Part of USS Denver: Mission 8: War Drums

Sweet Dreams

USS Churchill
Late 2371 (Backpost)
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Marcus finished making the meal he planned.  He was sad that Nina didn’t like mac and cheese but he pivoted.  Two medium / medium-rare beef steaks, two twice-baked potatoes with all the fixings, a small number of green beans for each, and two Caesar salads.  He put all in a portable food stasis chest (about the size of an old-fashioned cooler) before heading off to Holodeck 2 which he had reserved for the next four hours with a sixth-hour option.  He had a smaller container holding several bottles of chilled hard apple ciders.

He tapped his com badge on his dress uniform and said, “Ensign Ming to Petty Officer Chasu.   Meet me in Holodeck two, please….Hopefully, you are dressed to kill pretty lady.”

At the moment, Kannina was arm-deep in a shuttle console. Tapping her comm badge, Kannina said, I will be a few minutes late sweetie. One of your compadres shorted out the impulse thruster controls. Please keep it on simmer.”

“I’ll keep the hot items hot and the cold items cold pretty lady.  I and the venue will be ready,” Marcus said with a slight smile.

She paused, then added, “Just make sure I’m not the only one leveling up. I won’t disappoint.” She tapped out to close the link, deftly pulling the last clip on the relay board she was working on, tossing it into a nearby recycle bin. She placed the new part into place and closed all the connections, then tested the board.

Climbing out, she logged the repair. With purpose, she made it to her quarters and sonic shower. Scrubbing off the grime took a bit, however now clean, she used a light body spray, then moved to her clothing.

“Computer, ‘playing for time’ by Acoustic Alchemy, volume 50%. The lively mix of light rock and Spanish guitar flooded the room and she started getting dressed. Selecting a form-fitting knee-length black cocktail dress, that had a emerald border near the bust. She added complimentary matching earrings. Finally, she added a 4-inch heel. She had It still would barely make her 5 foot 5. Finally, she added a tiny amount of perfume on her wrist and neck veins. A final pop of red lipstick, then she checked her appearance in the floor-length mirror. “You lucky bastard.” Kannina sent through her mind to Marcus, and slipped her comm badge into a red clutch bag, along with a few accessories.

A minute later she was in front of Holodeck Two. “Program running. Enter when ready.”

Kannina walked in taking the ambience of what had been created. “Crash and burn or did I get the tail hook this time?”

Ming had recreated a large cabin that his parents owned.  It was two stories with a dining area, kitchen, living area and study off a hallway by the front doors. The other direction held a laundry room and a garage that had been converted into a transport reception.  The lights were dimmed and a trio of tapered candles alite on the table with various sized  pillar candles lighted around the ground floor as well as the loft style walkways and sitting area of the second floors.

One thing he loved about this home was the warm scent between woody and faded incence. It also had the scent of the candles and warming food.  He looked over from the dining room over to the front entry way (where the archway was for the moment, while the doors closed, and vanished) revealing heavy oak doors with artfully etched glass.

Marcus gazed at Kannina for a moment in pure admiration before he thought, “The tailhook caught the arresting wire for sure.  I thought you were beautiful dressed as a greasemonkey.  You’re beyond breathtaking in that outfit for sure.”

As if to prove a point, his heart literally chose that moment to skip a couple of beats as he blushed somewhat.  He ran around less than his fellow pilots however this was far from his first rodeo.  She was making him feel like it was the first time though and that wasn’t flattery.

Making a bit of an effort, she let him watch her walk across the room. When she saw the uniform, she made a face briefly. “Computer overlay a silk pinstripe suit on top of the dress uniform. Main color black, red pinstripes, charcoal grey shirt, and a red tie.” She placed a hand on his chest. “I just left a warzone. Uniforms are the last thing I want to see right now.” Looking around the room, she offered, “Nice place. Does it still exist? Who does a lady have to kill to get a drink around here?”

