Part of USS Eagle: Mission 8 – Looking for Love

We Made It

October 2401
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“What happened? Where’s Kurtox?” said Saunders. “Izi?”

“We were discovered by Orion guards,” said Iziraa, her voice barely above a whisper. “Kurtox didn’t make it.” Not wanting his sacrifice to be for nothing, she moved to the pilot chair. “We need to go.”

Saunders and Mara looked at each other, but neither pressed the issue. There would be time for that once they were away. Saunders manned the engineering station.

Saunders had already begun prepping the ship for launch, so it took Iziraa only a few moments to be ready to go. Activating the thrusters, the Hav’neqh began to ascend.

The Klingon vessel rose through the atmosphere and into space. Iziraa moved away from the planet and prepared to go to warp.

“We’ve got an Orion cruiser closing fast,” said Saunders.

The Hav’neqh lurched as it was struck by incoming fire.

“Shields are down to 72%,” said Saunders. “This old crate can’t take many shots like that.”

The ship was struck again, throwing Mara crashing to the floor.


The last hit scrambled helm control, so Iziraa had to plot a new course. With time running out, she entered something random, hoping it would take them out of danger. “Engaging warp drive!”

The Hav’neqh burst into warp space as a photon torpedo roared through where the ship had just been only moments before.

“Engaging cloak,” said Iziraa. She tapped the console a few more times, studying the sensor readout.  Readjusting their heading, she changed it, so they were now on their way to Delvis IV.

Though they had gotten away, and Mara was rescued, the heaviness on the bridge of the Hav’neqh was stifling.  Saunders and Mara wanted more of an explanation, but Iziraa wasn’t ready to give one.

Mara decided to break the tension and change the mood. “Thank you both for coming to get me.”

Saunders reached out and held her hand. “Kurtox contacted us and told us you were taken.  We had to come.”

“Thank your captain for me for letting you,” said Mara.

“Uh, sure.”  Saunders didn’t tell her the only way he could, was to resign from Starfleet.

“It’s going to be hard telling everyone about Kurtox.  Living on Delvis won’t be the same without him.” It was now Mara’s voice that was a whisper.

“Did you ever find out why Mousette sent his thug to kidnap you?” said Saunders.

“Yes. Trevor was his nephew, his sister’s son. He blamed me for his death, so as punishment, he wanted me to live as his personal slave.”

Trevor Mayberry was the man murdered the first time Saunders and Iziraa were on Delvis, a murder Iziraa solved.

“At least it’s over now.”

Saunders knew it wasn’t. As long as Mara continued living on Delvis, Mousette could always try again. He had to think of something else.

After another bout of uncomfortable silence, Iziraa spoke, her voice stronger. “I’ll contact the Eagle and let them know we’re going back to Delvis. They can meet us there when they take Tork back.”

“What happened to Tork?” said Mara.

Saunders pointed to an empty chair. “Have a seat and we’ll tell you the whole story….”