USS Valkyrie: Subspace Rhapsody

The crew of the USS Valkyrie has to confront their own past as subspace distortions cause hallucinations that fray their minds and spirits.

Mission Description

After shore leave, the USS Valkyrie embarks on a mission to investigate a presence believed to be a visitor from another part of the galaxy. The entity in question is believed to have gotten trapped in Federation territory when the subspace apertures opened.

As they approach their destination, the Valkyrie intercepts a distress signal from a civilian vessel ensnared within a chaotic field of mini subspace distortions. Communication attempts fail, and sensors show no life signs aboard the distressed ship. The crew decides to investigate.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

14 September 2024

In The Middle

USS Valkyrie: Subspace Rhapsody

“You know you can leave the work at home, right?”  The bartender indicated the three PADDs that sat on his bar.  The Chief Medical Officer and XO sat on the stool, her eyes scanning the screens as she tapped at various points.  Lieutenant Sienna Frisco rolled her eyes without [...]

11 September 2024

Back Again and Forward

USS Valkyrie: Subspace Rhapsody

Lieutenant Sienna Frisco sat in her office.  The morning was starting, and her requisite coffee was on the desk as she worked through the messages, notices, and updates crossing her desk as both XO and CMO.  She tapped at her console, “Chief Frisco to Lieutenant Commander t’Rehu – [...]

8 September 2024

Captain's Log, Stardate 2401.11.02

USS Valkyrie: Subspace Rhapsody

Captain Saffiya Nassar reclined in her chair. It was a good chair, but she had been sitting in it far too long over the past days in which the Valkyrie had been given time for the crew to unwind, and the Captain to get aquatinted with her new assignment. And ‘getting aquatinted with her new [...]