Ming went to the wood and brushed metal fridge and pulled out two bottles of a dry hard cider he liked.  He talked as he deftly opened the bottles and carried them to his dazzling looking date.  He thought to her (more to practice since he almost never could with normal humans), “It is.  Forrest Highlands started as a high end golfing community.  It’s just south of Flagstaff, is next to Fort Tuthill Nature Preserve, and is something of a place that time left behind as a historical community.  Aside from a few 24th century upgrades here and there it’s largely the way it was when it was built.  I found out the story behind that too if you want to hear it later on.”

Marcus handed Nina one of the bottles and thought, “Hopefully you like hard apple cider.  This one is a dryer version rather than sweet.  I found I like this kind better with most meals while the sweet seems to be better with desserts.”

Taking the bottle, she thanked him and then thought back. “I am starting to wonder about your manners, though.” She said playfully. Pointing to the dress, she said, “Hard cider glasses, 500ml size, two.” She poured about three-quarters of the bottle into the glass and then sipped at the bottle before upending the contents. Handing him back the now empty bottle, she thought, “I don’t mind beer in bottles, make sure I am wearing jeans please next time.” Ending with a wink.

“I like it, it has character.” I bet it’s great on a cold night in front of that fireplace.” Kannina added, walking around the room, and examining various things.

“Hmmmm.  Certain things taste better in bottles, I find.  This is one.  If you’d prefer it in a glass you’re welcome.  This place was built in the late 20th century before the wars so jeans would be appropriate.  Someday the house will be mine and it’s currently in the family so I am sure we could visit before too long.  It’s a relaxing and enjoyable place to be I promise.  I look forward to taking you there,” Ming said with sincere honesty.

She set the glass down. “Are you okay? All this juicy goodness and I get quiet resolve. I haven’t even gotten a damned hug or asked how I am?” Kannina offered. “I know this is our first date, but I just survived more levels of hell than I ever want to go through again. Can you show some interest?” The color in her face reddened slightly.

Ming quirked an eyebrow in an almost Vulcan-like manner.  He grinned and replied, “I was about to ask those questions inside the next moment or so.  I was beaten to the punch, so they say, but I digress.”

He stepped closer sliding his arms around her and smiled.  “I hope you have had a good day so far pretty lady,” he said as he gazed into her eyes.

Actually, it’s been pretty shitty. Until right now.” Kaninna said, sliding into the embrace, savoring the warmth. When Marcus attempted to break the embrace, she let him get almost away before forcefully pulling him back in. They shared a glance. “Now what’s for dinner?”

The human man’s violet eyes met his female companion’s beautiful black eyes as he pointedly did not let her go.  He smiled and said, “Two steaks done medium rare to maintain the quality of the meat with a little salt and cooked over mesquite wood which I find to be one of the most perfect ways to cook such meat.  Two twice-baked potatoes with all the very delicious usual fare.  Some steamed green beans as another side and an appetizer of Caesar salad.  Dessert is up for discussion though I have a few options in mind that we could discuss after dinner if that would be acceptable to you.”

“Good. I’m starving. Real food sounds amazing. As does dessert.” Kannina said looking back. She did like the color of his eyes. She also didn’t move but merely smiled widely back at Marcus. “Go ahead. Let’s see who blinks first.”

As if to accentuate the moment, she reached out to Marcus’ mind. Letting the general sense of wonder and awe take time and become intimate. She needed to connect emotionally to anyone she considered worthy of mating with. Otherwise, as nice as it would be, it would just be meaningless energy expenditure to her. Not what she wanted. Spark had to exist.

Ensign Ming didn’t flinch.  He admired the Petty officer’s beauty and her spirit.  He also sensed other things too. An opportunity he rarely got from women who caught his eye.  He felt the touch of her mind and let her in, touching hers in return but not pushing.  He had nothing to hide.  Yeah, he had a fling here and there, but he knew that he wanted more.  Companionship and romance had allure all their own.

