guided her to the chair ignoring the obvious drunken behavior, and managing a bit of charm in the process, as he walked up and hugged Lavender briefly, to gauge how bad she really was.

Drunk officers weren’t a new thing to him. The inhabitants of Vulcan had seen drunk aliens before as well, so he wanted to assess if she was okay for being out and around or just a sloppy mess.

Arin’s face fell at the realization of Lavender’s condition. She wasn’t mad. Just disappointed. She also understood better than most. Had Arin been older, she could easily see it becoming an issue. It nearly had for her. Sneaking whiskey at early teens just to dampen something and not feel.

“Oh very kind,” Lavender observed as she managed to navigate the cluster of table legs and chair legs with ber legs and become seated without falling over. Her gaze swirled over to Arin. Arin knew, that much she could tell immediately just by the look on her face. But would she call Lavender out? She held a convenient glass towards the pitcher of Mimosas.

“Fill me up, Scotty!”

Arin smirked, far be it from her to get in the way of anyone’s thirst. She knew it was more trying to drown the brain from feeling anything since then it would not be bad. “How’s the patient?” Arin asked. “Someone important enough to warrant your talent or just the luck of the draw?”

Filling Lavender’s glass,  drained hers, refilled it, then asked for two coffees. So far she wasn’t pissed enough it would cause a scene, just a bit boisterous. Arin knew she was going to have to play nursemaid. That didn’t bother her. Her dad, aunt, and other relatives did far more for her when she was in trouble decades ago. Now it was her turn.

“By the way, where is my sugar?” Arin teased leaning over close to Lavender.

“Oh sorry…” Lavender leaned over and placed a 120 proof kiss firmly on Arin’s lips. It was probably somewhat more intimate than she would have deemed appropriate for such surroundings were she not fairly wasted.

“Luck,” Lavender then replied, watching her glass fill up eagerly. “Fine, Captentalon said if there was any emergessy the station could handle it. So I’m free! Free to spend time with my girlfriend.” She smiled drunkenly at Arin. “And her Dad!” She added suddenly, holding out a hand towards Riordan. “Sorry Dad…”

“Oh she’s sauced,” he said, taking her hand.”Riordan said, then added, “If she gets much more tanked, we might wanna consider a place more private or at least, less trafficked.

Arin grabbed a coffee, “Can you drink this first, please Lavender?” Risky since we would be a wide-awake drunk, but Arin thought it was worth a shot.

“Oh hell no,” was Lavender’s immediate response, waving her hand in a drunkenly imprecise manner in Arin’s direction. “You wanna add caffeine to this level of dehadrashen? Who’s your Doctor? She’s shit. Water. And Steak fries! Like when we first met…” Lavender smiled sweetly at the fond memory of that day in the lounge on Denver and laid her head on Arin’ shoulder. The room started spinning alarmingly and Lavender sat upright again quickly.

“No! No, bad idea. Heh.”

Arin set the water glass closer to Lavender. “Ok then, as your girlfriend. Hydrate, Purple Penelope. I’ll even match you so we both get fluids. Deal?” She said knowing it would trigger a response. It was a nickname she would have to use sparingly, but she was with her family—hardly open criticism in general public.

Picking up her glass, she handed Lavender her own ice water. “Down the hatch. Then we can see what shenanigans we can get into,” she got close to Lavender and finished the sentence, “Luv.”

Riordan watched with interest his daughter coming into her own. The struggles they had been through had tempered who they both were and mostly better on the other side of the conflict. She looked back over and he must have had a stupid expression on his face and hers furrowed slightly watching him.

They had thier own shorthand. “Just proud to be your dad, String Bean.”

Arin stuck her tongue out at the old no longer true nickname in mock defiance then smiled.

“Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. Wait.” Lavender leaned back a little on her chair to get a wider view of Arin. Her eyes were sparkling with the joy of new hijinks, her smirk making her lip rings stick out a little. “String Bean?”

Reaching into a pocket. Riordan pulled out what looked like a pocket watch, complete with chain. Placing it on the table, he brought up some old pictures of Arin in her early teens. Tall, almost lanky, very tomboyish, but the unmistable eyes and smile were right up front as usual. “That almost seems like another life.” He added. They shared glance and recognition.

“Hey, don’t even, old man. I have pictures of you with a mullett. We can shock the world.” Arin teased her dad.

Riordan was nonplussed and went back to his coffee as Lavender looked through the images. “She did clean up nicely.”

“Ahhhhhhhh, look at the little String Bean! Lavender said, scrolling through the pictures with a huge shit-eater grin on her face. “So cute!”

“Ohh, bite me.” Arin said, as she reached for the watch but it was a bit too far out of reach and Lavender had it in her hands.

“So what about you, Lavender? No fond memories of home?” Riordan said. Arin visibily winced shooting him a look instantly. To be fair, she hadn’t had time to unpack everything between them so she hadn’t told her father about Lavender’s mom. The tension in Arin’s body was apparent, Luckily, Lavender was engrossed with the pictures. The doctor visibly gripped the watch and stopped scrolling, but she didn’t look up. Her mouth tightened and her shoulders tensed and she swallowed, hard. A deep breath followed through pursed lips.

“Some,” she replied, still looking at the watch. “None since my Mom died.” And with that she went back to scrolling.

Noticing Arin’s body language too late, he prepared for the worst. When that didn’t happen he paused. Grabbing Lavender’s hand, Riordan squeezed it waiting until she looked up and knew she was listening. “Then it’s time to make a few new ones, don’t ya think? It’s a fine soft day, walking around the city with two gorgeous women, what’s not to love?”

