Part of USS Callisto: Journeys End In Lovers Meeting


Market, Liraxa IV
November of 2401
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Jonathan found that the visit to the market took his mind off things, but only just so. He was still annoyed that the Elders were so incredibly vague with their answers rather than showing actual interest in a solution to the conflict they had requested Starfleet’s aid for. It seemed like an incredible waste of Starfleet’s time, energy and resources. 

Surprisingly, talking to Brennan hadn’t been as much of a chore as he had anticipated when Ceix had grouped the two of them together. He was still on the fence as to whether the young woman made a good First Officer, but as a person, she seemed… nice? Well, acceptable was a better way to put it. 

But there was something else that was a whole lot more “acceptable” – they had come across a substance that was used for meditation purposes, and said to trigger happy memories. Jonathan longed to feel happy, but he couldn’t allow Brennan to notice how enticing the notion was for him. So he played it casual and feigned superficial interest where he, in truth, was trying to memorise the name of the substance, the face of the merchant and the location of the stall – and return later. 

As they left, Brennan looked at him, ready to ask something… but never got that far. 

“Excuse me.”, interrupted a the melodic voice of a Liraxan woman with blonde hair and an intricately woven dress. “You are the Starfleet Officers that were summoned by the Elders.”

It wasn’t a question, and since it wasn’t a question, Jonathan didn’t answer. But Brennan did. 

“We are.”, she confirmed. “I didn’t know our visit here would be so… well known.” 

Jonathan scoffed a little, and did so before he could stop himself. The Callisto was visible in orbit above them, and they certainly stuck out with their uniforms. Brennan looked at him, and for a moment, there was a hint of confusion in her eyes, which had Jonathan unsure how to react. 

“Of course.”, said the stranger, and bowed slightly. “Jara Melun. I was hoping to meet you, and perhaps talk.”

“Talk?”, asked Jonathan, furrowing his brows. 

“Yes, talk,” Jara confirmed, her voice remaining calm and steady. “The Elders are… cautious, you might say. They don’t speak openly with outsiders, not even those they ask for help. But some of us… ” she paused, her bioluminescent markings faintly pulsing in the warm market light “…don’t share their reservations.”

Ah, thought Jonathan. Finally someone willing to cut the crap and get to the point. It was something he had always appreciated in people. 

“What is it you wish to speak about?” Brennan asked. She kept her tone carefully neutral.

Jara looked around. Her golden eyes scanned the busy market before gesturing for Keller and Brennan to follow her into a quieter corner. The pair exchanged a glance, then complied, and walked beside the mysterious woman until they reached a secluded space beneath the overhang of a stone archway.

“I know why the peace talks are failing,” Jara said quietly, glancing around to ensure no one was listening in on them. “And it’s not because of the land disputes or even the assassination.”

Jonathan tensed. ”Then what is it?” 

“The Elders have been hiding something… something critical to our survival.” She hesitated, eyes locking onto Brennan. “Our tribes have forgotten the old ways. There was a telepathic link. One that used to exist between us all. But it’s been lost for generations, and now, with no way to connect telepathically, we just don’t seem to manage to really hear each other any more.”

Brennan blinked. “Are you saying there was once a time when the Malivan and Virexians communicated telepathically?”

Jara nodded. 

Jonathan crossed his arms, his skepticism resurfacing once again. “And what do you expect Starfleet to do about this supposed forgotten link? We’re diplomats, not miracle workers.”

“I am a student of our university. I have been working with others to uncover what happened to the telepathic link. But we need help – your help.” 

Brennan looked at Keller, and he in turn decided to take the lead on this. It was probably for the better anyway. 

“You got us listening. What can you tell us about the link?”, he asked. 

Jana shook her head. “Not here. Please, accompany me to the library. We will share everything we know.” 

Library. Fine, at worst it would turn out to be as much of a waste of time as talking to the Elders. “I will let the Captain know that we are following a lead.”, he decided eventually. 

Brennan nodded her assent. Good. At least she wasn’t arguing.