Gazing into her eyes he noticed a few things that he could get used to as he picked up things about her likes, dislikes, and personality.  Something else he picked up was that she might well be hungrier than he was and that said a lot.  He grinned at her and thought, “Perhaps we can pick this back up afterward however we may wish to eat before there’s a risk of starvation?”

It was still early, but Kannina so far was interested. She was glad to see Marcus had more layers in his psyche, a good sign. She could tell he was but then he was a man. She found she had to be in the mood, while typically they just needed to be in the room. Men could be such needy creatures, she found.  That didn’t bother her.

Her appetite for emotional intimacy along with biological affection was something she had to learn over the years. It taught her to become more selective in her partners, since she shared so with her lovers. Since the thoughts and emotions were more shared, there could be more risk, as Kannina found out with someone in the past.

Sex was only the frosting without the cake to support it. Interesting and fun, but not what she wanted. Hoping Marcus felt the same was a given at this point, as was her now grumbling stomach.

“I like a man that knows when to give in,” Kannina said. “Are you giving in?” She said, her smile widening even more as she looked and touched his mind, and then a spark from the carpeting as she took his hand.

Ming tilted his head and smiled impishly, “That I do.  However this is a temporary course adjustment.  We can discuss terms for giving in afterwards….Though I’ve feeling I might forgo terms.  -chuckles- Keep it up, dear lady.  You may convince me that I never want to leave your side.”

The sincerity of that last statement surprised him.  While he did not fear commitment like some of his fellow pilots, he’d never been afraid of commitment as a teen or adult.  He wasn’t a teenager and hadn’t been so taken with anyone so quick since…Hell, it even took more than a couple dates when he was a teen.  This one seemed like she was a keeper.

“Then we have the same expectations. Let’s see where this goes.” Offering her arm. Marcus took it. Another good sign. Walking to the table, she was about to sit, when she said. “Let me help. While I like to be waited on, any food not wrapped, canned, or otherwise shelf-stabilized sounds amazing.” She killed her cider, then retrieved a second for herself and Marcus.

Marcus smiled and said, “Please take those over to the table.  You can chose the set place you prefer.  I’ll grab dinner.”

Since the table was large for family gatherings, she asked the computer to split the table into two so that she and Marcus could sit across from one another. More intimate. It was a first date after all.

 The pilot went over to the oven range and then the fridge…Both were acting as a hot/cold stasis range.  He pulled out two plates with steaks paired with twice-baked potatoes from the hot then two salads from the cold.  Utilizing the bit of waiter experience he had, he carried all four plates to the table.  He then placed a main dish and a side salad at each setting.

He then pulled out a chair for his companion with a smile.  Marcus couldn’t help but notice, once again, how beautiful she was.  It’d been quite a while since he’d been this smitten.  Even with that in mind, he was happy to take it step by step and not rush some special.

“Stop broadcasting so loudly. Inside voice.” Kannina said, touching Marcus’ cheek.”This looks amazing, and thank you. Nice to have a dashing man in a suit across the table, too.” She said. “Now, let’s eat.” she said with a wink.

Marcus blushed.  He walked to one of the chairs with the settings and held it out for Kannina and smiled.  As he mentally invited her to sit he also thought appologetically, “Sorry if I am broadcasting loudly.  I haven’t been around many telepaths in my life.  Most of THOSE have been strangers, most of THEM have been Vulcans.  I suppose they were being polite and/or just used to us noisy humans.”

That last part he added a bit of self depreciating humor to…Kidding on the square as the old human phrase went.  As he pushed her seat in then moved to take his own seat he continued, “It doesn’t help my case any that I am quite drawn to you.  Beautiful, talented at your work, a personality that I can’t help but admire, and interests that mostly match my own rather closely.  The best and possibly worst part is that it’ll be tough to hide any of that from you nor would I wish to.”

The two ate and talked into the night.  The rest was history.