Lavender looked up at him, and then to Arin.

“What about my Steak fries?” She asked, almost sorrowfully.

Arin smiled at Lavender, Riordan laughed a hearty belly laugh. “Now you’re talking. I could go for a good breakfast. Luckily, I know just the place. Say what you want about the Tellarites, but they know how to eat.”

The trio got up, thanking the staff, and headed back towards the Embassy. Past it were small shops, selling trinkets and snacks. They kept walking. Rounding a corner, was an old Ad0be building. Seemingly out of place, it was busy. The outdoor cafe was busy with laughter, food, and life as people enjoyed the day.

Riordan walking in, found a table to the side that was empty. They sat down and a large tellarite woman saw him, and squealed with delight. Hugging, she said, Arin, been a while. You look great.”

“Thanks Bella.” They kissed hello.  Turning her attention to Lavender she said. “And who is this? Too young for you I think, Riordan.” She said, “Oh, and wasting away, I see. Sit, I know just what you need.” Bella said thinking Lavender was far too thin.

“Yeah, I know what you need too lady,” Lavender retorted, her drunken swirling a step reduced by the exercise. “I know what this place needs too; a lick of paint. Or just get it over with and go straight for the Plasma bomb…”

Lavender was of course wishing to greet the Tellarite in her traditionally accepted way of complaining. Whether she’d hook-in was another question but Lavender was willing to risk that for the prospect of a good sporty argument.

“Scrape some off of your face, we’d be able to do a couple of rooms. Or is Batman your next target?” Bella shot back without waiting. Her customers were well known for coming in for the food and staying for the banter.

“Well deduced,” Lavender responded, with an amused grin. “This place could use Wayne kinda money for the back to brick renovation it needs to shift that school lunch-hall smell.”

Putting her arm around Lavender, she pulled into a tight hug. “Now we feed you till you pop.” Bella said laughing. Her keen nose picking up the Grappa. “The school lunch smell is caused by that solvent you’re drinking. It has melted your brain.”

Lavender chuckled, not seeming to mind about the hug.

“Well you know how when you’re wasted even mediocre food tastes amazing? Necessary precaution before coming here. The Doctor winked a fake-lashed eye at their Tellarite host and gave her a jovial pat on the shoulder before turning to Arin.

“She’s fun,” she grinned.

Out of the back, a young boy, obviously her child came out carrying a basket of fresh rolls from the oven.  A few hands shot up before he even shouted. “Incoming.”

Setting the basket on a table, the rolls started flying as if the kid was a major league baseball pitcher. Someone dropped one, instantly catclaw and jeers filled the room for a few seconds. Looking sheepish, he headed back to the kitchen.

Arin with a huge smile, turned explaining, “He has to help out for a minute for wasting food.”

Bella’s attention turned back to Lavender. “And yet, here you are…at my doorstep. Asking for my food. What’s the magic word?”

Lavender looked Triumphant.

“Aha! I know that one,” she replied. “It’s ‘Grappa’.”

Bella shook her head. “You have some?” She asked.  When Lavender shook her head, she added, “So I have to feed your ungrateful drunken self. So far, I do not see the advantage for me.” She paused for a second then, smiled, but these guys are family. You get a pass, this time. Next time, you might be doing the dishes. Dress appropriately.” She said with a wink.

Reaching over she aggressively hugged Arin and Riordan, kissing them both, then turned and said, “No, you’re not ordering. First, we bring you some food. “Go sit.”

Arin mocked wiping tears of joy from her eyes in anticipation of a good breakfast as Bella laughed at her.

Walking over, they found empty seats at the larger farmhouse-style tables. Rustic, serviceable, and the atmosphere was jovial. A hidden gem just off the beaten path, children ate with their parents, even a Vulcan or two could be seen. Pancakes, fresh bread, coffee, and other scents filled the air. Ceiling fans added an antique city feeling.

A few minutes later, food arrived. A cinnamon roll-monkey bread with several dipping sauces for the table to share. Then two plates of red and green chilaquiles arrived. Each topped with shredded deep-fried beef bacon, several cheeses, and sliced avocado.

Bella placed a large sandwich in front of Lavender. Chunks of deep-fried something covered a large sourdough bun, peaking out were two eggs, at least the sandwich was two pieces for easy access. “Never heard of steak fries so, here is my take. Lean over. This is messy, but you need something to stick with you. More like steak tater tots, but you have a choice of gravy though to me it needs that punch of horseradish in the cocktail sauce, which goes with,” She also placed a large tall glass of red fluid marked in increments from deckhand to pirate captain.  “One plasma bomb” She then placed a small red shot next to it. “And the ignitor. It’s policy for newcomers to be graded. There is no shame. Might be some good-natured ribbing, but you’re a big girl. You can take it. So. Think Tequila shooter. Hot sauce, then the Bloody Mary. Plus, the fluids will do you good.”

Riordan profusely thanked Bella as he eyed the food. Arin watched Lavender with interest. When Bella got called away, Arin offered. “The hot sauce isn’t that hot, she wouldn’t do that to you. Plus it actually makes me hungry. I think you’ll be a fan considering those jalapeno margaritas recently.” Arin said, giving Lavender’s leg a gentle squeeze.

Lavender tore her eyes away from the smörgåsbord in front of them and gave Arin a slightly drunken chuckle.

“Oh guess we’ll see,” she toyed, “but if I hurl, I’m hurling on you…”