Part of USS Valkyrie: Subspace Rhapsody

A day in the life

Crew quarters and Sickbay
shortly before Mysteries in the Dark
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Waking from a short nap before duty, Hilea took the luxury of a shower. Something that would not have been possible not long ago in what she considered a past life. Whether the Romulan Senate thought so was another matter. But as the months passed, Hilea grew into her newfound culture.

Now more than a year in, the change in who she was astounded even her at times. From the near timid creature that arrived full of hate, fight, and angst over a year ago, to a now not only valued member of the crew but making true friends. Even one that knew her true Rihannsu name, something you only give to the most trusted.

Walking to the replicator, she asked. “Computer, a half-liter mug of Vulcan spice tea with chocolate soy milk. Also a plate of modified Shakshuka with a side of kippers.” A mix of eggs, tomatoes, and onions, but she substituted smoky Poblano and Ancho chiles for the bell pepper.

It was a slight change from her usual breakfast of Banger and scrambled eggs with toast, which Hilea had learned to love from the aforementioned name-knower. Lily then came to mind. A platonic foray into human culture. Her dads back near London had greeted her with open arms. The lavish garden in the backyard helped win her over. Had it not been for the Bells, her transition into Federation culture would have been far more painful.

Padding around the room, she tended her mix of plants. Most were on self-feeders but they still required the hand to prune, twist, and nurture. The mix of flora and natural materials lent the space a warmth and air that was calming.

Duty came next. A fresh clean uniform and off to Sickbay. The usual mix of mishaps, exams, and Petty Officer Patel’s twin girls. A normal day of rotations.

Once off duty, she changed into a karate Gi, something comfortable that one allowed the freedom of movement to fight. Thirty minutes of yoga followed by ninety minutes of intense training and cardio. Hilea rinsed off before changing into a fresh Gi, this one lined for warmth.

Dinner consisted of something called fried chicken salad and a large glass of orange juice. As a treat to herself, she added a mug of extra dark hot chocolate.

Hilea sunk into an overstuffed denim-cotton couch and the next several hours were spent learning that medicine, especially with multiple species crew, was a never-ending task.

An hour before her nap, she meditated. Though her version was slightly different. As long as her mind was calm, she allowed it to wander. She thought about Lily, sending her a quick catch-up email before heading to her bed, napping before duty.

Repeating the normal cycle, Hilea awoke right before her alarm was set to go off. Another shower and fresh uniform later she was ready for her day.

With so many fresh faces on board, Hilea knew that she needed to socialize more. Fresh faces and ones that while she hadn’t avoided, if she were honest, she also hadn’t put forth her best effort with Taylor. It was more from the whirlwind of activity than any emotional or other response towards the security officer.

Something she added to her ongoing to-do lists.